
Spiderman World of Heroes

A boy is reincarnated into the body of Peter Parker and decides to become the greatest superhero in the world. Patreon~! https://www.patreon.com/Travel_X_Wolf This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of the Marvel Universe. Please support the official releases and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content.

Travel_X_Wolf · Otras
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9 Chs

Tony Stark

"Impressive" I couldn't help but, praise the massive futuristic building as I saw it looming down the street.

It was easily the tallest building in the area and almost looked like a fortress. It made sense though this was a dangerous world and alot of people would like to steal their tech.

As I walked up to the gated perimeter a security guard in a blue jumpsuit and body armor cut me off.

"Exuce me sir, do you have an appointment if not I would suggest you leave."

"I have a twelve o'clock meeting to present a product I want to sell to your company."

The guard mumbled something into his earpiece and after a moment of waiting nodded towards me.

"Alright you can go in, please wait in the lobby someone will come to collect you."

The gate slid open and I walked inside. The lobby was surprisingly empty with only a single receptionist waiting further in.

Following the guards instructions I took a seat on a nearby couch and started playing games on my phone.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

In the top floor of Stark Industries the CEO was looking at a holographic screen on his desk that showed Peter relaxing in the lobby.

"Is that the seller of the product you told me about? He looks too young probably a hack, just kick him out" a voice came from the side.

"Now, now you of all people should know not to judge someone's intelligence based on their age. If his Medspray truly does what he says it does it could save millions of lives."

"Hmm, I still don't like him."

"Haha, what are you afraid of finally having a little competition."

"What, first of all inventing one thing does not qualify him to be my rival. And second there is no way I'd ever be afraid of competition."

"If your so confident why don't you go down there and test him. I'll even let be in charge of scouting his Medspray. If you find any problems feel free to send him away.

"Fine, it's not like I have anything better to do."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I was starting to get a little irritated, it already been around twenty minutes and I was still here waiting.

I thought they understood how important my Medspray was since they gave me an appointment the very next day. But, maybe I just go lucky.

Of course the more likely option was that this was some kind of business tactic. Making me wait for a long time to show that they are the ones in a position of power.

Thinking about it, it made sense after all I'm only 16 they probably think they can intimidate me into selling cheap.

Sighing I went back to my game but, before I could I heard one of the automatic door in the lobby sliding open. I turned to look hoping it was someone coming to pick me up.

Unfortunately my hopes were shot down, it wasn't a stuffy business man or scientist in a white lab coat like I was expecting.

It was a boy how looked like he might be even younger than I was.

He had short brown hair, blue eyes, and was wearing a plain red tshirt. He was carrying a table and seemed engrossed in what ever he was doing.

Even though I was curious why someone so young was allowed to roam freely. I didn't really care enough to bother him, especially when I was wait for an important meeting.

So of course he sits right next to me even though there are literally a dozen other places he could sit.

"Any particular reason you had to sit right next me" I asked?

"Nope" was his only response.

"Okay" I said getting up and moving to another seat.

Without saying a word he also got up and moved to sit next to me again.

My eyebrow twitched "are you trying to annoy me?"


"Okay, what do you want, and what do I have to do to make you go away."

"Well, if that's your attitude, maybe Stark Industries doesn't have to buy your Medspray."

"Wait, you're who I've been waiting for" I gaped in shock "but?"

"But, what? I'm only a kid?"

"Well, yeah" I awkwardly scratched my head.

"You're not exactly the oldest either" he pointed out.

"T-that's true" I stuttered out not sure how I was supposed to deal with him.

"So" he put his tablet down "why don't you tell me about you so called 'Medspray'."

The way he said 'Medspray' gave me the feeling he was looking down on it and by extension me.

Gritting my teeth trying not to blow up at him I pull out the aerosol spray can I filled with my Medspray.

"Medspray is a mix of special protein compounds I invented that are incredibly adhesive and can harden in seconds."

"So you invented glue" he mocked?

"It's alot more than just glue" I spat "first of all it's completely harmless to the human body and is also an antibacterial as well as a hemostatic. It can be sprayed onto or into any injury and will completely stop all bleeding in the intended area."

"Alright" he said "let's say a cop is out in the street and is shot by a criminal. They use your spray to stop the bleeding and temporarily save his life. He is taken to a hospital and needs immediate surgery. How do they do that with all you glue in the way, and he dies."

"Do you really think I didn't think of that" I sneered taking another bottle out of my backpack. "This is a chemical dissolver I created for the Medspray. Pour a little of this on and the Medspray will break down to its base components in seconds."

"Alright, one last thing what the dissolver isn't used will the Medspray just stay there forever?"

"No, it dissolves on it's own after around an hour."

"Okay" he held his chin thinking "If it really does everything you say our company would definitely be interested in it."

"Actually" I interrupted him "that isn't everything my Medspray can do."

"Oh, and what else could it possibly do" he asked.

"Once it hardens it becomes strong enough to stop a bullet and can be used as a make shift cast."

"Okay, now we need to go down to my lab because I'm definitely not leaving that untested."

"Your lab?"

"Of course" laughed "One thousand square feet of awesomeness filled with the best tech on the entire planet."

"I don't think we ever introduced ourselves I'm Peter Parker" I reach out to shake his hand.

"Tony Stark" he responded shaking my hand.

. . .

. . .

. . .


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

(I used the Tony from Ironman Armored Adventures because everyone always used the Robert Downey Jr. version and I wanted to do something different, and because I thought having him younger meant he could be Peter's rival instead of his mentor. Not to mention that the version of Pepper in that show is easily one of my favorite characters in the Marvel universe.)