
Spiderman World of Heroes

A boy is reincarnated into the body of Peter Parker and decides to become the greatest superhero in the world. Patreon~! https://www.patreon.com/Travel_X_Wolf This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of the Marvel Universe. Please support the official releases and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content.

Travel_X_Wolf · Otras
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9 Chs


The night before my lab was finished I couldn't sleep which actually wasn't as much as I thought it'd be. I didn't notice it before because I still went to bed at the normal times just as a habit but, because of what ever happened to my body. I don't need as much sleep anymore only around three hours a night.

Anyway I was gone at four in the morning taking the first bus of the day. During the trip I put some serious thought into buying a car. Because there's just something pathetic about a Superhero taking the bus.

I could trick it out and everything maybe call it the 'Spidermobile' I laughed to myself.

My lab was only a couple stops away and I was there in no time. And the location ended being even more perfect than I hoped.

It was right on the edge of Queens and Manhattan, meaning I only had to webswing across the east river to do some heroing in the heart of New York.

The building itself looked around two stories tall with a massive concrete fence topped with barbed wire surrounding the place.

I walked up to the gates entrance and swiped the key card Tony sent me in the mail.

"Welcome Mr.parker" a mechanical voice rang out before the gate clicked and swung open.

The warehouse itself was also reinforced with military grade concrete and motion activated spotlights.

I enter the default code I was sent into the warehouses security door and went inside.

It looked even from the inside, the building was at least 20,000 square feet that's half the size of a Football field.

Everything I bought only took up a single corner with the rest being left empty.

Up above my lab area was an office that was probably used by the old manager. I climbed the set of metal stairs into the old office. It was completely stripped bare except for a desk with an old computer set up on it.

I went over to take a look, on the computers keyboard was a small binder. Picking it up I knew what it was.

Tony said they were going to leave this here for me, it was filled with all of the warehouses important information. Like the details of the security systems.

Reading through it I was pretty impressed, even though this wasn't a super important place for Stark Industries it was still like a small military base.

The walls and perimeter fence were made out of a special military cement that can block bombs. The windows were all bulletproof proof and treated with a coating that light in but, not out like a oneway mirror.

And last but, not least were all the sensors, cameras, and turrets everywhere. That's right turrets! All be it heavily modified ones that only shoot non lethal rubber bullets but, still turrets!

I smiled to myself after reading through everything this place was going to make an awesome base.

Putting the binder aside I booted up the computer. All the files on it were deleted except for a couple programs that controlled the security systems.

I pulled up the security cameras to check if they were working and the monitor lit up with dozens of different camera angles leaving no blind spots. Satisfied I powered down the computer and went to check on the rest of my equipment.

I spent the two weeks or so completely overhauling everything.

I bought a new computer to hook up to the security systems and recoded all of the systems myself. As well buying completely new security cameras and taking apart all of electrical wiring to check it for any nasty surprises.

It wasn't that I didn't trust Tony and his company but, better safe than sorry. I would rather take the time to make sure everything was secure before doing anything hero related then, end up regretting it in the future.

It wasn't all boring work though, I also turned to office area into a bedroom of sorts. I figured I would probably be spending alot of time here in the future, so I would need a place to relax.

I brought in a king sized bed, a massive 88 inch flatscreen tv, and even installed a fully functional kitchen.

On the hero side of things I custom made some weight lifting equipment to use that went all the way up to 10 tons. Of course I could barely lift half of that at the moment but, that's what they were for, to get stronger.

It was alot of work but, when I was finally finished and looked over everything I created I couldn't help but, feel a sense of accomplishment.

With my 'Spidercave' complete I could finally begin working on more important things, like my costume for starters.

The hardest part of making my suit wasn't the actual making of it, it deciding on a final design.

At this point I had around 30 different costume designs. Some of the were things I remembered from tv and comics, while the rest were original designs.

Since I couldn't make a decision I did the only rational thing I choose all of them. After all who says that a Superhero can only have one costume. Ironman literally gets an entire armory full of different suits, so why couldn't I do the same?

But, in the end it would take a while to make that many suits and I still needed one to wear for my first night out. So I picked the outfit that Spiderman wore in his 2018 game.

It was the classic red and blue but, the spider on its chest was white instead of black, and also had thin white stripes along its legs and forearms.

The reason I picked this costume even though I actually prefer darker colors was that it was very bright and non-threatening. I wanted people to actually like me and this seemed like the most likable costume.

Of course my costume wasn't just about aesthetics, it was actually made of a special kevlar weave that was breathable and could block automatic fire. Aside from that it was also fire, water, and shock resistant.

I also added night and infrared functions to its eyes and even a camera to record any dirty deals I see.

There was also a police scanner I hooked up to my mask so I could always know where the next crime was.

All of that stuff was cool but, my favorite feature was one I stole from the show Young Justice. When I tap the center of the spider on my chest the reds and blues of my costume would all turn black.

It worked because of a special dye I added to the suit. It worked in a similar way to an octopus the top lay of color the red and blue turn clear revealing the new black colors underneath. Leaving me with an awesome black an white stealth mode like Venom's color scheme but, with more white.