
Spiderman World of Heroes

A boy is reincarnated into the body of Peter Parker and decides to become the greatest superhero in the world. Patreon~! https://www.patreon.com/Travel_X_Wolf This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of the Marvel Universe. Please support the official releases and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content.

Travel_X_Wolf · Otras
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9 Chs


"You're Tony Stark" I barely managed to stutter out!

"It seems my genius has preceded me" he laughed.

"I guess so" I awkwardly laughed with him.

I couldn't quite believe it, this kid in front of me was definitely not the genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist everyone knows and loved.

This was a kind of wake up call for me. All along I assumed that with my foreknowledge I would be able to easily take on anything that came my way. Or even stop it from even happening in the first place.

But, if even the most basic assumptions I made about the world were wrong. Like the fact that Tony was a middle aged alcoholic. Then a couldn't completely trust anything I thought I knew.

While I was still wondering about what this could mean for my future as a Superhero, Tony led me down to his lab.

"Wow" I gasped looking at the place while Tony watched my reaction with pride.

"Yeah, most people are a little overwhelmed the first time they see it" he chuckled.

Looking at his lab I could see why he was so cocky. If I had a lab like this I would run it in people's faces too.

Lining the shelves and counters were every kind of equipment I could dream of. From advanced welding stations to precision laser cutters and a 3D printer the size of a car. It would honestly be easier to name the things he didn't have.

"Jealous" Tony smirked.

"Please" I rolled my eyes "you shouldn't be so proud of a lab your daddy bought for you."

"Yeah, you're jealous."

You're damn right is was jealous if I had a lab like this I couldn't even imagine all the awesome tech I could make for Spiderman.

"Let's just get this over with, how do you plan on testing my Medspray?"

"With this" he said motioning for me to follow him.

He led me to the far part of his lab that had what looked to be a shooting range set up.

"I thought Stark Industries didn't make weapons, Why do you need shooting range?"

"We don't make weapons but, we do make body armor and other protective equipment. So of course we need a way to test them. Of course my father doesn't actually let me keep any guns in my lab, he's such a buzz kill."

"Yeah I think I'm going to agree with him on that one. Guns and mad science don't exactly make the best combination."

"Hey, I resent that I know they're not toys and I'd never do anything stupid with them. Well, except for that one time but, that secretary made a full recovery . . . eventually."

"I can't tell if your serious or not and that terrifies me."

"We're starting to get a big off topic" he laughed.

"And what was the topic?"

"This" he said pressing a button on the wall, there was a clicking sound followed by a loud hissing as a hidden panel on the wall slid open.

Inside were rows of strange disembodied torsos. They were completely clear with a network of dark blue veins on its insides and a small device where the heart should be.

"We call them Synthetic Injury Dummies or SIDs for short. The clear part is a special ballistic jell that mimics human flesh. And the veins are an exact copy of the circulatory system."

"Is that a pump where the heart goes?"

"Exactly, it's a small pump that will moves the fake blood around and help any wounds bleed realistically."

"So, you want to test my Medspray on that."

"Right, if it can successfully stop a serious wound from bleeding then I'll buy it from you."

"Alright, then let's get started."

We lined several of them up in the firing range and waited for the security guard Tony called to arrive.

He walked in not long later wearing the signature Stark Industries body armor and more importantly carrying a pistol.

"What did you call me for, Sir?"

"Awe, come on Ryan we've been over this I don't like being called, Sir."

"Sorry, Mister Stark."

"You" Tony raged before quickly deflating "huh, whatever do whatever you want. I called you here because we need your help hurting some SIDs."

"Of course, Sir" he responded by pulling out his pistol.

I had to fight to stifle my laugh when I saw Tony's eye start twitching after being called sir again.

"Only shoot one we have different tests to run on the other two."

"Roger that" he spoke while moving into his shooting stance.

Me and Tony quickly moved out of his way before he fired two quick rounds and holstering his gun again.

We moved forward to check the damage, the SID had two severe gunshot wounds to the stomach and was bleeding blue blood everywhere.

"Well, what are you waiting for Tony looked at me he's bleeding out."

"Should have brought a change of clothes" I complained while approaching the SID with my Medspray in hand.

"Relax, it's only water with blue dye added, it washes out easy."

Gripping the Medspray I held it up to the first gunshot and sprayed.

The thick blue foam quickly filled the wound, and after only a moment expanded filling up any openings an closing the wound.

Not hesitating I moved onto the next gunshot and stopped its bleeding too.

Once both of the wounds were sealed I let out a sigh of relief. Even though I was confident in my Medspray it wasn't like I actually tested it before, so knowing it worked exactly as intended was a huge weight off my back.

"Not, bad" Tony praised " it actually works."

"Of, course" I shot him an evil look insulted because it sounded like he expected me to fail.

"Still, this is only the first test we still have two more. Ryan this time I want you too cut off the SID's shoulder. I want to see how it deals with a severed limb."

Wordlessly he pulled a knife out from his pant leg and easily sawed through the SID's shoulder, It was a little disturbing.

Once he was done I didn't wait for Tony to tell me I immediately went to seal the wound.

And to my happiness it easily stopped this wound too even though there was far more blood.

For the final test Tony wanted to see if it was really bullet proof or not. I sprayed a thick layer of the Medspray over the chest of the third SID and retreated from the firing range so Ryan could take his shots.

We moved far off to the side this time just in case there were any ricochets.

Ryan fired several rounds and every single one got stuck in the spray without penetrating into the SID.

Tony looked at me with a weird look "can you tell me again why your selling it as a medical spray and not a body armor?"

I shook my head "It's not that I didn't think of it but, no matter what I tried I couldn't get it to last more than a couple hours before dissolving. Every time I tried to make one that lasts longer it became super brittle."

"Then it looks like there's only one last thing to do" he looked me in the eye with the most serious expression I've seen him give "how much do you want for it?"