
Spiderman World of Heroes

A boy is reincarnated into the body of Peter Parker and decides to become the greatest superhero in the world. Patreon~! https://www.patreon.com/Travel_X_Wolf This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of the Marvel Universe. Please support the official releases and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content.

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9 Chs

My Own Company

It only took me an hour to finish the seven hour long test to get my G.E.D.. And that was only because the writing segments slowed me down.

It would take between two to three weeks for my test to be finished grading and have my diploma sent to me. Which would give me plenty of time to get all my spider related activities finished.

I was eager to get home and start working on the bare basics I would need as Spiderman my suit and web shooters. And I already had ideas for what I would do with both.

By the time I got home it was already noon and Aunt May was making lunch. When she saw me walk in the door she tackled me with a flying hug.

"I'm so proud of you" she cried.

"Alright, already" I pushed her off me "I've had enough sappy emotional garbage today to last the rest of my life. Right now all I want to do is go up to my room and start on a couple projects I've been thinking about."

She nodded in understanding "are you hungry do you need lunch?"

"No, thanks" I replied "I grabbed some food at a pizza place down town."

As I passed Uncle Ben on the couch he simply smiled at me and continued to watch his show.

Entering my room I was oddly satisfied and couldn't wait to get started.

I choose to work on the fluid for my webs first, because I wanted to wait until I had higher grade materials for the suit and shooters.

The old Peter was already a chemistry wiz and had a chemistry set with over 100 different types of chemicals just sitting in his room.

Since I was Spiderman what better place to start creating his webs then spider silk. Spider silk was easily one of the strongest substances on the planet.

Spider silk has a tensile strength five times stronger than steel but, is also far far lighter. If a single strand of spider silk was wrapped around the world it would weigh less that 500 grams or slightly over one pound (This is true).

Spider webs are primarily made up of two different types of Amino acids Glycine and Alanine.

Knowing that it wasn't actually all that hard to make the Web fluid. The hard part was finding a way to make the webs only sticky on their ends, so that I wouldn't get stuck to my own webs.

But, that was solved easily with some chemical solutions that couldn't be found in my old universe. When I was finally finished it was getting close to dinner time.

I went down a bit early to talk to Uncle Ben.

"What is it you need?"

"I wanted to ask if your free tomorrow?"

"For what?"

"I want you to come with me to start my company. Since I'm still technically a minor I need you to sign for me and to be the CEO until I turn 18."

"Your really going through with this aren't you" he sighed "fine I'll go."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Setting up my company was surprisingly easy all we had to do was go down to city hall and sign some forms and buy a couple permits. The best part was when I finally got to pick my companies name.

And I had already thought of the perfect name Marvel Industries. It was a good name that was easy to remember and paid homage to the world I was living in.

The next thing we went to do was trademark our logo. It was a simple red rectangle with the word Marvel written in silver.

After that was done and we had finally headed home it was already dinner time.

"So Marvel Industries, huh" Aunt May congratulated "that's a pretty catchy name but, your going to need more than a good name to compete with all the the other companies out there."

"I know Aunt May I'm planning on finishing my first project tonight. I even have a good idea of who I'm going to sell it to."

"That's good honey, just be careful don't get involved in anything you shouldn't."

"I know."

Later up in my room I was putting the finishing touches on my first product.

I decided to simply call it Medspray. It was a modified version of my web fluid. I got the idea from one of the Spiderman comics I read in my past life.

In it Spiderman used his webs to seal up an injury after he got stabbed to stop the bleeding.

The Medspray would shoot put in a thick stream under moderate pressure. I designed it to expand and harden on exposure to air.

It could be used to seal all kinds of wounds even gunshots. And because of its unique properties it could also be used as a make shift cast after hardening.

The Medspray would dissolve by itself after a couple hour and was completely non toxic.

To make sure no one ever associated it with my webs I dyed it blue and made sure it was didn't have the strength my webs had.

My Medspray could definitely save life and would be easy to sell to both the military and law enforcement.

Unfortunately for me I had absolutely no contacts to show it to and even if I did I had no way to mass produce it.

So in the end I thought it would be better to sell the idea to someone else. My first choice was the Fantastic Four. They were good people and always in need of new products.

Unfortunately I couldn't find them, they were probably on some Government base somewhere getting super powers.

So I settled on my second choice Tony Stark. Not to mention it wasn't even hard to find him there was literally a giant building down town with his name on it.

Which is exactly where I was going to head tomorrow.

Once I was done with my Medspray I check how my online poker accounts were doing. And unfortunately it looked like they had gotten wise to my program.

They had actually shut down their servers and were trying stop my program and figure out who made it.

I didn't want to get involved in anything major yet so I shut it down. Luckily though before it was caught my program managed to make another two and a half million dollars in the short time it was running.

Looking at all those zeroes in my back account I couldn't help buy, be a little excited. With that much money I could make some really cool stuff.

But, I would need equipment first. After selling my Medspray to Stark tomorrow I would need to see about getting myself a lab.

Actually thinking about it now I could probably buy everything I need from Stark tomorrow too. After all it was a Multi billion company they had to have some outdated equipment lying around somewhere, that they'd be glad to get rid of.

(Sorry for the short chapter today and lack of one yesterday I was sick.)