
Spiderman World of Heroes

A boy is reincarnated into the body of Peter Parker and decides to become the greatest superhero in the world. Patreon~! https://www.patreon.com/Travel_X_Wolf This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of the Marvel Universe. Please support the official releases and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content.

Travel_X_Wolf · Otras
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9 Chs

Last Day

School was about what I expected it to be with everyone ignore me. And Flash and his group occasionally insulting me and bumping me in the halls.

I was a bit disappointed when I found there was no Gwen Stacy or Curt Conners there. They were the only reasons I might consider staying in this god forsaken place.

The classes were far too easy and I realized that the Original Peter had actually memorized all of his textbooks.

I couldn't understand why he wanted to stayed in this stupid school. He could have actually went and got a G.E.D. years ago and moved onto college.

At first he stayed because of his friends but, he didn't have those any more. Ben and May wanted him to stay in school to have a normal childhood. However Peter never told them how shit everyone treated him not to mention they didn't know how truly intelligent he was.

Ever since he started getting bullied in Elementary School for always answering the teacher's questions first and acing all his tests. He was a little ashamed of his intelligence and held himself back from standing out anymore.

Unfortunately by then he had already been marked as the class outcast.

I shook my head and decided that all of this was a waste of my time. As soon as my latest class was over and the lunch period began. I grabbed my bag a decided to walk home.

It was a little far but, I could still make it in a little over an hour.

I started walking for the door when my spider sense started blaring again. Jumping to the side I avoid Flash who was trying to knock me down.

My sudden movement nearly caused him to trip but, he managed to catch himself.

"What the heck Parker" he scream catching the attention of all the kids in the hallway.

I just ignored him and continued walking towards the exit.

"Hey Parker I'm talking to you" He ran up a grabbed my shoulder forcefully turning me around.

"What do you want Flash" I sighed?

"What I want Parker, is for you to follow me into the bathroom for a moment "

Throwing his hand off my shoulder I replied "Sorry Flash I don't swing that way."

Hearing my insult Flash ground his teeth attempt to grab me and drag me off to whatever he was planning. Probably something cliche like giving me a swirly seeing as he wasn't very creative.

Seeing him lunge at me like that pissed me off seeing that I was almost out of there, I grabbed his arm and started twisting it.

He fell to his knees and screamed.

"You know Flash I'm getting really tired of your shit. I have done anything to you, yet you seem to have made it your mission to make my life a living hell" twisting his arm slightly farther.

"Flash" screamed the group of goons that always followed him around.

"Not so fast you take one more step and I snap his arm. The worst thing that can happen to a Quarterback is a shoulder injury isn't it?"

They all stopped cold.

"What! No you can't do that" Flash screamed!

I look down at him "It's not fun being at someone else's mercy is it Flash? Know that they can do whatever they want to you and there's nothing you can do to stop it" I twisted even more.

"No, no please don't my only chance of getting into college is a Football Scholarship" he pleaded with tears streaming from his eyes.

Looking at his tear filled face It's think it's kind of funny how Peter was ever afraid of this guy.

"Did you ever stop when I begged you to stop beating me up" I smiled maliciously to scare Flash?

"Noo" he cried completely terrified trying as hard as he could to break my grip but, it was useless against my spider strength.

"LET HIM GO NOW" I heard a shout.

Looking up I saw a teacher walking towards us while giving me a death stare.

"Mr.Parker you will let him go RIGHT NOW and follow me to the principal's office!"

I looked back down at Flash "I want you to remember how you feel right now. How powerless you feel and how your life was about to be ruined because you pushed someone too far and they decided to fight back."

I twisted just a bit further to prove my point before letting go and kneeling down to be eye level with Flash. I glared at him an spoke in the most serious voice I could muster "Don't bully people anymore and be glad that I don't take pleasure in hurting people like you do."

With that I stood back up and once again walked to the exit.

"Where do you think your going Mr.Parker" the teacher rage?

With looking back I simply responded "I'm leaving."

"No you are not" he rushed up and blocked my path."You are going with me right now, you need to answer for what you've done."

I simply walked past forcing him out of the way and neared the door.

"If you walk out that door I'll make sure you're expelled!"

I reached to push open the door before looking back at the teacher with a smirk "go ahead" and walked out the door leaving everyone stunned.

As I exited the building I felt an unbelievable sense of freedom.

I didn't want to end up as a Spiderman who had to juggle school, a job, and a personal life along with his alter ego.

That's why Peter's life always sucks in the comics. He's too nice to cut any one of those things from his life and extends himself too far and ended up letting everyone down.

As I walking home I started thinking about what I would do now.

A good Superhero needs three thing skills, resources, and a secret base. So I figured I would start with those.

My skills would be my spider powers and super intelligence. Those two things made a strong base but, I would need a lot more if I wanted to survive all of the terrible things I knew for a fact existed in this world.

To improve myself more I would need to learn how to fight. Because it would just be a waste to just be a simple brawler with all the power I had.

Unfortunately I couldn't think of a good teacher. People Like Iron Fist or Daredevil could be good choices but, it was still early in what ever universe I was in and I couldn't find any active heroes when I checked on my phone.

I could go to Shield they definitely existed and I even went to their website. However I didn't want to get involved with them until I already established myself as a hero. And could talk to them as equals or else they would just use me.

So with no good choices I would have to settle for training in one of the small Dojo's around town.

On to resources which was arguably even more important than Skills. If you have enough money there are very few problems that can't be solved.

Unfortunately my family is dirt poor and I'm still technically a minor so I won't be able to start my own company at least not yet.

Money is easily one of the things that always holds Spiderman back the most. If I can solve that problem I would be able to use my big brain to it's full potential.

I could build all kinds of different gadgets and webs to use in all kinds of different circumstances.

And the last thing a secret base isn't exactly required but, it's still something I want. After all, all the best heroes had them.

I could store all my equipment there and even build a lab and training center. As well as the coolness factor of when I take people there for the first time.

Unfortunately I would probably need large amounts of money to build a decent base.

Completely lost in my thoughts I almost didn't notice that I had arrived back home. And looking at the old worn down building I could help but, let out a wry smile.

I had a feeling that the next couple hours wouldn't be very pleasant when I saw the cars in the drive way.

Uncle Ben and Aunt May were home.