
spiderman i won't lose anything

I get reincarnated in the MCU world as a Spiderman. this time Peter won't lose anything because I am Peter Parker And I don't have a habit of losing. so follow my adventure as I become the ultimate Spiderman or more. this is my first story so please support me with suggestions and ideas. English is not my first language so grammar can we or I say it must be wrong.

Dawn_Of_Hope07 · Ciencia y ficción
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18 Chs

chapter childhood

When I started to wake up I found myself in a dark and very small space. I think I am in my mother's womb and it is time for my birth. Why do you ask because I feel something pushing me out and I can hear some voices faintly? I was finally pulled out by the doctor and he gives me a slap on my butt. It hurts me I will remember this humiliation mark my words hahaha( just kidding). I started crying which relieved others. I still have a problem with opening my eyes clearly. Then the doctor passes me to someone else. I heard a man's voice which I guess is my dad.

Man (dad): he looks healthy. He looks similar to me in some way and has some of your features mary. He sure will be a handsome ladykiller in the future.

After my dad finished speaking a women's voice comes. She has a soft and gentle tone as a mother should have.

Mom: let me hold him also dear.

My dad wiped me clean with water and towel and wrapped me in the clean and soft new towel then passed me to my mother. My mother held me gently. By this time I finally opened my eyes fully and able to see my surroundings.

Mom: you are right dear he has both of our features. His eyes also very pretty they are like blood-red in color. So what do you decide for his name?

I am able to see my mom and dad clearly now. My mom is quite the beauty with shiny brown hair and eyes. My dad looks ordinary compared to my mother I wonder how he able to make her fall in love with him. My dad also has brown hair and eyes. After hearing mom's question my dad thinks for a bit then answers with a smile.

Dad: how about Peter. I think it is a good name. What you say, do you like it?

Mom: I think it is a good name too. From now on you will be Peter Peter Parker, my child.

I smile happily after hearing my name and they looked happy that I liked my name. I suddenly started to get sleepy and fell asleep.

1 year later......

One year has passed since my birth as Peter Parker. My family consists of my mom( Mary Parker), my dad ( Richard Parker), my aunt ( may Parker) and my uncle ben( Benjamin Parker). I have nothing important so do cause I am just 1 year old. I hate things I have to go as a baby like breastfeeding and shit in diapers. I can do nothing about it. I slowly started to talk least they think I am freak than genius. My first word was MAMA ( sorry dad, mom always win). My mom was very happy and dad gets dejected that my first word was a mama. But he also gets happy after some time and started encouraging me to call dada. It was a funny scene. My uncle and aunt also lost him very much. this is how my first year goes.

5 years later......

Today I am 5 years old. My previous years go well. I started exercising at 3 like stretching and moving my body well. Gotta get ready for future activities. I also take part in judo, karate, and other martial arts classes. I gotta learn self-defense to not get bullied like the original Peter and also for meeting future enemies. First, my parents did not agree with it but to my strong will ( using puppy eyes and blackmailing for not eating anything) they give in. They also started working on a super-soldier formula. They come home less frequently and started working on it more. I know they will die if they keep doing it but I can do nothing about it. I will only make things worse. This also acts as my motivation to become stronger because with only enough power you can be worry-free and protect your loved ones.

10 years later.....

Today is my 10th birthday. A lot of things happened after my 5th birthday. My parents died when I become 6 years old. They give me the super serum they developed before their death. I know they were going to die but it still hurts they were real parents to me and loved me with everything they had. ( I have a family in my past life too. My mother died after giving me birth. My father was in the army. He retired to take care of me after my mother passed away. He gives me a lot of love and trained me hard. Things were going well but good things won't last long he also died when I was 10 years old. After he died I become an orphan cause there were no relatives of the mother and father took me in and I don't want to go to the orphanage to get adopted. My father left me with enough money my life was not miserable but it was lonely.).

I cried for the whole week it took a lot of effort for my uncle and aunt to comfort me. They were nice people I will at least gonna protect them.

I was also keeping a look at things going on around a world. Iron man has appeared so I think the plot is still going on the same. Later he also announced that he is tony stark and stopped making weapons.

He gets attacked by terrorists and blah blah blah. You know-how story goes. Fantastic four has yet to appear but the better building still exists so it means they also exist but not gets their powers yet. Due to the serum, my parents injected in my body gets stronger and better. I win with all of my instructors in all martial arts classes I attend. I did not participate in any tournament cause I don't want to attract unnecessary trouble. Diamond can only stay safe if it is well hidden or you have enough strength to protect it after showing off it to others.

As I said at the start that today is my 10th birthday and I will be getting my wishes today. My uncle and aunt make a small cake to celebrate my birthday. It was only three of us as I don't have any friends to invite. I don't want to make friends if they are not true friends. It will only hurt both sides of the relationship if the bond is not strong enough. That is why I decided not to make friends with Harry Osborn. I won't want to hold me anything back when fighting with his father in the future. His father and I are destined to become enemies of each other. I said goodnight to my uncle and my aunt goes to my room.

I am barely able to hold the excitement that was building up in me cause today I will get my wishes. When an opened boor I saw a gift box on my bed and a letter beside it. I contain my excitement and opens the letter it has this written in it.

Dear Peter,

Happy Birthday to you. Here are the things you asked for. There is a personal venom you asked for. It has the same personality you asked with the storage function also. It is in a sealed state after you release it will be get merged with you. For your second and third wishes, you will get them after you merge with your venom. Beware that it will be a painful process cause your body, blood and mind will go major changes so find a quiet place to merge with it so no one able to see you. Make sure that the place will be safe cause you will be passed out for some time. There is also my gift as I promised. Enjoy your life fully and good luck.

Your old man.(god)

The letter started burning after I finished reading it and vanishes. I said thank you in the void. Hope he will listen to me( old man: I can hear you my child). I opened the box and it has two things in it. First a cylindrical shaped object with a glass cover so I can see the contained in it. It has my venom in it. I keep it aside cause this is not a good place to merge with it. The second thing looks like a credit card to me it has my name on it and a small letter says password. The password is the birth date of my past life. I will go to atm to see how much it has. I hid both things carefully don't want my aunt may find them and goes to bed. I now things will start to change for better from tomorrow.

here is another chapter so enjoy.

I will try to make an update every 2 days but can not guaranty anything.

keep giving me ideas they mean a lot to me.

keep supporting me and stay healthy and stay home.

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