
Spider-Verse: The Devouring Spider

Waking up in someone's body is one thing but finding yourself thrusted in a world full of dangerous things is another. This is a story of a young man who got transmigrated into a chaotic world with superheroes and supernaturals. Ps- The universe/world the mc is a combinations of cartoon movies like Incredibles, Megamind and many more, I have also changed the timelines, places, and names in the story. =This is a new writers work so don't expect much, I only started writing a month ago and English is not even my second language so there will be grammar errors, flaws, and plot holes in the story. This will also be kinda slow phase=

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16 Chs

Training 2

After finishing his training Ace proceed to go to the Superpower training room

Entering the Superpower training room, Ace encountered a man who introduced himself as Mr. Hanz, the instructor assigned to guide him through a specialized regimen designed by the scientists. Together, they moved into a room filled with high platforms and pristine white walls.

"Well then shall we start," Mr. Hanz said with a nod.

Ace nodded in return, eager to delve into the training.

"Then we shall start with your wall crawling ability, try to crawl onto the walls and go to that platform." Mr. Hanz instructed as he pointed at a high platform in thr room.

Ace took a deep breath and tried to crawl onto the wall.

As he clumsily began to crawl up the wall, Mr. Hanz observed his movements with a discerning eye. The instructor could see the potential within Ace but recognized the need for refinement.

"Relax your body, my friend. Don't let nervousness impede your progress," Mr. Hanz advised and emphasized the importance of relaxation to navigate the walls with ease, dispelling any nervousness that might hinder his performance.

Taking a moment to absorb the guidance, Ace closed his eyes, focusing on calming his mind. With newfound composure, he willed his body to unstick from the wall. To his delight, it worked seamlessly. Excitement bubbling within him, he repeated the process a few times, each attempt smoother than the last.

"Haha~ "

A joyous laugh escaped Ace as he realized the newfound ease with which he could stick and unstick to the walls. Embracing the exhilaration, he accelerated his climb, navigating the vertical surface with increasing proficiency. Mr. Hanz observed the transformation with satisfaction, recognizing the growth and mastery taking root in the young man's abilities.

Crawling up to the high platform, the young man reached the designated spot where Mr. Hanz instructed him to utilize his organic web for swinging practice.

With a determined focus, Ace raised his hand, shooting a web that anchored itself to the ceiling. He took a moment to gather his resolve before making a daring leap from the platform, the organic web extending and supporting him mid-air.

"Wohoo!!.. this is awesome!!"

Swinging with a mixture of trepidation and exhilaration, Ace traversed the room. Nervousness mingled with excitement as Ace released another web with his free hand, repeating the process with each swing using his organic web to swing from platform to platform. Ace gradually became more adept at controlling the swinging motion.

The room echoed with the sound of web-shooting and the whoosh of Ace navigating the air, embracing the challenge and thrill of using his newfound abilities. With each swing, he gained confidence, blending agility and control into a mesmerizing display of acrobatics high above the floor

"Hahaha.. this is fucking cool!!"

Shouts of happiness echoed in the room as Ace reveled in the newfound thrill of swinging. The fear that initially gripped him transformed into excitement, and he eagerly swung from platform to platform.

After a series of exhilarating swings, Mr. Hanz encouraged the young man to explore the capabilities of his web further. "Now, let's see how much silk you can produce. Test your limitations and focus on making it more durable," the instructor instructed.

With renewed determination, Ace concentrated on producing more webbing, eager to push his abilities to the limit. The room became a canvas for experimentation, and with each attempt, he gained a better understanding of the extent of his powers.


'Haaah.. I'm tired' Ace thought.

After a rigorous training session, he headed to the cafeteria for a replenishing meal, the nutritious food refueling his spent energy. Weary but satisfied, Ace made his way to his room. The fatigue weighed heavily on him as he slumped onto the bed. Consciousness waned, and his eyelids drooped, succumbing to the embrace of rest after a day of relentless training.


Time skip~

One week

After a dedicated week of relentless training within the supers facility, Ace emerged with a newfound mastery over his enhanced powers. The once-clumsy attempts at web-slinging had transformed into a seamless dance, organic webs shooting with precision and control.

Inside the-martial-art training room, Ace faced a barrage of tennis ball projectiles hurtling toward him from all angles.


The rhythmic thuds echoed through the spacious chamber as he moved with an uncanny grace, avoiding each projectile with calculated precision.


With a fluidity born of intensive training, Ace utilized his talons to expertly slice through the projectiles.


His movements were a mesmerizing dance of reflexes and finesse. As tennis balls soared towards him, Ace's four spider legs extended with a metallic grace. Like agile appendages, they intercepted and deflected the incoming projectiles with impeccable timing.


Acting as both a defensive and offensive mechanism, the metallic appendages deftly intercepted some of the oncoming projectiles. With a quick twist and spin, he sent the repelled tennis balls back toward the launching mechanism.

Slicing through the air, Ace weaved effortlessly between the tennis balls. His Hyper-sense provided an anticipatory edge, allowing him to predict the trajectory of each projectile before it even left the launcher. The combination of talon strikes and spider legs' deflections created a dynamic defense, rendering him nearly untouchable.

The rhythmic sound of slicing and deflecting echoed through the training room, a testament to the seamless integration of his martial skills and augmented abilities. Ace moved with a confidence that only came from days of relentless training, the room itself becoming an arena where his powers were honed to perfection.


As the final tennis ball met its end at the swipe of his talons, Ace stood amidst the scattered remains, signaling the end of his practice. A symbol of his mastery over the challenges presented.

"Haah... "

With a satisfied breath, he turned toward a neatly folded towel placed on the side. As he approached, he snatched the towel and wiped away the sweat that had accumulated during the rigorous training session, feeling the exhaustion and satisfaction of a productive session. The room, filled with the echo of his exertion, gradually fell silent.

Exiting the advanced training room, Ace felt a wave of accomplishment wash over him. The door slid shut behind him, and he found himself face to face with Tom and Karen, his friends who had become familiar faces in this facility. Their camaraderie had grown over the past week, forged through shared training sessions and the unique challenges of mastering their powers.

Tom, with his ability to discharge and control electricity, crackled with a subtle energy. Karen, on the other hand, possessed the intriguing power to create void portals, a skill that had fascinated Ace since their first encounter.

Tom, with a mischievous grin, asked, "Done with the superhero training, Mr. Spider?" tossing a water bottle in the air.

With a casual yet precise motion, Ace caught the bottle, swiftly unscrewing the cap. Taking a refreshing sip, he replied, "Yeah, finished for the day. And how about you. Mr. He-Lectrix? Any shocking developments in your powers?"

Tom shot a bolt of electricity between his hands, a controlled display of his electrifying abilities. "Still shocking as ever!"

Karen, standing nearby, couldn't help but join the banter. "Well, at least none of you can beat the convenience of my portals. Instant travel, anyone?"

Ace grinned then asked "What brings you guys here?"

Karen answered "Your parents are waiting for you in the lobby. Your dad said that your mother got the wind of what's happening here."

Ace raised an eyebrow, a mix of surprise and anticipation. "Mom? Well I'll better not keep them waiting then."

"See ya" Ace said as he waved at the two as he proceed to walk to the lobby.

In the bustling lobby of the supers facility, Ace was greeted by the sight of his parents. His father, Derick, wore a proud smile, but his mother's expression was a mix of concern and worry. As they approached, she couldn't contain her anxiety and rushed forward, enveloping her son in a tight embrace.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine worry. Her hands cupped his face, inspecting him as if ensuring he was whole.

Caught off guard by the sudden motherly inspection, Ace managed a reassuring smile. "I'm okay, Mom. Really."

However, his mother's worry only intensified, and she pinched his ears, a sign of her sternness. "Why didn't you tell me? And why haven't you called? Do you know how worried I've been?"

"Uhmm... "

Ace stammered, struggling to find the right words. He cast a glance at his father, hoping for some guidance, but all he got was a nonchalant whistle.

Thinking on his feet, he quickly pointed at his dad and shifted the blame. "Dad said you'd find out. You're a former agent, after all. He said it's in your instincts."

His mother's expression shifted from concern to a mix of disbelief and amusement. She turned her gaze to Derick, who simply shrugged, as if conceding to the blame.

Sighing, Ace's mother, Amanda, released his ears, though her eyes still bore a motherly sternness. "Well, you better keep me informed from now on. No more secrets, understood?"

Ace nodded earnestly, a mixture of relief and mischief dancing in his eyes. As a family, they continued their journey out of the facility, laughter echoing in the corridor, Ace silently thanked his quick thinking in navigating the complexities of family dynamics and superpowered revelations

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