
Spider-Verse: Creeping Hunger

In a wild twist of fate, I, a random person from another universe, find myself transmigrated into the body of Peter Parker from Gwen Stacy's universe, Earth 65B. But there's a catch - this version of Peter Parker was destined to die, paving the way for Gwen Stacy, the Ghost Spider to fall in love with Miles Morales. Well, let me tell you, I'm not going down without a fight! First things first, death is not on my to-do list. Nope, not happening. Secondly, did I mention I refuse to die? Yeah, it's a firm no from me. Thirdly, you guessed it, I absolutely refuse to meet my untimely demise. P.S: Just to make things interesting, I am gonna put some dirt in everyone's eyes!! ~ I will be posting on RR as well.

_oinkchan · Cómic
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61 Chs


Director Peggy Carter's voice carried a mix of disbelief and frustration as she turned her gaze towards Natasha Romanoff.

"How did this happen? Right under our noses... you were there, Widow. Hell, the best spy of this generation."

Black Widow remained silent, her gaze fixed upon Director Peggy Carter. Despite her age, Peggy exuded an air of elegance and poise, with silver-grey hair and a sleek black eye patch concealing her right eye. She donned a black suit over a crisp white formal shirt.

Natasha drew a deep breath, her demeanor composed and resolute.

"I have reasons to suspect that the mastermind behind this widespread genocide is none other than Ned Leeds, a former student."

Director Peggy Carter couldn't help but roll her one remaining eye, her tone laced with sarcasm. "Reason to believe? No shit Sherlock. Isn't it rather obvious? Osborne's son vanishes, along with the other three students, the same ones Ned had beaten up."

Natasha responded with a deliberate nod, her movements calculated and precise. With an agile flick of her fingers, she sent a pen drive flying across the room, its metallic glint catching the dim light.

Director Peggy Carter effortlessly caught it in mid-air. She examined the pen drive for a brief moment, her experienced eye scanning its surface before her gaze shifted to Black Widow. An unspoken understanding passed between them.

Peggy inserted the pen drive into her laptop, the soft click echoing in the room.

The laptop's screen flickered to life, casting a faint glow on Peggy's features as she navigated through the contents of the drive.

A flurry of super-secret Oscorp files suddenly popped up. Director Peggy Carter stared at them, her usual cool demeanor replaced by a slow-burning shock that spread across her face. She couldn't help herself from covering her mouth with her hand.


Natasha nodded, and a small smile began to surface on her visage. Her hips swayed as she climbed onto the round table. With deliberate steps, she walked on the wood below. Her ass jiggled with every step she took and she sat opposite to the director, the laptop touching her nether region and her legs swaying in midair.

"You see, after I heard the news. I immediately broke into Oscorp and extracted all of their top-secret files. Their most secretive one was this."

Widow gazed intently at the laptop screen, her head slightly tilted as she reached out to manipulate the mousepad. With clear precision, she used the cursor to select a specific file

A password bar popped up. 

*Click! Clikity-clack! Clack!*

"****** (qwerty)."

"This... Oscorp was secretly developing," Black Widow began, her voice measured as she let the weight of her words sink in. Director Peggy Carter listened intently, her eyes fixed on Natasha.

"The Super Soldier Serum. Adrian Toomes found missing notes of Dr. Abraham Erskine during his teenage years," Natasha continued, taking a moment to allow Peggy to absorb the significance of the revelation.

"From those notes, after years of research and joining Oscorp, he single-handedly made a replica of the serum. However, it was overtaken and stolen by CEO Norman Osborne... then ultimately fired," Natasha paused again, her eyes locking onto Peggy's, seeking any sign of recognition.

"The research did not end there," Natasha resumed, her tone carrying a sense of urgency. "Norman, a genius himself, began human trials. The first few died. Out of them all, the only subject that survived—Ned Leeds. However, something was wrong with the formula. Adrian and Norman had not recreated the Super Soldier Serum... but created something else, a steroidal compound designed to enhance superhuman performance. In my terms and opinion, it is a very dangerous compound for normal humans."

Peggy's expression shifted, a mixture of concern and curiosity in her eyes.

"The effects on normal humans," Natasha continued, her voice solemn, "is a gruesome, torturous death. Their bodies are unable to survive the radiation and toxicity of the product. Ned Leeds, the sole survivor... had his skin melted and regenerated, albeit abnormally due to his genes being tampered with by the serum. He began to look less like a man but a monster. The effects were similar on his brain. It weighed heavily on his mind, tearing it apart, causing severe mental issues."

Natasha paused, letting the gravity of her words settle in.

"This... this product," she concluded, her voice holding a hint of dread, "is something that has exceeded the Super Soldier Serum in raw potency and power. It is the strongest weapon on this planet, far more formidable than Radioactive Spider-Isotopes, from what we know about those until now."

Peggy Carter glanced at the files with horror as she scrolled through them, looking at the reports and detailed accounts of the subjects. 

Lifting her head, she looked Black Widow in the eye and whispered.

"You said... a steroidal compound created to enhance superhuman performance. Does that mean... it can cause a breakthrough and make super soldiers or other super-powered individuals to become super-super-individuals?"

Natasha nodded firmly, "That's my deduction. If a body is able to harness, digest, or handle the raw potency of this serum, ultimately fusing. It will theoretically be a boost and should stack up."

Director Peggy Carter slowly removed her patch and stared at it before whispering ghastly, "Mother....fucker....!! If this falls in the wrong hands..."

The old elegant leader, immediately looked at Natasha, she had regained her bearings. She wore the eye patch around her head, adjusting it a little, she spoke.

"Adrian Toomes. Put him on the most wanted category in S.H.I.E.L.D's Bounty Brainwash for the Greater Good List." 

Natasha nodded faintly, her eyes fixed on the sprawling cityscape and the billowing clouds beyond. She gracefully hopped off the table and turned toward the high-end French windows of the Helicarrier.

"Adrian Toomes," she continued, her voice tinged with concern, "is currently operating under the alias of the Vulture, a notorious terrorist and villain."

Peggy Carter shook her head, "Even better. No one will question us."

The Black Widow stifled a chuckle agreeing with the director, as she was about to exit the room, she suddenly paused. A smirk crept onto her face as she turned around to look at Peggy.

"There is one piece of good news."

The Director fixed her gaze at Natasha with a tired expression,

"Go on, don't keep me waiting, and let the suspense build-up."

Natasha couldn't contain her smile, idly twirling a strand of hair around her fingers as she spoke with an air of mystery, that had taken her years to practice so she could create it.

"I know who Spider-Woman is."


Power Stones my beautiful readers ;)