

In the bustling city of New York, Peter Parker, a brilliant but struggling student, grapples with the challenges of balancing his dual life as the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man and a dedicated student. He strives to maintain normalcy as new threats emerge from the shadows, threatening to plunge the city into chaos. Will he also stand tall with Earth's greatest heroes the Avengers, as his planet continues to become under threat to alien invasions and villains planning to rule the world? Can Peter protect his loved ones? Can he maintain his relationships with friends, family and maintain a love life? Can he beat the villains that threaten him and the city? Or will he crumble and die trying? *Hello everyone the Author here. This is my first attempt at writing a novel so if its a bit stinky please understand and type your critiques in the comments so I can improve. There will probably be some breaks every now and then due to exams and planning out the future story/chapters. If I plan on stopping this series I will announce it, so unless I do that it just means something is currently going on. Thank you for listening to my rambling, I'll try my best to write a story you all enjoy and I wish you all an amazing day. Peace!*

MassiveSimp · Cómic
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76 Chs

3) Missed Bus

"It's fine, it's just Flash being the usual ass. You'd think after middle school I'd have gotten used to it by now." Peter Replied 

"You need to stop paying attention to that nimrod. He can barely tell the difference between his hand and leg." Harry replied trying to cheer Peter up. 

Peter smiled slightly "Yeah you're right." before returning to eating his ham and cheese sandwich. 

The canteen was full of tables and chairs almost all occupied. The sound of talking shrouded the entire room. The kitchen was at the far corner of the room where students would go and buy their food. The floor was made of old wood and there was a door that led to an outside garden where you also sit if you wanted to. 

"By the way have you managed to finally fix that old camera of yours, if so maybe you can start getting back into photography. It's nice to have a hobby. Helps keep your mind off things you know." He said to Peter

"Yeah maybe" He smiled a little more remembering some of the photos he had taken. "Remember when we buried my Uncle Ben in the sand when we went to the beach a couple of years ago? I still have that photo. It's one of the funniest things ever. Man we should go again one day" 

Harry laughed "Yeah man, it was hilarious. Maybe not for Uncle Ben but we just couldn't stop laughing while he cried for us to get him out. We should go again for sure" he replied. 

The boys continued talking for a while when Peter mentioned "Oh by the way Harry, Mr. Dirk invited me to the OSCORP field trip for the grade 11's, do you think I should go? It seems pretty interesting".

"Oh yeah, the Bioengineering one I believe it was. My father loosely mentioned it during dinner. You should go, my father has talked about Dr. Conners and his work quite often, he seems to be highly valued by Dad, and it should be worth your time." 

"I'll probably go then. It's not often I get to go on a trip" replied Peter

"I can ask my dad to let you talk to Dr. Conners if you want, he's pretty fond of you. Sometimes I think he believes you're his actual son." Replied Harry with a sheepish grin. 

"No, it's fine. No need to disturb them. They're probably already very busy" Peter slightly shook his head. 

The school bell rang and everyone began to get up and leave for their classes and Peter and Harry exchanged their goodbyes. The rest of Peter's school day was normal, he just had History and Math left.

After those classes finished Peter was on his way to catch his bus when an unwelcome face popped up in front of him. "Hey, Puny Parker where you going". It was Flash and his girlfriend Liz Allen. Peter and Liz used to be friends but when she entered middle school she joined up with popular kids which included Flash, resulting in her also tormenting him for fun. Peter couldn't say anything when he was in front of Flash, he terrified him and he never could pull up the courage to stand up to him. "Woah, he looks like he's gonna piss himself haha ha" mocked Flash pointing at Peter and looking and Liz.

"He is so pathetic" Grinned Liz. She was your basic popular high school girl. She wore lots of designer clothes and nice jewelry all thanks to Flash. Peter could only look to the ground in shame while the two harassed him. 

Eventually, when they got bored they began to leave but just before doing so, Flash punched Parker right in his chest, leaving him on the floor holding where he was hit in agony. Everyone else who was heading home overlooked what happened, they either didn't want to be a victim of Flash or just didn't care and carried on.

After getting back up and trying to ignore the pain Peter started to head towards his bus stop. The bus he usually took closed its doors as Peter went round the corner "NO NO NO NO NO NOOOOO" he screamed while sprinting towards the bus. He managed to somewhat catch up but the bus didn't stop and left him in the dust leaving the kids inside chuckling at Peter's misfortune. Peter was heavily panting after running that much and slightly sweating. He placed his hands on his knees and breathed. He pulled out an old iPhone from his jeans pocket and called Aunt May. 

After ringing for a while she finally picked up the phone "Hello Peter". Her voice was quite old but very loving and soft.

"Hello Aunt May, I've missed the bus home so I'll probably be home in the next hour," replied Parker

"Again. Ohh what will I do with you? Just get home safe and while you're on you're way please pick up some eggs I just remembered we ran out." Aunt May mentioned

"Will do Aunt May. I'll see you later, okay" replied Peter

"See you later, Peter. Love you" returned Aunt May

Peter also said "Love you too Aunt May" before he hung up and started on his long journey home through New York. His school was on the edge of the center of the city, so loud honking and cars driving were all he could hear. The streets were full of people, small shops, and pizza places. Peter entered a small shop and bought the eggs Aunt May asked for before going back on his way. The more he walked the less grand and bustling it became, the once towering apartment complexes and skyscrapers were replaced with the same cheap homes made of brick.

He finally made it home, the sky was already starting to darken, but he finally made it home. He walked up the porch steps and rang his doorbell.

"Coming, coming just give me a sec" shouted an old raspy voice. Peter could hear the man stepping closer to the door and the jingle of the keys when he began to unlock the door. The man opened the door and said "Who's this"

"I'm here to collect your taxes" Replied Peter

The two had a huge smile on their faces and they slightly giggled "Get in here you" said the man walking down the hallway "Close the door behind will you"

"Will do Uncle Ben"