
Spider-Man WEB OF Multivesal Heroes:Persona Nexus

In a universe teeming with heroes, villains, and unimaginable threats, Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man, faces his darkest hour. Betrayed by his friends, family, and allies when he needed them the most, Peter is left broken and beaten by his enemies. As he lies on the brink of death, a mysterious system known as the Persona Nexus activates within him, unleashing a torrent of powerful new identities that transform him into an anti-heroic force to be reckoned with. The Persona Nexus grants Peter access to the abilities and personalities of several formidable beings from different universe. *Notice: I don't own spider man,or any other marvel characters it's owned Marvel Studios and Comics similarly other characters that comes from other universes belong to thier respective production I only own OC character that appears through the fanfic Thank You.

DragonChaos_2000 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
34 Chs

Chapter 05: The Others (Part 04)


Shibuya station Japan,

The chaos of the Shibuya Incident Arc swirled around the underground station, filled with screams, curses, and the relentless clash of sorcery. Amidst this turmoil, a surge of cursed energy unlike any other pierced through the atmosphere. Togi Fushiguro, once thought dead, reappeared in a flash of brilliance, his presence a beacon of hope amidst the dark battle.

Reborn with an aura of immense power, Togi's eyes glinted with determination. "Let's turn the tide," he muttered, charging into the fray.


**Nobara Kugisaki and Maki Zen'in** struggled against a swarm of curses, their strength waning. Just as a monstrous curse lunged at them, a familiar voice rang out, "Need a hand, ladies?"

Togi swooped in, his speed blinding, and with a swift slice of his cursed tool, the curse disintegrated. "Togi?!" Nobara gasped, her eyes wide with shock and relief.

"The one and only," Togi replied with a confident smirk, winking at her. "Let's clean up this mess, shall we?"

**Mei Mei** fought valiantly, her hawk flying overhead to give her strategic advantage. Yet, the sheer number of curses began to overwhelm her. Togi leaped into action, his blade cutting through the curses like butter. "I couldn't let such a beautiful sorcerer struggle alone," he teased, shooting her a charming grin.

Mei Mei raised an eyebrow, clearly impressed. "Focus, Togi. We have work to do."


In the heart of the chaos, **Yuji Itadori** and **Aoi Todo** faced **Mahito**, the sadistic and powerful curse. The battle was fierce, Mahito's shape-shifting and transfiguration abilities pushing the sorcerers to their limits.

"Togi!" Yuji shouted, relief evident in his voice as Togi joined the fray. "We could use your help!"

"Let's end this," Togi said, determination steeling his gaze. He turned to Mahito, "Your reign of terror ends now."

The trio attacked in perfect harmony. Yuji and Aoi struck with devastating force, while Togi's precise and lethal strikes found their mark. Mahito, taken aback by the sudden surge in power, struggled to keep up.

Togi's blade glowed with cursed energy as he channeled his strength. "This is for all the pain you've caused," he roared, delivering a final, fatal blow to Mahito. The curse shrieked in agony before dissipating into nothingness.


The aftermath of the battle saw the sorcerers regrouping, exhaustion evident but their spirits high. Togi approached Mei Mei, Nobara, and Maki, a confident smile playing on his lips. "I hope I was able to impress," he said, his tone light yet sincere.

Nobara rolled her eyes, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. "You did more than impress, Togi."

Mei Mei, ever the composed strategist, nodded approvingly. "Your timing was impeccable."

Maki, usually stoic, allowed a small smile. "We owe you one, Togi."

Togi winked at them, his charm undeniable. "I'm just glad I could help. And if I managed to win your hearts in the process, well, that's just a bonus."

As the team prepared to leave the battlefield, Togi found himself surrounded by newfound allies and perhaps, the beginnings of deeper connections. The Shibuya Incident had tested their limits.

The eerie silence of Shibuya Station was shattered by the malevolent presence of Sukuna, the King of Curses. His malevolent grin sent shivers down the spines of those who dared face him. But amidst the despair, Togi Fushiguro stood tall, his resolve unyielding.

"You're brave to stand against me, boy," Sukuna taunted, his voice dripping with malice. "But bravery alone won't save you."

Togi's eyes hardened. "We'll see about that."


The air crackled with cursed energy as Togi charged at Sukuna, his blade flashing in the dim light. Sukuna met his attack head-on, their clash sending shockwaves through the station. Despite the overwhelming power difference, Togi fought with relentless determination, his movements precise and calculated.

Suddenly, Togi felt a surge of power within him. His heavenly restriction, the limit placed on his cursed energy, began to lift. A new, unknown cursed technique flowed through his veins. "This is it," he thought, determination surging within him. "My chance."

"Fushiguro!" yelled Yuji Itadori, watching from the sidelines, knowing full well the magnitude of the fight before them. "Hang in there!"

Togi's new technique manifested as ethereal chains of cursed energy, which he used to bind Sukuna momentarily. "You're not the only one with tricks up your sleeve," Togi said, tightening the chains around Sukuna.

Sukuna's grin widened, impressed by Togi's newfound strength. "Interesting. Let's see how long you can keep this up."

With newfound strength, Togi fought fiercely, his chains wrapping around Sukuna and pulling him into a series of devastating strikes. Each hit landed with precision, exploiting every opening. But Sukuna's power was overwhelming, and Togi's body was pushed to its limits.

**Yuji Itadori and Aoi Todo** joined the fray, their combined strength adding to the assault. They fought valiantly alongside Togi, each blow a testament to their will to protect the world from Sukuna's terror.

"Now, Togi!" Yuji shouted, sensing an opening.

Summoning every ounce of his strength, Togi unleashed a powerful attack, his chains glowing with intense cursed energy. The impact reverberated through the station, causing the very ground to tremble. For a moment, it seemed like they had the upper hand.

But Sukuna was not so easily defeated. With a surge of his own cursed energy, he broke free from the chains, retaliating with a devastating blow that sent Togi crashing into the rubble.

"Togi!" Maki Zen'in cried out, her heart sinking as she watched him struggle to rise.

Togi's body ached, every muscle screaming in agony. Blood trickled down his face, but his spirit remained unbroken. "I... won't give up," he whispered, forcing himself to stand. "Not yet."

Sukuna approached, his expression a mix of respect and disdain. "You fought well, but this is the end for you."

Togi met Sukuna's gaze, his eyes filled with defiance. "If I'm going down, I'm taking you with me." Gathering the last of his strength, Togi activated his cursed technique one final time. The chains erupted with blinding light, binding Sukuna in an inescapable grip.

"Yuji, Todo, now!" Togi shouted, his voice filled with urgency.

Yuji and Todo, fueled by Togi's sacrifice, launched a coordinated attack. Their combined might crashed into Sukuna, the force of their blows resonating with the power of Togi's chains.

Sukuna roared in fury, his cursed energy clashing with theirs in a violent maelstrom. The air crackled with power, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still.

In the aftermath, as the dust settled, Sukuna's form flickered. He was weakened, but not defeated. Togi lay on the ground, his energy spent, his breath shallow. Yuji and Todo stood by his side, their faces etched with determination and sorrow.

"Togi, you did it," Yuji said, his voice choked with emotion.

Togi managed a faint smile. "We did it... together." His eyes fluttered shut, the last of his strength fading away.


As Sukuna retreated, his form dissipating into the shadows, the battlefield grew quiet once more. The sorcerers gathered around Togi's fallen form, their hearts heavy with loss but filled with gratitude for his sacrifice.

Maki, Mei Mei, and Nobara knelt beside him, tears streaming down their faces. "You were incredible, Togi," Maki whispered, her voice breaking.

"He saved us all," Mei Mei added, her composure faltering.

Nobara gently took Togi's hand. "You were a hero, Togi. We'll never forget you."

In the silence that followed, the surviving sorcerers vowed to honor Togi's memory, their spirits united by the sacrifice of a friend who had given everything to protect them. As they stood together, they knew that Togi Fushiguro's legacy would live on, inspiring them to fight for a world free from the terror of curses.

[Multiversal travel successful,Current location:Jujutsu Kaisen Universe:586790]

[Initializing Search:....Suitable individuality found ]


Subject Name: (伏黒刀司)Fushigoru Togi aka The Sorcerer hunter/ Daddy Togi

Age: 23


1.Cursed Tool Mastery: Togi wields cursed tools with exceptional skill, using them to effectively combat curses.

2.Enhanced Physical Abilities: Upon his revival, Togi's physical strength, speed, and agility are significantly heightened, allowing him to move and fight with incredible precision.

3.Cursed Energy Manipulation: With his heavenly restriction lifted, Togi can now manipulate cursed energy more effectively, channeling it into his attacks and defenses.

4.Ethereal Chains (Cursed Technique): A new cursed technique manifests in the form of ethereal chains made of cursed energy. These chains can bind, restrain, and damage opponents, and they play a crucial role in his battle against Sukuna.

5.Strategic Combat Skills: Togi combines his physical prowess and cursed energy manipulation with sharp tactical thinking, making him a formidable opponent in battle.

6.Cursed Technique: "Apex Predation"

Toji's cursed technique, "Apex Predation," grants him the ability to embody the ultimate predator, surpassing the limitations of his physical form and tapping into the primal forces of the natural world. When activated, "Apex Predation" elevates Toji to the pinnacle of his abilities, enhancing his strength, speed, and senses to supernatural levels. He becomes the apex predator of the battlefield, capable of hunting down and overpowering even the most formidable adversaries with ease.

7.Domain Expansion: "Primeval Expanse"

Toji's domain expansion, "Primeval Expanse," manifests a vast and untamed wilderness that stretches as far as the eye can see. Within this domain, Toji gains absolute dominion over the natural world, bending it to his will and reshaping it into a savage realm of primal chaos. The flora and fauna within "Primeval Expanse" become extensions of Toji's will, obeying his commands without question and attacking his enemies with relentless ferocity. The terrain itself shifts and morphs at Toji's whim, creating an ever-changing labyrinth of danger and death.


Togi Fushiguro originally Togi Zenn'in, a 22-year-old outcast of Zen'in Clan, was once a sorcerer hunter . Known for his exceptional skill with cursed tools and strategic combat abilities, Togi fought bravely against his enemies over powering them. However, he was killed by a Young Gojo during one of his assignments as sorcerer hunter. During the Shibuya Incident, Togi was miraculously revived, his heavenly restriction lifted, granting him new powers. Determined to protect his friends and redeem himself, Togi fought valiantly against curses, saving Mei Mei, Nobara, and Maki. In a final stand, he joined Yuji and Todo to defeat Sukuna, ultimately sacrificing his life for the greater good.]

"Hmmm??"Opening Togi found himself inside a white room. "ここはどこ?この場所は何ですか?とにかく勝ったのでよく死んだことを覚えています.(where am i? what is this place? i remember dying well i won anyways. )" Just then he heard a voice

['Fushiguro Togi' You have been chosen by the 'Persona Nexus System' the information will be directly provided you in the form of signal also let me familarize the language for you]

After Going throughThe information Togi looked at system panel and "Whoa a whole new Universe and all I need to do is advice a punk while having fun this is going to be awesome Well its not like I have a choice do I"


"Fine I will do it."

[Pleasure to having You aboard Fushigoru-san~~]

*Humming*"Just call me Togi,.. And pleasure is all mine~~~??"

[There are lots of things you will see and experience with us Togi-san~~ let's Go for our new adventure]

[Initializing transfer]

Hey everyone,

This Chapter was long for many reason,

First was the character Togi just making his story was quite hard as I wanted some elements that couldn't be possible with going too much manga approched chapter, then I thought when did I ever go according to manga/comic accurate and made this hope you like it and believe me those manga/comic accurate people this is preety good I was going to remake Togi whole character or something like making him a student of tokyo school some kind of big brother of megumi and stuff that can become a new novel itself but I would have hated myself latter so than I scrap up that idea.

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Also Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

DragonChaos_2000creators' thoughts