
The business of spying

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2013, 2 May, Tuesday. 9:47.

The bedroom of Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson, and Felicia Hardy.


I hear the alarm clock ringing and reflexively try to fumble for my phone, but instead of the much-hated jingle going off, I hear languid moans.

I open my eyes and see that my dexterous hands did not get to the mobile megadevice, but to one firm breast of the third size with nipples sticking out from excitement. Best start to the morning.

- Good morning to you too, Tiger," one sleepy redheaded vixen smiles at me.

- I love that you've stopped sleeping in a bra," I smile cheekily.

- The pernicious influence of one blonde," MJ replied, turning and laying down on top of me.

- Thank you, Kitten," I held Mary's chin and kissed her.

The redhead, in turn, found my erect penis and moved it to her heated cavern.

A slight movement and we were both hit with an initial wave of bliss that made us both even more aroused.

 Watson puts his palms on my breasts and begins to make progressive jumps of a true horsewoman.

In turn, I do not give up my position and, rising up, I begin to caress my girlfriend's breasts with my tongue, nibbling alternately on the right and left nipples.

I responded with an unrestrained moan from MJ and increased friction.

- I just stepped away for fifteen minutes to make coffee, and you're already fucking," Felicia said from the doorway, sipping her drink and smiling slyly.

Fey grinned, set the steaming cup on the dresser, and removed her dressing gown.

The cat made her way gracefully to the bed, hugging the bouncing redhead on me from the back.

- What a dirty mouth," Cat said, kissing Mary's neck, "do you think, Pete, there might be another use for it?

I exchanged an understanding look with Hardy and, holding MJ by the waist, laid her on her back in one motion, positioning her on top of me and intensifying my thrusts. Fey takes her time lying down, putting her excited pussy to the redhead's mouth.

Now the room was filled with two uninhibited female moans and one male growl. Or rather, one slightly muffled moan, one very satisfied moan from the work of the pink dexterous tongue and, in between, one barely restrained growl.

Hardy bends over a little, and now I can easily start rubbing the tantalisingly tight pink lips and nimble tongue.

After a while Fey starts rubbing her clit and clearly approaching a growing orgasm. I decide to help with this, throwing one of MJ's legs over my shoulder and massaging my Kitten's breasts with my free hand.

Felicia began to rub her bead more vigorously, and I thrust into Mary's slit more fiercely, trying to achieve the main goal of the situation - to bring both girls to orgasm at the same time. It's an almost impossible task, but I try, and hopefully I get better each time.

Finally, after an indeterminate period of time, Fey digs into my shoulder, clearly signalling that she has reached orgasm, and slides gently onto the pillows. I, on the other hand, continue to penetrate MJ, whose moans are now completely unmuffled. I go for broke and, fumbling for her clit, I bring my magic fingers into the process. Three minutes later, Carrot peaks and squeezes me furiously, clearly eager to milk me. I surrendered to the moment, but to my surprise I felt a soft palm quickly pull me out of the warm cave.

- Well, no," the platinum blonde said, smiling, "the morning should start with a good portion of protein," and without waiting for a reaction, she began to give me a blowjob.

Just a minute later, MJ, who has come to her senses, joins our girl.

From the sight of two favourite girls, gently working my shaft with their tongues and looking straight into my eyes with such lust, I couldn't hold back and cum just in MJ's mouth, who, at that very moment, got the head.

Kitten was not confused, though, and kissed Red immediately.

At the sight of two pretty girls playing snowballs. Immediately become ready for a second go.

However, having had enough, the girls reclined on the bed, dragging me with them.

As a result, we find ourselves in a familiar position. Mary on my right hand, Felicia on my left, and both girls with their legs thrown over me.

- What better way to start the day than with morning sex? - Fey clarifies, purring slightly and rubbing her cheek against mine.

- Maybe a second round that risks turning into a marathon? - I ask a counter-question, starting to kiss the blonde's neat neck.

But, alas, Cat pulls out.

- I'm sorry, lovers, but I have to be in the office in forty-five minutes," - quickly kissing me and MJ, Fey gets up and, sexily picking up her dressing gown, runs to the bathroom.

- So it's just you and me, Carrot-top?

- Just you and me, Tiger," Mary smirks, moving lower and gently running her tongue over the head.

The muffled sound of water running in the bathtub, with one beauty washing herself and the other pleasuring me under the blanket. Life is good.

Apparently, the universe thought so too and decided to ruin it all with one phone call.

At first I wanted to throw Mary's phone out the window, but I was thwarted by a girlish hand with a delicate manicure jokingly threatening what she currently had in her control, literally my very being. It's hard to counter such an argument.

I hand over the phone and the redhead looks at the number.

- I listen attentively - to my surprise and subsequent pleasure, her mouth only changes to my hand.

However, after a few words from the speaker, the stimulation ends altogether.

- What do you mean you're sick?! - Watson exclaims menacingly, jumping out of bed. - We have rehearsal today, the production is in the middle of the month! - Carrot-top starts to hastily pack, - Will there be a substitute? It's very important, Bailey. Okay, I'll be right there," Mary ends the call.

- Um, honey...

MJ looks at me pointing at my boner with his eyes.

- Sorry tiger cub, it's really urgent, finish it yourself," the girl sends an air kiss and runs out of the room.

Fucking hell.

- I didn't get two sexy girls to tell me to," "finish it yourself," I say, leaning back on the pillows.

"Bearer, I don't even know how to describe what just happened to you," Raj says pseudo sympathetically.

"Oh, my dear tentacle monster, I have a perfectly appropriate term for such occasions*"

What's he so happy about, is he jealous?

No, I, of course, would be happy to arrange tentacle BDSM games with double penetration, with the participation of me, the symbiote and two lecherous girls in the plot of sex slaves, but it must be remembered that for all its advantages and opportunities, Raj is a separate person, and the ardent possessor and my girls to share, no one intends to share with anyone.

Even with all the advantages of such an experiment.

Of course, there is a possibility to eliminate this disadvantage ...

Sighing sadly, I put on light home clothes, consisting of a white T-shirt and shorts.

I leave the room and go to the kitchen.

The idea of going to the bathroom and having passionate intercourse right in the shower stall came up, but Cat was serious. And if Fey was serious and they weren't in costumes, then the molestation might well end in clawing. And I didn't want to find out. When it came to the company, Felicia was very anxious to oversee Hardy Consolidated's move into new markets in America, and she wanted to show her mother what she could do.

Who was he to interfere with the girl he loved?

I make a quick breakfast and switch on the telly.

- The aftermath of the attack by an unknown underground monster in Times Square is still being repaired," the anchorwoman broadcast.

Meanwhile, Felicia stepped out of the shower.

- Now let's get to the news that has shaken our city and even for a crime-ridden New York City, what has happened is horrifying....

I'm turning up the volume while Cat brazenly takes my breakfast.

- A bloodbath on Stilwell Street in East Brooklyn last night, twenty-nine dead and three injured, all of whom were found to be members of a human trafficking cartel. Our correspondent is outside the police station right now preparing to interview a consenting victim.

The picture on the screen changes from a pretty brown-haired woman to a rather handsome dark-haired reporter.

- Hello, this is John Rafton and Miss Michaela Zalaf. Miss Zalaf, is it true that you were enslaved," the reporter addressed the woman.

- C. It was very frightening," the older woman replied.

Pete recognised her, it was the interpreter.

- However, you managed to escape, how did it happen?

- Dark Spirit.

- I'm sorry?

- We were saved by the Dark Spirit, - the woman took the microphone from John's hands, - I don't know if you can hear me, but thank you, from all of us gracias - then she continued with a very emotional speech in Spanish.

- Well, you've heard it all, I'll pass the floor to you, Miranda.

- The Dark Spirit," Felicia said thoughtfully, taking a bite of the sausage. - What do you think, another psychopath with a problem?

- He freed them, I heard him say, though you can never be sure of anything.

- A bloodbath at that," the blonde wiped her lips with a napkin. - Anyway, we'll deal with it later, I'm off. See you tonight, handsome, love you.

- Love you too, Kitty.

Well, there goes Rukht.

I was distracted from thinking about the future use of my secret suit by the beeping of the Shield communicator left on the living room table.

I pick up the device.

- At the machine.

- Hi, get ready, we're flying out this afternoon, we have a mission," Black Widow's voice comes out.

- Mission, already today, - I sit down on the sofa, - and where?

- Berlin, Germany. Europe, in case you didn't know," Natasha explains snidely.

- What?! - I exclaim in shock, "I've only been outside New York once. And I wouldn't call those holidays a pleasant pastime.

- There may be time to see the sights, but I wouldn't count on it if I were you, end of story.

Well, that's a situation.

Well, while we're at it.

I'm just texting Connors to tell him I'm sick. I'll have to warn some of the teachers, Gwen. I tell May that Bogle's sending me on a little trip. And sending the most open and honest messages about the reasons for my absence to my women, making sure they are received and thinking in good conscience what I could use on the trip.

How about a phrase book?


2 May, 2:47 p.m.

Charles Xavier School for Gifted Children.

James "Logan" Howlett.

Logan stood in the courtyard and took his time smoking a cigar, looking around. Outside, the young mutants were exercising, and in fact, practising their abilities by frolicking.

Wolverine couldn't imagine how his long, very long life had led him to this place, to the post of a teacher for kids.

James Howlett was born in the middle of the nineteenth century, in 1845, and as soon as, at the age of twelve years in him awoke X-gene life inexpressibly changed.

Everything merged into one long picture. By nature Logan was a warrior, well, or a monster, a berserker, a ferocious butcher, depending on who is talking about him, but also Jimmy was a friend, a comrade, a lover.

But the road of destruction was longer than the road of creation and eventually led him to the Weapon X project. The greatest trap in which Wolverine had driven himself. This project cost him the most precious thing that begins to appreciate immortal - memory. And briefly his freedom. But this problem was quickly solved by escape and subsequent extermination of all laboratory personnel.

For some time Logan wandered lost, embittered, unable to find his place, but then he was found by Charles Xavier and offered to join his mutant squad. Eventually, though, Howlett realised that the X-Men were more of a family than a team.

And yet Chuckie's project exists for a reason; after all, there is another group of mutants called the Brotherhood, led by Erik Lehnsherr - Magneto. It's only a matter of time before he and Charles are old friends who look at the mutant problem in the same way, but in different ways. In any case, Logan had always been more of a fighter than a philosopher.

His memory problems haunted him until one meeting, with an old friend.

Who would have imagined that one of the debtors of the past would turn out to be the current director of the international spy organisation Shield - Nick Fury. The agent helped Logan a lot to restore at least part of his memory, even though in the first minutes of re-acquaintance Howlett tried to kill the one-eyed eagle. Still, the spy provided James with his file as a Shield employee, shedding a little light on Wolverine's past. For a time, the mutant was an agent and tracked down surviving HYDRA spies after World War II. He had worked intermittently for the organisation for over three decades and had made many battle buddies there, and managed to stay indebted to a few.

Suddenly Wolverine sniffed.

You'll remember the devil.

- I see you're not wasting any time," Fury emerged from the shade of the tree, as if materialising beneath it, looking at the children training.

- Don't look, Nikki, this isn't a training centre for young mutants for your future army," Wolverine finished his cigar.

- I wouldn't dream of it," the director smirked, folding his hands behind his back, "I have a case.

- Your agents can't do it anymore," Howlett said, kneading his hand.

- I'd say you need this job first.

- Surprise me.

- If you haven't changed your character much, as I recall, James Howlett doesn't much like to be indebted," Nick turned round, "not even to the deceased.

Logan looked at Fury carefully.

- Gustav Fierce," the Shield Director decided not to drag on.

After hearing that, Logan growled and reflexively released his claws.

- What did you say? - The mutant approached Nick, who was standing calmly.

- He survived. Hiding in Europe, my people recognised him and I decided to send a capture team.

- I'm in.

- Great, but we need him alive.

- Not necessarily in one piece, though, right," Wolverine put his claws back in place. - When do we leave?

- In three hours, I'll send the Black Widow for you.

- Little Nat?

- She's long grown up, Logan," Fury grinned.

- All right. But I'm warning you, Nicky, I don't take orders from your soldiers.

- No problem. You've got more experience than all of them put together. Good luck teaching the younger generation, Logan.

That was the end of the old comradeship.



Evening of the same day.

Shield office

Peter Benjamin Parker.

After I finished packing, the coordinates for the base I was planning to head to came in. I put on the suit, symbiote on top, all familiar and understandable.

Twenty more minutes of flying around the city, a light warm-up, hiding the black suit, and I entered the office through the front door.

You should have seen the faces of the guards and the rank-and-file agents hanging around.

I walk up to the reception desk, where a pretty girl with brown hair and fawn eyes sits.

- Good afternoon," I put my hands on the counter.

- H-Hello," I see her confusion, "do you need...help?

- Oh, no," I pull out my Shield ID card from my pocket (I finally managed to embed them in my suit!), "I'm an agent, level six, on a mission.

I hand the document to the truly shocked girl. It seems that if there were rumours about my training and further recruitment here, from my instructors, they were not really believed.

Meanwhile, the girl was checking the information on the computer, and I was looking around the quite civilised office, slightly disoriented guards, but not in a hurry to take forceful methods against the New York hero. Apparently, the directives implemented by the director in contact with extraordinary representatives of humanity are in full force.

- Agent...Spider, - the fawn hesitated a little, - the car that will take you will arrive in ten minutes, - the girl returned my ID. - Until then you can go to the rest area, you will be informed about everything.

- Thank you, pretty girl, - I take the document and move to a free space, away from the blushing secretary.

And the agents keep staring. Well, it's okay, Pete, you chose this option. They'll get used to it and calm down.

"Nervous for the mission, Peter?" - Raj started the conversation after I plopped into the chair.

"Not so much nervous. More like excited, never been to another country before."

Still, it's nice to have someone to pass the time in dialogue with while waiting.

"Of course it....interesting. But what about the mission objectives?"

"The cases haven't been handed to me yet, Raj. Zero info," I put my hands behind my head relaxedly.

"What if you're given a mission to eliminate someone? You're not acting alone now, you're part of the system, you have a superior officer over you, and like a good soldier, you have to obey orders."

"So I'll be an obedient soldier and follow orders," I shrug lightly.

"But won't there be a problem, Bearer?"

"You mean my reluctance to kill?"


"Don't worry, my friend, I've spent so many months training, strengthening my skills, all for a reason. Besides, a good fighter knows how to disarm an opponent without killing him, even with firearms. Plus, you know yourself, I'm not a houseplant, and I can be pretty tough if I need to be."

"I know, I'm just worried, Pete."

"You don't have to be, bro. Besides, I won't be alone, I'm sure my colleagues certainly won't have a problem in the event of a forced liquidation."

- Agent Spider?

I looked up and saw an ordinary, unremarkable man in a standard Shield jumpsuit with blond hair and slightly frightened brown eyes.

- My name is Rick Valent," the man held out his palm to me, "it's an honour to meet you.

So it was not fear, but....excitement before meeting the idol?

- Agent Volant," I responded to the handshake, "have you come to take me to the assembly point?

- Yes, sir, - wow, how official, - I and a few other agents will go with you, please follow me.

I'm following what appears to be my future partner. And apparently one of many, since Natasha didn't say anything.

- Look, Rick, can we just call it Rick?

- Of course, sir.

- Just Spider, I'll just say no. - You mind telling me how many agents are involved in the mission?

- All I know about is Agent Romanoff, you, Agent Barton and the agent waiting in the car.

- Why aren't you with him?

- She prefers to spend time alone before a mission," Volant smirks slightly.

We leave the office and walk to the car.

- The seat in front is vacant, sir.

- Understood," I open the door and get in.

I look in the rearview mirror and see a pretty dark-haired girl with green eyes.

- You took your time, brother," she says as soon as Rick is in the driver's seat.

- I'm sorry, little girl, I didn't mean to," he smiled back, "and have some manners, say hello to Agent Spider.

- Agent, - the girl just nodded to me and took the clipboard in her hands.

- You'll have to excuse Rachel, she's pretty wild," Rick said to me, starting the engine and pulling out onto the road.

- It's okay. So you two are related?

- Brother and sister," Rick says.

- Half-siblings," says the girl staring at the monitor.

- Oh, if you knew how angry we were when my mother agreed to marry her father," Wold began to reminisce.

- You cried so hard. No, Mommy, don't," Rachel began to cry in an exaggeratedly grotesque manner.

Rick blushed.

- Don't embarrass me," the boy said, turning off the overpass.

- It hurts," the brunette snorted and went back to her computer.

- You two are like family.

- We bonded over time," Rick agreed, "and then it turned out that both of us had wanted to be Shield agents since we were kids and had travelled the hard road together," the brown-eyed man smiled warmly, looking in the rearview mirror, "so the bond had grown stronger.

- That's great.

The car makes the turn into the adjoining road again.

- Do you have any brothers or sisters, Agent Spider? - the green-eyed one asked me a question.

Now the question is, how do you deal with ordinary Shield agents? To say that it's a secret means to cut off possible friendship ties and leave the work as much as possible within the official framework. And these guys are nice enough to be useful in the future. On the other hand, I'm not going to provide any specific and particularly personal information about myself. Besides, how will it help them that I'm an only child in the family? There aren't many of those.

- No, but I've always wished there were.

The brunette nodded and returned to the screen again

The conversation died down at that point, until we reached Shield's private airport.