
Reflect and Act

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3 July 2013, 9:37 AM.

New York, Peter Parker's flat.


I spent the rest of last night doing exactly three things: tweaking and adjusting the systems of my suit, checking my blood samples, and thinking about the visit from a team of mutant extraordinaires.

I got the suit sorted out quickly, simply mechanically repairing whatever was damaged, and not much else. The results of the blood cell examination only informed me that the X-gene had indeed not only awakened with a new vigour, but had integrated itself firmly into the structure of my DNA, but had not fully become a part of it.

I don't understand how that is, but I'm not sure if, for example, a primary test checking my blood would identify me as a mutant. My genome-X has acquired additional strands, acquiring unknown properties. Fascinating. Looks like I'm going to need help with my research.

But the thoughts of the X-Men have not gone away. It's nice to know that somewhere out there there are others like you who will take me in, despite my differences and so on, but I don't see myself as a mutant, and I already have those who will take me in, no matter what.

Right here. People who depend on me and on whom I depend. Nothing will make me leave them. I've made up my mind to that. And if the Master of Magnetism came to me to lure me into the Brotherhood and try to intimidate me with a threat to my family, well, let him take his chances.

The main thing is to figure out how to neutralise his ability to control absolutely any metal. Simple, right? Although there is one assumption, like his powers are tightly tied to physics.

I was distracted from thinking about Magneto's possible countermeasures by a call to Shield's communicator, which was dusty and left on my desk.

I don't know if Fury checked it every day or if Logan had ratted me out or what, but as soon as I accepted the call I was immediately stunned by Mr Fury's furious shouting, promising me true retribution. It was only after assuring me that I could explain everything Nick said to head to the Aircraft Carrier first thing tomorrow morning.

So after rising, showering, having breakfast and flirting with my ladies, I put on my suit and fly to one of the rooftops in the Centre where a taxi is due to arrive to pick me up.

While waiting for transport, I decide to talk to my partner about pressing matters.

"Listen Raj, are you sure that neither Xavier nor Gina were able to sense your presence during yesterday's telepathic operations?"

"I'm sure, Bearer, your mind was already protected by the Sense, all I had to do was dissolve, layered, if you will, with your second brain channel."

"I see. By the way, did your internal medical scanner pick up any changes in me after the mutation?"

"Unless you're talking about organic webs and stingers, I can tell you've become even stronger, tougher, more agile and more powerful than before, Peter."

"I wonder, and by how much?"

"Twice exactly, Bearer and that's without my enhancements."

"Cool, give me a cape, I'm the new Superman," I smirk.

Too bad I can't fly.

The negotiation ends as a Quinjet lands smoothly on the roof. The landing flap opens and I have to dodge a line of darts fired in my direction.

- What the fuck! - I exclaim, dodging the attack.

- You'll know how to disappear without warning, Agent Spider, - Black Widow mockingly says, jumping out of the plane and reloading her "Sting".

- Natasha?! - I'm surprised as hell to see such a warm welcome.

- You're fucking right, you creeping bastard! - the curator answers me in Russian.

- Are you out of your fucking mind, Romanova!? - I respond with indignation in the great and mighty.

- Guys, can I speak English? - humbly asks Agent Colson, who appeared from the same door, - by the way, hello, Spider.

- Hi, Phil, - I switch back to Burjuan, - and you're a fucking idiot!

- I'm not talking to you," the red-haired spy replies coldly and returns to the Quinjet.

- Don't be angry with her, Spider, Agent Romanoff was very worried after your disappearance, - Colson hurries to explain the situation.

- Yeah, I can see that," I look at the darts scattered on the roof.

"Carrier, you were able to calm your females with sexual contact, why don't you try it with this one too?"

"You're quite the genius, Raj."

- I'm afraid we must be off, the Director doesn't like to wait.

- Yeah, yeah.

I follow Colson and we end up at Quinjet.

The plane takes off, and my seat is right next to Natasha, who's defiantly turned away from the window.

Okay, well, it's obviously not a good idea to fight.

- Come on, Natasha, our job is risky, you know, I've been missing for almost a fortnight, who doesn't?

No reaction.

I move closer and put my head on her shoulder.

- Come on, Mum, I'm sorry, please.

- You know that this treatment only makes me want to slap you harder, don't you? - Romanova asks with slight irritation, but much more fun in her voice.

- I do, - I smile, - so what, peace? - I hold out my little finger.

- Peace, - Natasha interlocks our little fingers, and then hugs me. - Just try to disappear like that again, I'll kill you.

- Got it," I hug my mentor back.

- So what happened? - Colson asked, as soon as Natasha and I were done being so tender.

- It was a health problem, but I fixed it.

- Did it have anything to do with the incident at the CIA base?

- Incident? - I arch an eyebrow.

- In his report, Captain Rogers mentioned a strange black matter embedded in your body after you were wounded, is that related?

Well, Steve, Captain fucking Honesty, you've been a fucking pain in the arse!

- Is that why I was summoned so abruptly?

- Among other things," Phil nodded.

- Cool.

While I was considering what to say to Fury, the Quinjet delivered us safely to the Aircraft Carrier.

We got off and walked down the deck of the ship deep into the main base of the PROTECTION.

We passed the upper levels and headed straight for the Director's office. It's good to be in a suit after all, no escort guards, stares that tell you exactly what you are. It's beautiful.

We get to the right place and Phil knocks on the door, which immediately opens.

We walk in and, to my surprise, we see Captain America standing across from Nick, who is sitting in a chair.

Steve turns his head, and I bet he's also surprised as hell.

- Like I said, Captain, we found him," Fury says with a small smirk.

- Spidey?

- Hey Cap, what's so sour?

- What? Steve's obviously confused.

- I'm just kidding, it's good to see you.

Whether Rogers fucked up or not, it's the same guy we've been talking to for so long, my brother, naive, but still. I can't be mad at him.

- Alas, I have to ask everyone except Agent Spider to leave," One-Eyed Eagle folded his palms, "you can discuss what happened later, but I want to hear some answers right now.

The agents and Cap just nodded and left the office.

- So," Fury rose from his chair, staring at me intently with his single pupil, "tell me. And in detail," Nick turned to the panoramic window, which had a great view of the clouds, "it's beautiful. - Preferably start with what the Captain saw at the CII base.

You can keep pushing the fact that Steve had a vision, but now I don't see much point in it. They won't believe it anyway.

- For starters, this black matter is actually an alien from a race of symbiotes called Raj.

Fury turned to me.

- What, you asked for it, so I'm telling you," I explained in response to the super-spy's arched eyebrow.

- Proof?

I give my partner a mental command, and symbiotic matter crawls over my technological suit.

- So there's an alien living inside you? And you never said anything about it?

- It just never came up," I shrugged.

- You know what I mean," Nick frowned.

- I do, Director Fury, but you should have realised a long time ago that I'm not the kind of man who trusts his personal secrets to others.

- This creature could be dangerous to others," Nicholas continued.

- If it were, I wouldn't keep quiet.

- How do I know it's not controlling you?

That's a damn good question.

- I'm not going to tell you Raj's weaknesses to quell your paranoia, but I can arrange a conversation between the two of you if you'd like.

- So he has weaknesses," Nick nods, "and, wait, a conversation?

- He's a separate personality and yes, he can talk.

- Really, can we talk to an alien?


Just then a thick tourniquet detaches from his right shoulder, from which the symbiote's worm-like head forms.

- Greetings, Director Fury, I am the symbiotic life form Clintarec Raj," the alien says proudly.

And I can barely contain my laughter as Nick's only eye has become the size of a saucer.

- Ahem, for what purpose have you come to our planet? - The headmaster turns on the pathetic seriousness to the fullest.

- Actually, I came from the stars by accident, my asteroid fell down the Burrow, but I'm very glad it happened that way," Burrow began to explain.

- Why?

- Because thanks to that, I found the perfect Bearer," he said, a warm note breaking into his partner's voice.

"Oh, brother, stop it, you're making me blush.

- You're not plotting anything against Earth and its inhabitants?

- I only do what the Bearer tells me to do," the Clintarian replies calmly.

- How do I know you don't control Agent Spider?

- Oh, I couldn't even if I wanted to, the Bearer is too powerful for that.

- There you go," Fury's interested look promises me another interrogation session.

- So, is that enough, Director?

- For now, yes," Nikki nods.

"Raj, come back."

The symbiote is absorbed into the body, a second later the same thing happens to the suit.

- 'Cap said your mate scattered ten CII agents, in a couple of seconds, is that right? - One-Eyed Eagle asked after the demonstration.

- That's right. And that's not even one per cent of his capabilities.

- Okay, that's settled," Nick sighed and leaned on the table. - Where have you been?

- There were some health problems, but everything should be fine now.

- What kind of problems? - Fury clarified, folding his arms at his sides. - And don't you dare get cute, kid.

I sigh and raise my wrists, from which Stinging bursts out. Good thing I'd made holes in the sleeves of my suit.

- Putting the cards on the table, that's it, right? - I asked cheekily.

- I guess so," Fury nods slowly as I pull the stings back in. - Alien neighbour, bone sprouts from my hands, what else is interesting to tell me? - Enunciates Fury on an exhale.

- I've been to Dinosaur Island and I may have also been teleported there by Spider-Men from other realities.

- Very funny.

Why, he asked for it.

- But there's something I'd also like to know about the Spider-Men," Fury folded his hands together again and stared at me. - When you disappeared, rumours started flying around town that Spider-Man had started heroing himself in two new suits, and there was even a record of it. Oh, and there was a third member of the spider family, yes, you heard right, a female member," the holographic screens behind Fury's back lit up with pictures of Ben, Cain, and Delia in costume. - And all this interesting situation is superimposed on the sudden appearance of Peter Parker's unexpected relatives, about whom there was no information before, - Fury took the folder in his hands, - Ben Reilly, Delia and Cain Parker, all right?

- I agree, it's an interesting situation, but nothing criminal," I folded my palms behind my back and began to sway slightly from heel to toe.

For the full image of saintly innocence the whistle is missing.

- Yep, brother and sister on my father's side on my great uncle's side and another cousin on my aunt's great-niece's side, all right?

- We have a complicated family tree.

- Don't play dumb with me. You expect me to believe this bollocks?

- Not bogus, but very high quality documents, just for a second, - I raise my palm.

- Spider....

- All right, all right, no need to simmer down. But really, I'd like to discuss this situation in a place where no one can overhear.

- This office is 100 per cent secure.

- Nick...

Fury looks at me, but only sighs.

- Okay, tonight in Central Park. Nine o'clock tonight.

- Great," I clap my hands, "can I be excused?

- Agent Spider is, and Peter Parker still has work to do.

- Firs?

- Firs.

- I see," I sigh. - Where can I change clothes in here without any witnesses?

- I'll get someone to show you to the locker room.

- Okay. (chuckles) Oh, and before I go," I turn to the director, "I think now that the facts are out, it's time to rebrand.

Fury only arches an eyebrow questioningly.

Before his eyes, I begin shaping the symbiotic cover, diluting the pattern with additional white stripes and integrating parts of the Beetle's armour that Raj had long since put aside for storage.

- I think it's time for Spider-Man to retire as a Shield agent, so please welcome version 2.0," I bow slightly. - You are now Agent Venom, Director.

- Agent Venom?

- Changing from one costumed identity to another shouldn't be a problem, right?

- It's time and expense.

- Well, please, as a favour for my honesty.

- Okay," Fury sighs.

- Great. I'm also going to need guns. I can't just use the standard Spider stuff.

- You got it," Nick smirks.

It's good to be understood.

- That's it for sure now," I return my spider suit.

- Great, your chaperone's at the door.

I walk out and see Steve waiting.

- Well, hello, soldier.

- Good to see you," the cap extends his hand to me, "how are you?

- Fine," we shake hands, "I think we should talk.

Rogers nods and begins to lead me to my destination.

- You know, you really screwed me by telling my bosses about that black substance.

- Did I? - I'm sorry, I didn't think you were hiding anything.

- We all have our secrets," I sigh, "but I think you can redeem yourself.

- How? - Steve asks eagerly.

I don't even want to take advantage of the situation, but there might not be another chance.

- Sparring, a couple of times a week, and practice throwing your shield - cheeky? Not too much. If I'd asked for a sample of his blood, that'd be cheeky. I wanted one.

- That's fine," Rogers agreed to the terms with a pleased smile.

Damn, I should have asked for blood!

We get to the locker room.

- Oh, I've got something for you," Steve took the gym bag off his back, which I hadn't really paid attention to before.

I take the outstretched item and open the lock.

I pick up the items inside and remove the rags they're wrapped in. They turn out to be my adamantine katanas.

- At first they were going to be taken to the Shield warehouse, but I thought I'd keep them.

- Thanks, Cap," I said, "now there's no complaints. - By the way, I never asked, have you been in touch with Logan?

- We've met a few times since you told me, why?

- I also have a business meeting with him today, do you want to go? - I'm just getting dressed.

- I don't know, you said business meeting, I won't interfere?

- I don't think so, I think they're going to start campaigning for me to join a team, and I want you to listen.

Besides, it'd be damn useful if the future leader of the Avengers was aware of mutant issues.

- All right, then, I'm in, Peter.

- Great," I put the suit and the katanas in my gym bag. - Can you keep an eye on it? - I hand Steve the bag.

- And when you're done, will you look for me all over the aircraft carrier to change? - Cap said with a smile.

- If I have to, and I can't find it, you'll bring it to the meeting at the bar," I replied with the same smile.

- I just know that you can be trusted with everything Steve, and I trust you," I hand the bag over again.

- Okay, I get it," Rogers nods calmly, accepting the bag.

- Thank you," I said, walking toward the locker room.

- What's the address of the bar?


- That reminds me, it's on Rosla Boulevard on the Upper West Side, seventeen Colfey Street.

- All right, I'll meet you there.

I walk like Peter Parker down the corridors, all the way to the prison cellblock.

I go inside and walk to the familiar solitary confinement cell.

- Hi, Peter," Gustav turns to me with a smile, "you took your time.

- I had some health problems," I bow my head.

- I understand, health is important," Firs nods. - How's your home project?

Oh, that's right, this time nobody switched off the cameras and wiretaps. We need to be more careful. Well, here's a test of my spy skills.

- Great, I've examined all three specimens and two of them are definitely pathological.

- Which ones?

- Male, I'm not sure about the female.

- That's interesting," Firs said thoughtfully, "thanks for sharing, Peter.

Fuck you.

- You know, the French woman had some surprises," the scientist says, looking away.

Frenchwoman? Is he talking about my sister?

- What kind of surprises?

- She's been very interested in her roots and seems to have discovered something.

- What was it?

- Names," Firs explained with distaste.

She found out about her parents?!

- I'm afraid she'll have to slow down or it could become dangerous.

- Is that a threat?

- 'Yes,' Firs replies firmly, looking me in the eye.

- 'If it is, then the string of communication will be severed,' he hints openly, 'and maybe a life.

- Is that a threat? - Firs smiles back at me.

- Yes," I answer, looking firmly into Gustav's eyes.

- Therese. Therese Dupont," Firs says after a while, looking me in the eye, "consider it a token of my trust, Peter," the doctor turns away, "see you next time, my boy.

I walk out of the SHU still unable to believe it. He named it. Named my sister's name. Just like that? What does he want?

A sign of trust? That's not what he wants. Learning a name is one thing, finding and protecting it is another. I'm sure if I'm on the next flight from New York to Paris, HYDRA will find out and Firs won't hesitate to strike. So the deadly game in which my sister's life is at stake continues.


3 July, 2013. 18:03.

Rosla Boulevard on the Upper West Side, Seventeen Colfey Street.

Peter Parker.

And yet the cap was right, I couldn't find him.

So I had to wait for him to bring a duffel bag to the meeting.

I got to the bar just as I heard the roar of a motorbike engine behind me.

I turned my head and saw Steve on a Harley, wearing a leather jacket, jeans and simple work boots.

- Somehow I knew it was you," I said, walking over to Rogers, who was turning off the motorbike engine.

- What can I say, I like spectacular appearances," Steve smiled, taking off his helmet, "you forgot," Cap tossed me a bag of katanas and a suit.

- Thank you," I put it behind my back. - Shall we go?

We go into a simple, I'd say trashy bar. Definitely Logan's favourite place.

The local bikers are staring at us, some are hanging out with their girlfriends at tables, some are playing pool, some are just drinking, but our appearance doesn't go unnoticed by everyone.

I look around and see a familiar halfling behind the bar.

- Stop me if you've heard this before, a mutant, a super soldier and a joker walk into a bar, and the bartender says to them.....

- You're late," Wolverine cuts the joke short, "Good to see you, Cap," Jimmy addresses the blond man.

- You too, Logan," Steve takes a seat to the left of the clawed man.

- You're boring, Wolverine," I sit down on the chair on the right. - Why did you call me?

- Wait. Hey, bartender, I'll have a bottle of Labatt Brewing, the blond guy a Weihenstephan, and the kid a Coke.

- Very funny, Logan," I turn to the bartender, "I'll have a whiskey, Chivas.

- You got a twenty-one?

- I got something better," I put fifty quid on the bar.

- Okay," the bartender takes the money and leaves to fill my order.

- Peter," Steve gives me a disapproving look.

- What? Five drinks wouldn't get me anyway, and here's one.

- Give the kid a break, Rogers, it's only been a couple of years.

- Okay," Steve sighs.

As soon as our order is brought to us and Wolverine takes a sip, the conversation begins.

- I think you know why I called you here, but does he? - nods at Cap.

- We'll enlighten you, - I knock down the whole glass at once. In our way, in Russian. - Oh, that's a good one! - I'm leaning on the bar. - In general, if to summarise, it was recently discovered that I am a mutant and the principal of one school, and also the leader of one of the largest mutant teams on the East Coast very actively tried to get me to join this team. I refused, and Logan wants to change my mind.

- I see," Steve confirmed quietly, taking a swig of his beer.

- Boy, we didn't come to your place in such a big group for nothing. I'm not as good at this science stuff as Chuck or Hank, but I'll try to keep it simple. - Wolverine sighs. - Look, mutants are divided into several ranks, from the lowest delta, to the highest, omega. I won't go into detail, but it's mostly tied to how powerful the mutants' abilities are.

- Okay, what's your point? - I'm clarifying, knowingly ordering another whiskey.

- The fact that you didn't tell Charles about your spider powers is your business, but don't expect him to believe that all you're capable of is releasing Stingers or whatever you call those things," Logan finished the bottle and signalled.

- I also demonstrated my anti-telepathic defence," I took the whiskey in my hands. - By the way, I saw the look you gave MJ, and I'll be honest, the only thing that saved you from walking out the window to the asphalt was my self-control.

- Oh, you're jealous," Rosya smirked, "You doubt your girl, don't you?

- I trust her completely, I doubt in munchkins like you. Though when I saw your silent fights for Gina's attention with that bespectacled guy, I immediately calmed down. You're hitting on a busy girl, aren't you?

- What the fuck do you care? - Logan snapped back, taking a swig from his second beer.

- Not at all, on the contrary," I raise my glass, "I wish you luck, partner," I down a second shot of whiskey, "redheads are the best.

- Amen, kid," Logan chugs the second bottle.

- I like blondes better," Rogers said calmly.

- Well, Steve, that depends on who likes what. Or rather who.

- To return to the topic of discussion, - interrupts the standard male chatter of the Canadian. - You confused Xavier also that he was not able to fully determine your potential, but based on my experience with other mutants and what I saw from you, your level is somewhere on the high side of beta or low alpha, and if you hide some more aces up your sleeve, maybe even to the omega level. Hank for more specifics.

- Wow, that's high praise for me.

- So think about it, kid, are you willing to take the risk of Magneto knocking on your door one day instead of us?

- If he comes, I'll be ready," I ponder for a while. - But I might take advantage of your hospitality.

- Suit yourself, lad. Now let's have another round.


A few hours later.

On my way to Central Park.

Oh, I shouldn't have drank with Logan. That guy, the damn regenerator doesn't get drunk at all! But I did learn that my enhanced regeneration was also a good detoxifier. And all Raj had to do was to make sure that the result would stick.

The way to the meeting place with Stirlitz, that is, with Fury, I flew fast enough. Organic spider webs, great stuff!

I pull myself up from tree to tree until I spot Nick sitting on the far bench, in the shade of an oak tree.

I cling to the tree and head down on the web next to the spy.

- It's a beautiful night, isn't it?

- Magical. Such a full moon," Fury mutters with a chuckle.

- So is this our secret spy greeting now?

- Why not, you're the one who insisted on a private meeting," Nick leans back on the bench, "tell me.

I jump off the thread and sit down next to him. Before I start, I listen to my senses and scan the surroundings to the best of my ability. It's like picking up the echoes of a vibration. Everything seems quiet. No threat from Nick.

- My sudden relatives, as you rightly pointed out, have appeared too suddenly," I sigh, "they're actually clones secretly created by the cloning scientist Dr Miles Warren.

- Clones? - Nick's surprise was palpable. - That high quality?

- Oh, that arsehole was a genius,' I always get annoyed when I have to talk about the Jackal.

- Was he?

- I killed him when I saw the clones," I look at Fury, "I lost my temper.

- I see," Nick nods calmly.

You must have thought I didn't have the guts to kill. Well, it turned out that way.

- So you didn't want this information in my office because?

- I think you have some idea, don't you? You listened to the tape of our conversation with Firs today, right?

- Who's Theresa Dupont? - Nick confirms my guess.

- And here we come to the subject of our trust in each other, Nick," I sigh. - The thing is, if I tell you the truth now and you start making a fuss, things could end very badly for this girl, and I'm worried, not because she's just another innocent victim, but because of who she is to me in the first place. So I ask you, can you give me your word that you won't get hot and bothered and that you'll act according to plan? - I turn around and I look right at Fury.

- Boy, I'm not a young kid who graduated from the academy yesterday, and I've been in some pretty shitty situations, so you're hardly going to surprise me.

- Swear to me, Nick. Look me straight in the eye and swear.

- 'Wow,' the smile comes off Fury's face, 'you're serious, aren't you? I swear, Peter.

- Okay," I exhale. - Good.

For a while I think about how to start the conversation.

"Tell it like it is, Bearer."

"Do you think Fury can be trusted?"

"What do you think?"

"It's worth a try."

"Then take your chances."

- The Shield is compromised," I begin without prelude. - The last time we spoke to Firs without a wiretap, he confirmed that HYDRA was behind the crash of the plane and its release. They're not destroyed, Nick, but seamlessly integrated, into the political system, the military, the economic sector. And not just here, but all over the world. Including the Shield.

There's silence for a while.

- You knew and you didn't tell me because?

- Teresa Dupont, she's my sister.

- Another clone?

Funny, but Fury is dead serious.

- Born to my mother during her and my father's joint operation to pursue Firs in Europe.

- That's a lie, Mary and Richard couldn't have had a child.

- Oh, could they? Three years into the operation, it's unlikely that fifteen years ago you kept in touch at the level you do now, and I don't think they shared everything, you weren't a director then, were you?

- You really believe him, don't you, mate?

- I have my reasons.

There's a tense silence between us again.

- What's your plan? - Fury begins in a neutral tone after a while.

- Promise me you won't yell and you'll listen?

- I'll do my best.

- Okay. Fierce gave me a list of names and I suspect all the people on it are HYDRA agents, so to dig up the information I hacked into the Shield's databases.

- WHAT?!

- Nick, I told you.

- Okay," the Director turns away and exhales, "I'm calm, continue.

- I received the information and passed it on to Firs during a conversation today. I think it's a test and I intend to pass it.

- To do what," Nick turns to me.

- To enlist in HYDRA, of course," I look Fury straight in the eye.

- Are you crazy?

- No, I'm dead serious. Understand, Nick, the squids survived the war, hid and became stronger, I'm sure that at least a third of your organisation's agents are working for the enemy, and I doubt that we will avoid serious losses if HYDRA attacks. Therefore, what could be more useful than an inside man? I feel I can get far enough under Gustav's protection.

- You know what the catch to this plan is, don't you?

- Yes," I sigh, "my loved ones, but I intend to resolve that issue before the dive. So, Director, do you approve of this mission?

The One-Eyed Eagle remains silent, pondering.

- Two questions. One, why do you want to do this? Two, how can I trust you?

- Both answers are simple. The first, revenge. The second comes from the first, HYDRA was responsible for my parents' deaths, I will never take their side.

Silence again.

This time the silence lasts much longer.

- All right," Fury decides. - Do it. No-one can know what you've told me. And we'll never talk about HYDRA again unless we're in this place," One-Eyed Eagle rises from the bench, "Damn, boy, and a secret greeting will really be needed now.

- Right," I get up from the bench and get ready to leave.

- Peter.

I'm stopping.

- Do you really trust me to do as we agreed?

- You can consider this a test of our trust, Director, just a warning," I turn to Nick. - You see, if you betray me and Teresa dies, then I can kill you with a clear conscience," I said, looking into the Director's eyes with complete seriousness. - Have a good night, Fury.

I shoot out a web and, snagging on a tree, soar upwards.