
Here We Meet

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A few hours before Spider returns home.

Harlem base.

Benjamin Parker.

The Spider-Man of his time still couldn't believe that his fears had been confirmed.

He made the decision to break into his parents' flat in an effort to dispel his doubts, otherwise the thought would never have occurred to him. Not enough to catch mum and dad in the process....brrrrrr. Frostbite.

At first he found the room quite cosy. He'd spent his childhood in their house in Queens, and he'd never seen this flat. Another anomaly.

Benji looked around, from the wardrobe, behind the false wall of which were spare suits, equipment, and katanas, to his father's home laboratory.

From the looks of it, everything was normal and didn't hint at his paranoid ideas. Until JEN's scanners detected an unknown compound in one of the vials.

Upon examination, it gave away that it was reconstituted super soldier serum mixed with some obscure stimulant that gave superpowers.

His father had never created anything like that. There's only one explanation.

Otto Octavius has stolen Spider-Man's body.

He must be stopped.

Parker put on the mask and headed out.


27 July, 2013. 21:00.

Peter Parker's flat.


If you knew what it took for me to keep my cool after discovering the serum had disappeared, and then to sweetly exhort MJ to get her to take a shower with Kitten.

And when I did succeed, I began a progressive search of the entire flat: living room, bedroom, guest bedroom, kitchen. Only one vial was missing, only the formula.

And it wasn't so much the thought of wasting resources creating it that made me angry, but the realisation that whoever was responsible for what had happened knew why he had come.

Panic was gone, only rational understanding remained - it was necessary to find the intruder.

The suits, the uniforms, the equipment, everything was still where I'd left it, but that didn't mean anything.

The manuscripts given out by Dr Strange in the bookcases, no hint that they weren't ordinary books, so it wasn't about them either.

The door was locked. Of course, the thief could have climbed in through the window, any of the five windows, but then he would have disturbed the security system. He would have disturbed the security system anyway.

I moved to the computer.

I was not pleased with what I discovered. The spiderbots had been remotely disabled for a period of about half an hour. Too long if you know what you're going in for.

But the important thing is that the intruder was able to remotely switch the drones off and then switch them back on again. And, if you turn a blind eye to the fact that my Spiderbots have excellent code protection against hacking, with double end-to-end encryption, and that's just the first level..... You can't turn a blind eye to the fact that the thief knew whose flat he was breaking into.

Who would know that Peter Parker is Spider-Man, be ready for my defence system and only come for the serum?

SHIELD? They wouldn't have broken Spiderbot resistance so quickly, and they weren't likely to be as careful as the thief was. Oh, and I didn't sense surveillance, they can't have data.

HYDRA? Same claim. And on top of that, they'd only want Peter Parker and again, not knowing about the Spiderbots would put an end to the invasion, and if they did know, how would they get the right one out of all the vials?

Same question for Shields.

So there's a third person.

I wasn't worried about the intruder using the formula on himself, the serum was designed for MJ's DNA only, but how soon they'd crack the formula was a good question, even with my undoubted giftedness in genetics, it took me a fortnight, and I wouldn't have realised it without Maria's results on my blood sample.

I rise from my chair and walk to the bedroom.

"What are we going to do, Bearer?" - I hear Raj's concentrated murmur.


I put on my suit, grab cartridges with all the web species I have in my stash, double-check the web shooters, the teleportation ring, grab my katanas. If I was even more paranoid I'd grab the jetpack, but that's overkill. I can't lug it all anyway, I'm already loaded to the brim.

I put on my mask, and when I heard the water in the shower stop flowing, I quickly leave a note on the table saying I'd decided to get some fresh air and jump out the window.

I only have one course of action, fly to a high-rise, preferably somewhere on the Empire State Building, crawl to the top and call out to my Sense for a clue.

"Bearer, on the side!" comes Raj's call, interrupting my musings.

But I don't have time to react, as something crashes from my right side, throwing me to the nearest rooftop.

Why was the Sense silent?

However, the booming voice makes me focus on what's happening right now.

- I knew you'd leave the flat when you discovered your mixture was missing, Ok!

- What? - I look up and I'm surprised to see a guy in a Spider-Man costume.

From the build and the voice, he's a teenager. I was about the same age when I first put the suit on. And his uniform differs from mine in that instead of blue or black inserts in the suit, they're silver, with a chrome metal glow.

- Who are you?" I stand up on my feet and examine my possible adversary intently. - Wait, you're one of the Spider-Men who took me to the Wild Earth, aren't you!?

- I don't know what the hell you're talking about, Octavius, but right now you're going to tell me where your mind rewriting device is and we're going to put the original Spider-Man back where he belongs," Silver said, preparing for battle.

- Look, kid, I'm not Dr Octopus!

- Yeah, and you didn't make any weird serums," the teen replied mockingly. - Admit it, you were planning to create your own personal super army, eh, Osprey?

- So you're the one who broke into my house! - I exclaimed, recognising the intruder.

- This is not your house!

With a furious shout, the guy lunged at me.

I dodge the blow.

He's fast.

- Not bad," I miss another lunge under his head, "but anger distracts you, keeps you from fighting to your full potential, limits your potential," why did that sound so villainous?

- Shut up!

I grab my opponent's arm and toss him aside.

- Or maybe you've just seen too many Kung Fu films and never learned how to fight," I shrugged, trying to piss this guy off.

Never underestimate your opponent.

- If I had all my past abilities, I could take you out with a snap of my fingers," the kid replied with a slight grunt.

"Bearer, what do you plan on doing?"

"Good question, what's the chance this guy isn't our enemy and mistakenly thinks I'm Spider whose body was stolen by Dr Octopus?"

"Quite a good chance Peter, from the sound of his voice, he really does think your body was kidnapped by Otto Octavius," the Clintarian shared.

"Then let's try to convince him otherwise, Raj."

- Look, kid, I'm really me, I mean the original Spider-Man," I raise my hands in a calming gesture. - How do I prove it?

- Tell me something only Spider-Man would know! - The teenager jabbed his finger at me.

- Wouldn't Ock have access to my memory if he'd stolen my body?

- Um...right," the boy visibly stifled himself. - Stay where you are!

After the request-command, the kid lowered his head, as if listening to someone or pondering.

Maybe he's got an AI chip in his suit? His uniform looks futuristic.

- Listen, what time are you from? Is it the far future in your world?

- Don't distract me," the guy turned his head and looked straight at me. - Until I find out if you're Octavius or not, I'm asking questions here. And anyway, what's all this nonsense about other realities, Wild Earth?

"Cheeky bloke and it's starting to get annoying," Raj growled in my mind.

"Agreed, but you'll have to be patient to prove your innocence."

- Look, I'm kind of the local sheriff here, and in response to your annoying behaviour, I might decide to keep fighting rather than peacefully chatting, you know, like a good guy," I muttered with a sigh. - So, as a return favour, stop calling me Eye.

- And what's your preference, "Excellent Spider-Man?" - the bastard asks ironically.

I let that one slide.

- Spidey, Wall Climber, Friendly Neighbour, Spiderweb, I have many nicknames, take your pick.

- Well, well, well.

The guy is still looking at me with extreme doubt.

I just sigh.

- Look, I have no idea how to prove it to you...wait," I snap my fingers, "I've got one!

Silver looks at me with the same disbelief, but still interested.

- If I was Dr Octopus, who stole Spider-Man's body, then it would probably be noticed by, say, the Supreme Wizard of Earth, Dr Strange, when talking to me, wouldn't it?

- Most likely," the teenager said thoughtfully.

- Which means he certainly wouldn't share any mystical artefacts with me, would he?

- What are you getting at?

In response, I simply show off the double teleportation ring dangling from my middle and ring fingers.

- Prove it works," Silver muttered earnestly.

I simply raise my palms and open the spatial vortex in a circular motion.

- Ta-da, portal," I point my palm at my handiwork.

- So you really are Spider-Man? - The kid said, again, as if listening to something.

I just closed the funnel.

- The one and only, though that's a moot point.

- You mean clones," the teen nodded understandingly.

- You know about them, too?

My tone made the boy flinch.

- Anyway, I'm me," I folded my hands behind my back. - And now you're going to answer my questions.

I think the kid even slouched.

Is he afraid of me?

- Okay, first question, who are you?

- Um," the teenager shuffles uncomfortably from foot to foot, "this might not be the safest place....

- Not a problem, just tell me where to move it," I show the ring again.

- Come on... let's go to my base," Silver sighs.

- Well, where is our base? - I ask with a small chuckle.

- At the abandoned warehouses in Harlem, Madewell Street, building seventeen, third room.

Yeah. I have a pretty good idea where that is.

A wave of my hands and a crater appears, with the roof of the building on the back of it.

- After you, - I let the kid through, and then I go in next.

A moment and here we are from the back side of the portal, which I closed, about nine kilometres from the last point of dislocation.

- We're going down, - the guy went to the hatch in the roof and lifted it.

I, not sensing a trick, climbed down after him.

A couple of minutes and we find ourselves in a small living room: a bed, a table, a few computers, a very poor home laboratory, obviously worse than mine.

- Listen, if you're a Spider yourself, why did you attack, didn't your gut tell you I wasn't the enemy? - I'm showing my trademark curiosity.

- It did, but I was too distracted by the idea that your body might be kidnapped by Dr Octopus," the guy turned his head in my direction. - And to be honest, I was terrified at that prospect.

- Yeah, fear can shut down the senses like nothing else, I realise," I fold my hands behind my back. - "Anyway, Otto is now resting in his comfortable four-by-four cell, courtesy of RAFT, so there's no reason to worry.

- He's been able to cheat that way before," the kid said quietly.

- What?" I heard him anyway.

- Nothing," the kid waved his head as if he were pushing away an unpleasant memory, "you had questions, didn't you?

- And you never answered the first one," I tilt my head to his shoulder.

- Right," the guy walks over and leans back against the table, standing with his back to me, "who am I, right?

- For starters," I confirm.

- I'm sorry, but I can't tell you my name.

Judging by the tone, the kid is really uncomfortable with that fact.

- Can't or won't? - I clarify.

- I can't," the boy replies with genuine pain in his voice, "this knowledge can affect a lot of things, change a lot of events," Silver Spider says with conviction.

"He truly believes in his words, Bearer," the Clintar lie detector sees fit to inform me.

"Got it, brother."

- Laaaaaaay. - I take a few steps, looking around the lab. - But how? You're from another reality, aren't you?

- No, I don't understand why you would jump to such conclusions," the teenager shook his head negatively. - I'm from this world, but from the future.

- Wait, from the future of this world?

The boy just nods curtly.

I look at him interestedly.

- How many years from now?

- Probably seventy to eighty," the kid says uncertainly.

"Now he's lying, Bearer."

"Got it."

Okay, we'll leave it at that for now. It's useless to interrogate the kid, I'll only ruin both our nerves and I'll be left with only questions.

- Why did you come back in time?

- To protect the original Spider-Man," I reply confidently, "you.

- I see," I stretch out, "so you chose to attack me instead of coming to my house and saying something along the lines of 'come with me if you want to live'?" - I'm just teasing.

- What? The guy didn't get the reference.

- You haven't seen Terminator?

- Nope.

- How could you?

- I've never liked post-apocalyptic plots," Silver shrugged.

- Okay, let's leave the discussion of your ignorance," I wave my hand. - What do you have to protect me from?

- Well, not just you," the teenager scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

- Who else?

- Your whole family, I mean Mary Jane and Felicia," the boy said.

I turn around and stare at the guy, and he seems to flinch at the look.

- You know, I react calmly to your knowledge, and I don't question your words at all, just because my own Sense doesn't warn me about danger, lies and the like, but that doesn't mean I'm ready to trust you in advance, you know?

- Yes, I understand," the kid nodded.

- Good. And now explain this, - I spread my hands apart, - no offence will be taken, but tell me, how my family will be protected by a fourteen-year-old boy?

- I'm full of surprises," the teenager replies with a slight frown. - And I'm sixteen.

I still got you.

- So be it," I rub my temples. - Why did you break into my flat?

- To make sure your body was stolen by Octopus," the kid walked to his home lab, "and when I found this, I thought my fears were confirmed," Silver picked up a vial of my serum. - Why did you need this compound?

- A better question, what makes you think that my having this serum is a direct proof of my identity being stolen by Dr Octopus? - I tilt my head in interest.

- Because in my time there is absolutely no evidence that Spider-Man recreated the serum of a super-soldier, and even supplemented with an extract that gives spider abilities! - the guy exploded.

He seemed completely lost.

- That's probably because I was only going to make one batch.

Well, maybe a second one for Kitten.

- What?

- You're not the only one planning to protect my family, kid," I say ironically.

- You don't believe me, do you? - Silver asked tiredly and devastated.

- All I see so far is a teenager breaking into my flat and disabling the security systems, attacking me and accusing me of being Dr Octopus. And this is despite the fact that I've lost a lot of weight this month.

The kid chuckles a little at my joke, but sadly.

Did I go too far? He's just a little kid, so maybe he was accidentally thrown into my world and he's embarrassed to admit it.


- Okay, look, my life is a mess right now, I mean chaos, more chaotic than classic Spider Chaos, and I think the magical teleportation ring should have given you a hint of that more than anything else, don't you agree?

The guy just nods.

- And believe me, this is just the tip of a fucking huge iceberg of challenges, problems, and other Titanic-level stuff, maybe even higher. Did you even see Titanic?

- Yeah.

For the first time in the whole conversation, the kid's voice had something resembling a smile in it.

- Good, - I can't help but smile back, even if it's not visible behind the mask.

There's something about that kid. Something disposable.

- So, honestly, I don't know how to solve the question of the guest from the future.

- You won't have to," Silver said confidently, raising his head at me. - Like I said, I was sent here for a reason, and my mission is my mission, and I only made myself known because I had to make sure you weren't Doc Ock.

- Good," I liked the confidence with which he answered, it was bribing. - So what do you intend to do?

- Initially I planned to slowly spread the word, to appear and stop crimes, villains, to exist at the level of rumours and gradually come out of the shadows, but ...

- The idea that I could be Octavius," I nod understandingly.

- Yes," the teenager agreed grudgingly, "it ruined everything. We're going to have to go with a new plan.

- And what plan is that, if it's no secret? - I arch an eyebrow.

- Now you know about me, in a way that makes it easier," Silver Spider folds his arms across his chest, "I'll continue to gather information, keep an eye on the situation, and cover for you if I need to.

- Let's say," I nod, "that means you really had nothing to do with my recent adventure in the Wild Earth.

- Wait, you were seriously in Wild Earth, weren't you?

Oh, I see.

- It was in the evening, I had nothing to do," I say in a cheerful tone.

- You want to tell me about it?

Was it just me, or did I hear some genuine childish interest in the kid's voice?

- I'd love to, kid, but I've got to get back home, because I ran away from my girlfriends to look for an unknown thief.

- Yeah, sorry," the teenager hands me the vial, "taking other people's stuff is usually my little brother's habit," Silver says a little awkwardly.

- Okay," I accept the vial. - Well, so we continue to live as we have been living, taking note of the discovered facts, right?

- Right, - nods the kid.

- Good, but don't think that I won't listen to your story down to the last fact as soon as I unload my schedule, got it?

- Absolutely," Silver laughs.

I approach the stairs leading to the roof.

- Before you go," I turn round, "what's your name?

- I've already explained that....

- That's not what I mean," I interrupt the guy trying to explain again. - What's your superhero nickname?

- Um...well, in my world they call me Spider-Man," he thought for a moment. - Arachnid," he nodded to himself, "you can call me Arachnid.

- Whatever you say," I shrugged, "see you later, Arachnid, and don't you dare move," I saluted and lifted the manhole cover up the stairs.

- See you later," the manhole cover closes with a loud clang, "Dad.


Same place.

Benjamin Parker.

"You don't think what happened will jeopardise your mission?" - JEN uttered as soon as her host's father left.

- You heard yourself, Spider-Man has a lot on his mind these days," Benji tiredly removed his mask and rested it on the table. - Still, we learned something useful.

Parker pushed back in his computer chair toward the computers.

"What exactly?" - The computer from the future was interested.

- 'Remember what he said about travelling to Wild Earth?

'I have no data on that event either.

- 'Yes, and my father also mentioned some Spider-Men who might be involved.

"Do you think these unknowns are the source of the anachronisms?"

- No other idea how my father's life could have been so seriously affected.

"So we'll look?"

- We'll look," the brown-haired man confirmed, slicking his hair back.


Half an hour later.

Peter Parker.

I flew out of the warehouses in Harlem and only halfway there remembered that I could just teleport.

Old habits are hard to break. Just as it's hard to get used to new tricks, however convenient.

The portal took me straight to the roof of my house.

Standard procedure with changing clothes, down the flights, the right floor. And there I was, walking into my flat.

- I know, I know, I disappeared abruptly," I begin at once, raising my palms upwards.

In response, my girls, who were sitting on the sofa in their towels, just clapped their eyes in bewilderment.

- Tiger, trust me, we're used to it," MJ snorts cheerfully.

- Besides, you left a note this time," Fey said in the same tone, showing a piece of paper.

I lock the door and take off my jacket.

- You're really not mad?

- No," the girls say in unison and get up from the couch.

- But that doesn't mean you...

-...don't owe us an apology.

The red-haired and blonde nymphs throw off their towels.

- Oh, I think I can apologise properly.

Putting out my idiotic grin I'm not even going to.