

That was the news.

After the introduction and the teacher's permission, the girl took her seat almost in the centre of the middle row. Of course, everyone started to gossip about the new girl, some of the guys even made dirty jokes about her.

But it wasn't that that excited me, it was the list. What list? The students. The roll call that makes up the list of people on the field trip. And frankly, some of the names I didn't like, namely: Cindy Moon, Miles Morales and now, apparently, Gwen Stacy.

What is it about this equation that makes me unhappy? A few points.

Firstly, I'm definitely not in the familiar canon comic book world, that's already put a bit of a damper on the mood.

Secondly, what do the three names I cited have in common? That's right, all three, or their alternate counterparts, had spider powers, as did yours truly. This is where one of my major differences from Peter Parker came to light. I was very possessive about getting my powers. No copycats.

Let me explain. I have nothing against the characters of Miles, Gwen, or Cindy. I liked the stories about them at times, the same Morales arc in the 2018 Spidey game was pretty interesting, as was the kid himself. But I completely disliked the fashion with which they began to rivet knockoffs on the familiar hero of my childhood.

After all, what is not a new spider, then naturally improved by some hitherto unknown ability and surpassing the old friendly neighbour as an obsolete model.

Only this outdated model always came back and gave a double whammy to these newcomers.

The "canon" Parker himself didn't mind, acting as a mentor and all that.

I understand, but I don't share it. It may not be the right decision, but it's mine.

Well, if I'm not the one the spider chooses on the field trip, that's fate. But if it's me... then I'll take fate into my own hands.

I didn't even realise the lesson was over.


The time before the tour flew by. For some people.

But I made the most of it. After Physics, I quickly flew over to Gwen, who hadn't quite got the hang of it, and offered myself as a tour guide. That's how we met. We got to talking as we walked round the school. It turned out that she moved in with her father, who, surprise surprise, is a cop in the New York City Police Department. Mum left them and married some banker and moved away to make a life for herself, leaving her daughter and her ex-husband behind. Mr Stacey was very hurt by this, so you never know who cares for whom more: father for daughter or vice versa.

What a man won't tell you when life changes so rapidly. Moving to a big city, divorcing parents, new school, always some uncertainty. You're also a teenager. So you might as well take it out on someone your own age. Or maybe I just have a pretty face.

Also at lunch, we sat at the same table as Miles. The kid wasn't expecting it, but he was glad to have the company.

- By the way, Miles, you don't know Gwen, she's new - I decided to introduce her.

- Yeah, to be honest, I don't know you much either, Peter. But it's still nice to meet you, Gwen.

- Well, we'll make up for it, if you don't mind my - I squint slightly at Gwen - our company.

- As you may have noticed, by the number of people at this table, I don't have many friends, so I'll be happy to make new ones - Morales said a little embarrassed.

- Then - I raised a bag of apple juice - to new friends! - smiling Miles and slightly embarrassed Gwen supported my toast.

I reflected on what had happened as I sat by the window. Gwen, who was sitting next to me, and Miles, who happened to be in the front, were discussing something hard, like quants.

- Pete, what do you think? - Gwen called out to me.

- Oh, I agree with you about charged alpha particles, sorry, Miles, but the gamma radiation direction is a dead end in this branch. Better to delve into cosmic radiation.

- Pfft, you're only saying that because Reed Richards' space expedition succeeded in giving him and his team superpowers.

Yeah, so the wheel started turning.

- Maybe," I smirk enigmatically.

- So, a trip to the centre of the corporation, the scientific department of which deals with gamma-radiation, you are not interested at all? - Gwen clarifies.

- I didn't say that. I only confirmed that the direction of gamma radiation is a dead end in the matter of safe alternative energy for everyday use by ordinary people ...

- All right, everybody stop talking, we're here," the teacher proclaimed.

I saw a huge multi-storey tower with the Ozcorp emblem on top, but it was so high up that it was very hard to see, and even with my eyesight. Truly an evil corporation.

We walked through security and were immediately greeted by the tour guide.

- Hello, dear students. We are glad to welcome you to the laboratories of the Oscorp Corporation, where every day discoveries are made that move forward not only science, but all of mankind! Who knows, maybe one of you will work for us in the future. Well, let's start the tour.

Wow, what a speech. The expression is so intense, if I didn't know the head of this shithouse, I'd definitely consider working here. Perhaps, of course, it's not right to judge the whole flock by one lousy sheep, but, as you know, the fish rots from the head. And since the head of Ozcorp is Norman fucking Osborne, I'm going to stay as far away from it all as possible.

First we were shown the department of development of alternative energy sources based on gamma radiation. Bruce Banner would appreciate that, but I reckon cosmic rays are the future.

Next is the military weapons development department. Here's where even our dumbass athletes cheered up. Especially Flash. Well, in the comics he volunteered for the military, so maybe this is where his heart lies.

The last and most important stop was the Biological Testing Department. Honestly, my palms were sweating and my heart was racing.

- Are you okay? - my condition didn't escape the discerning Gwen.

- Yeah, just a little tired, maybe from the overload of events? - a little joke to lighten the mood.

- Well, this is our pride and honour, a stand of twelve genetically modified spiders.

- I'm sorry, but there are only eleven," Cindy Moon announced.

- Strange, the last one must have been taken away for research. Well, our tour has come to an end, take a look around and we'll say goodbye.

Well, moment of truth. I'm looking around. Miles and a few other students are standing in the distance, taking pictures of the spectrum analyser. Far away in a cluster of the largest number of students, is Cindy Moon. Closest to me is Gwen.

- Hey, dickhead, don't just stand there," Flash walked past me, catching my shoulder and knocking my backpack off.

- Nice one, man. Kenny Kong kicked that prick's arse.

- I didn't even start, man.

Yeah, who's the dickhead? I walk over to the rucksack, grab the strap, and barely catch a spider on it. I froze in a daze and didn't even do anything when it jumped on my arm and bit me.

It hurt like hell. It's hard to even compare, but I kept my remaining composure for a certain action. Gwen, Miles, you guys are great, really. But there's only room in town for one arachnid and his name is Spider-Man.

In an outburst of emotion I hit myself on the arm with all my might, which apparently provokes a new round of pain, because the place of the bite, on which the remains of the experimental spider were spread, begins to hurt with renewed vigour.

- Peter, are you all right? - Miss Stacey asks sympathetically.

- I'm fine, why? - I reply with a noticeable strain and try my best to cover the bite with my rucksack.

- You look pale and you look like you've got a fever.

- I'm fine, Gwen, really. I'm really tired, I should go home and get some rest.

- Stacey was a bit sceptical but accepted my excuse.

It was a good thing it was over quickly and without delay, or Marvel would be like that: "Oh, I have to pee," "I forgot my purse," etc. I'm on my last legs here. Gwen's even got Miles on board with her anxiety and now they're both itching.

But all's well that ends well. We got to school quickly, and after saying goodbye to my friends, I quickly went home.

It was extremely fucked up. My skin was burning, I could feel my overall body temperature rising at an unprecedented rate, my eyes were blurring, but I was determined to get to my room and pass out heroically only there. No other way.

Shit! What if there's a mistake? What if I don't get strength, but another ticket to the next world, poisons and radiation are such, they are not particularly favourable to a long and healthy life. Maybe I shouldn't risk it.

Stop whining! You made this decision. It's your decision, so whatever the outcome, it's my responsibility.

I made my way home in a total state of unconsciousness. I literally fell through the door.

- Peter, how was the tour, will you have dinner? - Aunt May came from the kitchen.

- No, auntie, I'm exhausted, I'll tell you all about it tomorrow, good night! - I said cursorily as I went up to the first floor.

I went into my own bedroom, my legs began to shake. I barely threw off my clothes and straightened the bed and fell on the bed.

- Well, Mr Parker. I hope you survive," I sardonically remarked and promptly passed out.


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