
And back into the wilderness again. Part 1

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22 April, 2013.

Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson's flat.

Spider-Man/Peter Parker.

I wake up unaccustomedly slowly, emerging from the realm of Morpheus with a lingering pleasure. My head tingles slightly. Is it a hangover?

I try to get up, but the even pressure from both sides doesn't let me do it. I look sideways, perplexed, and, on my left side, I see a head as white as the first snow, and on my right, the familiar fiery honey.

Mary and Fey, with their legs thrown up on me, are snuggled up on either side of me, sleeping peacefully.

I think back to last night and an idiotic smile spreads across my face.

"I can congratulate you on acquiring another female, Bearer," the alien's snide voice breaks the blissful slumber.

"I should rip your tongue out, Raj," I state to the symbiote with exaggerated displeasure.

"If you believe the common human saying, there's no offence in telling the truth," the alien continues to sneer.

In response, I only sigh and carefully free myself from the girls lying on top of me. However, having lost me as a pillow, the girls immediately enclose me in each other's arms. Fey rests her cheek on the top of MJ's head, while Mary uses the blonde's breasts as a pillow.

"Raj, do you think if I take a picture of them now, do you think I'll be hurt badly enough to get killed?"

"Knowing your females? Undoubtedly," the alien states overly serious. But I can sense his humour.

Putting on my underwear, I quietly leave the bedroom.

"And stop calling girls my females," I say to the symbiote on my way to the bathroom.

Having done my business, I go to the couch and put on my jeans.

"I apologise, Bearer, your girls," the Symbiote finally replies.

"That's better."

I make my way to the kitchen and look in the fridge.

Too bad there's no mineral water, but orange juice will do just as well. I open the two-litre gallon and greedily start drinking. When I'm almost halfway through, I stop.

- It's good," I say quietly.

Suddenly there is a sharp and loud knock at the door.

I flinch and glance at the clock.

"Who the fuck comes at eight in the morning on a day off?"

The insistent knocking repeats.

I quickly run to the door.

- I'm coming! - I shout in a whisper.

"Can I whisper?"

I open the door sharply.

- Good thing you're home, help me bury the body.

I'm shocked to see a vaguely familiar man looking around frantically.

- What?

Suddenly the man starts laughing.

- I'm sorry, I've wanted to say that phrase for a long time," he wipes his tears as he walks inside, pushing me slightly. "Nice flat," the brown-haired man says, looking around.

- Who are you?! - I raise my voice, but then I look at the bedroom door and continue in silence, - get out of here, you bum.

- What?! You've got a nerve?! - angrily declares brown-eyed, - I forgive you only because you don't remember me, - my interlocutor declares in a calmer voice.

- Are you out of your mind, "I don't remember?". I don't fucking know you!

In response, the man in the mackintosh only raises his hand. His palm begins to glow.

I grab my head. Flashes of memories begin to flicker.

- Do you remember now? - he says with gusto.

- What?" I say, still in a stunned state.

- Then I'll have to do it visually," the man sighs.

A red substance begins to cover the brown man's body, revealing an old acquaintance.

- Recognised now?

- Irresponsible?!?!?!?!?

- Bingo!!! - Rejoices my older version.

- No...what? How, I mean," realisation comes over me abruptly, "you two pricks erased my memory!

Feeling the rising anger, Raj envelops my body.

- I see you found Symbiote, pretty boy," the Spider in Red ignores my retort and says, "he'll help us with our mission.

- What mission? You think I'm going anywhere with you? After what you both did!

Suddenly, my older version comes closer and, grabbing my pecs, pulls the Symbiote off as if it were a normal garment.

- Listen to me, you little brat, - he started threateningly, - if you keep on being offended and hysterical, the ancient entity that hunts you will find us quickly, come here and hurt hundreds of people, do you want that?

- No, - the first anger disappeared.

- Good for you," Red let go of me and smoothed his suit a little, "and you're acting like a virgin, for God's sake.

- What kind of essence is after me? - I'm hooked on the main information.

- You're thinking right, it's obvious the training from Shield didn't go in vain, - my older version smirks, - has Fury sent you on that mission yet?

- I don't take the exam until next week," Red's comment ignites a spark of interest, "what kind of mission?

- Time travelling, reality, all that stuff," Irresponsible said cheerfully, putting his finger to his lips, "I can't tell you, you know. But you'll be surprised.

- Very informative.

- Keep your head down," said Red. - 'So here's the threat,' Spider began spiritedly, but stopped abruptly.

Irresponsible one jump jumps up to me and, activating the bracelet teleports us.

- STOP! - I shout, already in the Timeless Zone, - AGH! At least let me leave a note, in case I'm stuck with you for a month!

- Don't worry, - Red waved his wrist, - time machine, remember? And I'm sorry, but otherwise it would have found us.

- She?

- Remember when I said this menace was after you?

- Well?

- I wasn't entirely honest," Red muttered, rubbing the back of his head slightly. - 'She's actually after me, but I threw her off the scent by switching her to you.

- YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

- You don't have to yell like that," Irresponsible began, clearing his ears, "Don't worry, the 'cloak' won't last long and she'll target me again," Red said nonchalantly, "but until then we're in the same boat.

- Of course, I imagined you were a sick psycho, but what kind of person would you be to put some kind of threat on your younger version, I mean, if I understand correctly, then...hello, I'm going to die and you're not alive either," I said confusedly, still shocked by what had happened.

- You're not a defenceless infant, you'll be fine," he calmly explains, "I found Simba over there too...by the way.

I feel the Spider Sense ringing, and even manage to react to Red approaching, but he still touches my shoulder with two fingers.

- What are you doing?! - Sense warned me, but I felt no pain.

- I'm doing you a favour," Irresponsible replies lightly, "You're welcome, by the way.

- What do you mean?

- Have you had a chance to practice making weapons out of your symbiotic suit? - Red continued as if nothing had happened.

- Um...not yet," I admitted slightly ashamed.

In response, Irresponsible made an inviting gesture, saying, "Try it."

Shrugging, I raise my hand and imagine it stretching into the shape of a whip. In response, the symbiotic tissue lengthens and there goes my hand into a several metre long tentacle whip whisk.


I raise my left arm and, remembering moments from cartoons, imagine my hand turning into a hammer.

And, miraculously, it works!

I mentally return my hands to normal and imagine different sized outgrowths bursting out of my body. A second later, several dozen symbiotic spikes are released all over the body.

"Raj, why didn't you tell me we could do that?"

But the Symbiote didn't answer.

- Why can't I hear Raj? - Glancing glumly at the calm Red, "What did you do?

- What you should have done, put the Klyntarian's personality to sleep," my older version replied calmly, "unfortunately there are no suitable tools around to erase him permanently, but be thankful for that at least.

- You had no right to do that! - I'm poking the Irresponsible One accusingly. - We're partners, he didn't deserve to be treated like that!

- Are you fucking serious right now? He's a fucking parasite! Just because an alien gives you a cool suit and powers doesn't make him your friend.

- It's because of this Prime Pete attitude that Symbiote became Venom," I grab my head, "how does no one realise that if you kick someone instead of giving them a hand, they get angry!

- Are you seriously attached to him? - Red's astonishment could be touched. - He'll betray you. Sooner or later it will happen, - said the older me with conviction.

- You can't know that.

- Do you think the suit I'm wearing isn't Raj's?

- What?" I asked in surprise.

- Just because it's red doesn't mean it's not good old Venom.

- What happened?

- The event that made my world Carnage-free," Irresponsible said with steel in his voice. - We were delayed for a long time.

My older version walked over to me, and I felt the teleportation effect again.

This time the movement was more "concussive". I ended up being thrown out on the roof and flying into an industrial air conditioner.


Red calmly jumps out next to me.

- 'Oh, what fresh air,' Irresponsible takes a deep breath, 'it's nice to be back home. You okay, kid?

- I'm fine," I stand up, rubbing my bruised shoulder unhappily, "did you say home?

- Yes, welcome to my world, it could be yours too, so don't worry about it. We'll fly back to my place, pick up a few things and then we can meet her.

- By the way, why don't you explain who she is?! - I grab Red's shoulder and turn him towards me, - and how did YOU - I poke at the emblem on his chest - manage to piss her off?

- Eh, - rolling symbiotic eyes, the older me clucked, - in general, remember how Zanuda came to you for the formula?

I nod silently.

- So it was necessary to unlock my abilities, I told you about them.

- Wait, wait, wait, wait, - I wave my hands, - so those jokes about magic, Uni-power and flight it was not a joke?

In response, Red calmly flies a few metres up in front of me. I stare shocked, and if it weren't for the mask, my jaw would have long ago punched through the Earth's crust.

- Have you seen enough? - The older Spider asked snidely.

- I can't believe it," I sat down where I was standing, "and I thought that the acquired 'Bite' and Symbiote were cool.

I always wanted to fly.

- You've got it all ahead of you, kid," Irresponsible pushes me in the shoulder as I land.

- So, what were you saying?

- Yes, in general, Zanuda developed the serum, unfortunately, unlike me, he paid more attention to science. So I travelled to Earth 9532 to practice my abilities. It's an Earth that's been overrun by giant mutated insects.

- You're going to have a blast fighting Kaiju?

- That's right. But I stumbled upon an artefact that contained a concentration of mystical energy. As you can imagine, I couldn't pass it up. I went to the sprawling forests of the Amazon, found the totem in the pyramid and took it away, - as a true born storyteller told me Red. - Only this thing had guards. You know her a hundred per cent. The Queen of Os. The Shatra.

- The Shatra?! - I'm jumping up. - A mystical entity that travels across dimensions and hunts Spiders? A threat defeated by a Spider from the 616 universe? This Shatra?

- Her. And anticipating your question, either she hasn't crossed paths with the Spider from 616 yet, or our wasp isn't alone in the multiverse.

- And you got her attention?

- I did.

- Wait, I may not be an expert, but Shatra's not that superpowered. And you, you can fly and more, so why did you divert it to me?

- That Shatra's strong enough, we had a big fuck-up in South America and it hurt me. Wasps often prey on Spiders, so it's like rock-paper-scissors, I'm the scissors, she's the rock, so to succeed I need a second scissor - you.

- Doesn't make sense.

- Yeah, yeah, let's go.

Red took off, and I had no choice but to follow.

As I flew on the web behind my levitating older version, I meticulously surveyed my surroundings.

This is definitely New York City. And it's definitely the Big Apple of the future. Neon lights everywhere, brightly coloured screens. Literally on every rooftop. Holograms glowing. And, yes, flying cars, lots of them. And they're a terrible nuisance.

Twenty minutes later, we finally reach a huge tower. Several kilometres high.

Waving to me, Red flew to the top.

Sighing, I start running towards the penthouse along the wall.

- You're taking a long time," Irresponsible says cheerfully, leaning on the artificial tree.

- No more, khh-, not one, fuh-, one, fuh-, word! - Bringing my confused breathing back in order.

"Looks like space hopping can take a toll on even my lauded stamina."

- Let's go," Red beckons.

We walk through a beautiful terrace garden that sits right on the roof.

We enter a large penthouse, through glass sliding doors.

Once inside, the lights come on.

- Welcome home, Mr Parker," comes an electronic voice.

- Hey, Sheryl, what's the news? - Irresponsible asked.

- You have a computer butler?

Once again I was ignored.

- Spiderbots from unit #766 to #894 have detected nothing criminal in their surveillance zones. The centre is clear.

- Great, what about the surveillance?

- The Avengers, Fantastic Four and other hero teams are unaware of your presence.

- You have a problem with superheroes? - I ask in surprise.

- When you start killing villains, they appear by themselves," Red explained as if nothing had happened.

Ah, well, yes, he told me.

- How come they haven't tracked you down yet? I mean, Reed Richards or Tony Stark aren't the dumbest people on earth.

- A lot of factors. Among the major ones? I wasn't an idiot and I didn't spread my identity around. And finally secured my safety with a magic spell straight from Stephen Strange. Since then, no one knows of my identity except those to whom I reveal myself voluntarily. As for the stalking. Reid's busy exploring micro-worlds, other dimensions and the like. Besides, Mr Richards has his own nose to the grindstone, as a rational pragmatist and scientist he's never been a stranger to getting his hands dirty. The Illuminati is a case in point. Same thing with Tony. If Cap doesn't piss him off, Stark won't even bother with me. If only I cared about that.

- I see. And your computer?

- Sheryl. Personally designed her AI. Guides my Spiderbots, reports crimes, and monitors potential threats.

- Like what?

- Surviving enemies who've escaped reprisals. Enough questioning. That's not why we're here. Let's go to the workshop.

Red walked along the length of the room. I followed him and looked around the room. A very nice and cosy house. Not a trace of the sullen alienation I'd expected from the place where the Irresponsible One lived. Wooden floors covered with several rugs. The kitchen and living room are connected, with a huge white sofa and plasma in the centre of the room. Several floors.

- Not a bad flat.

- Thank you," my grown-up doppelganger replied simply.

- Do you spend a lot on maid service?

- Annie takes care of the household," Red's voice warmed slightly, "we're here.

The door on the first floor slid open, revealing a large room.

It was indeed a workshop with a capital letter. Several tables held equipment. On the walls were computers, most likely with a holographic interface, and at least a hundred Spiderbots scurrying back and forth across the room.

- So, why are we here?

- The Shatra is tracking me through an essence pattern, mystic, you're not even new at this yet. Using Gaatra's Sphere, I redirected her radar to a younger mindprint. As my direct version from the past, you were the best fit. Again, I apologise," Red said with a swipe of his hand.

Strange artefacts, books and mirrors now began to appear in the room from some of the tables.

Once the disguise was removed, the space looked like a mixture of a technomage's workshop and library.

- A standard concealment spell.

- I never realised you were a mage.

- Just because I like to knock my enemies teeth out with my fists doesn't mean I couldn't study ancient Sumerian texts, Sanskrit hieroglyphics, and become a spellcaster. Never judge a book by its cover, kid.

- Got it.

Unwittingly, my eyes are drawn to a door different from the rest of the lab's interior. And my spidey sense reacts strangely to it.

I'm about to ask Irresponsible about it, but a transparent holographic silhouette appears in the middle of the lab.

- Mr Parker, Mistress Annie has returned," the AI said with a bow.

- Thank you, Sheryl," Red replied.

The symbiotic suit began to drain from my older version.

I looked at him again. No wonder I didn't recognise him, after all, on our first meeting, neither he nor Stilyaga had taken off their masks. But this was definitely my grown-up version: the same dark eyes, even darker hair, face elongated and pale, stiff stubble standing out. And the clothes, complete finish, some swamp-coloured coat, tattered grey tights, obviously homemade and different boots. Wow.

- First of all, you should be out in the sun more often. Secondly, what are you wearing?

- Disguise, now that I don't need it.

My older version quickly stripped down to her underwear.

- Dude, get dressed," I wipe my eyes.

- Sheryl, tell Annie to get my clothes from my room," Red ignored me.

- 'Of course, master.

The irresponsible one stretched out his arms and two transparent gilded circles appeared on them, he swept them over his body.

- A standard purification spell," explained the older me.

A moment later, the door to the workshop opened.

- Hello, Daddy!

I look back at the voice and freeze.

Standing in the doorway is a young girl, looking not much older than MJ. Red hair, but a little lighter than her mother's, almond eyes, and a light scattering of freckles, again, a little smaller than Mary's. Otherwise, it's a complete copy. All I have is an eye slit, a nose and cheekbones.

Annie Parker. My daughter.

Or rather, this version of me.

Although it's a little disconcerting that she's wearing a see-through spider T-shirt, short skirt and white stockings.

- Hey, kid," Red walks up to the girl and takes her clothes from her.

The redhead was clearly about to kiss him, but he pulled away.

- Meet my younger version, he won't be here long," Irresponsible waved off the introductions and stepped away.

I, on the other hand, fell into a stupor.

"Is it just me?"

- It's nice to meet you," Annie reached out her hand to me with a cheeky smile.

- Likewise," I shook her slender hand.

- So you're a younger version of my daddy? - The redhead gave me a concerned look.

Just like MJ. A frightening resemblance.

- Um...yeah," I was a little embarrassed by the scrutiny.

- I didn't realise he was so cute when he was younger," the redhead said, smiling.

- Thank you," I step back a little, "Ahem, Enya, why are you dressed like that?

The big-eyed girl looks around perplexed, and then with a sly smile pulls back her stocking a little.

- Do you like it? - asks the girl, releasing the fabric with a distinctive sound. - Daddy just loves it," Parker said with a little moan.

- So, I'm done, - said, dressed in a black light shirt and the same trousers Irresponsible. - Did you two meet?

- Yes," Annie answered, switching her attention from me to Red, "you were so funny when you were young, Daddy," the redhead came up to Red and hugged him, looking into his eyes with a smile.

My older version clasped her daughter by the waist against her.

- And now I'm not cute? - smirking, Irresponsible asked, stroking Annie's cheek.

- 'Now you're Incredible,' Parker replied passionately, caressing her father's arm.

- 'Sunshine, can you go to my office and fetch the artefact lying on the desk?

- Sure, Daddy, - the girl gracefully turned under Red's hand.

When the redhead came out, I couldn't take it anymore.

- What's going on?! You two have too close a relationship for a father and daughter. What did you do?

- Then it's a good thing I erased your memories of that dialogue we had," the older Parker nodded his thoughts.

- What!!!

In response, Irresponsible simply raised his hand and it glowed with yellow light again.

This time I felt the ringing of Spider Sense, which seemed to envelope my mind in a protective cocoon.

- YOU'RE GOING TO ERASE MY MEMORY?! AGAIN?! - I questioned Red by punching him in the jaw.

- It didn't work? - the brown-haired man asks in surprise, wiping the blood from his busted lip.

- You're sleeping with Annie, aren't you?! Fucking pervert!!! And you want to erase my memory of it! - I'm retreating to the door.

- Take your time, kid," Irresponsible looks me straight in the eye.

I return the gaze

Red's sclera begins to glow a cold blue-green light.

I feel the mind defences breaking down.


My first thought is, "I'm dizzy."

- So what did you want to ask me?

- What? I'm lost.

- Didn't you say something about the Nerd? - Parker Sr. waved his hand uncertainly.


- Um, yeah, why are you alone this time, where's Stilyaga?

- He's got things to do in his own world, plus he's the third extra," Red winked at me.

The door leading to the workshop opens again.

- Is that him, Daddy? - Annie was carrying a gilded pyramid-shaped artefact.

- Yes, sweetie, thank you, but go to your room for now," Red took the object from her hands and slapped her bottom.

"Why am I not reacting?"

The thought that was born immediately dissipated.

Gaping and looking at the Irresponsible One with lust, the redhead stepped out.

- Great, now we can deal with the Shatra, - the older me got to the point.

- Is this what you stole?

- Preserved and carefully transported. So now we have a chance to become hunters instead of prey," Irresponsible tossed me the artefact I'd caught, "let's explain to the Wasp that Spiders are predators too.

Red clapped me on the shoulder and towed my carcass to the exit of the workshop.

Once out, we walked to the door through which we entered the house.

The older me was digging into the home interface that popped up on his spider-bracelet.

- All set, let's go.

- What's ready?

- The arena," the brown-haired man answered simply.

- Arena?

- Remember the place where we kicked Flash's arse after he got his powers?

- You bet I do. I'm still wondering how miraculously I didn't overdo it and put in enough effort to keep him from going to the hospital.

- Or the morgue.

- Or the morgue," I agree with the option, a little embarrassed.

- I think beating Shatra there would be a good solution, too," Red nodded.

- Let's agree that it's a place far away from people and you were basing your decision to avoid innocent victims, not memories of the "good old days," shall we? - I arch an eyebrow slightly. Though it doesn't show under the mask.

- Whatever you say," Irresponsible agreed calmly, pressing the button on his bracelet. - Come here, baby," the Elder I says, taking the metal ball that has come out.

- What's that thing?

- An extra security measure," the symbiotic fabric of Red's suit "absorbed" the object.

- So that's how to solve the pocket problem!

- Just keep in mind, the suit will be damaged, there is a risk of losing the items, - the older me answered with knowledge, - ready?

I tie the artefact with a web on my shoulder.

- Let's go.


Fifteen minutes later.

Broli Lane warehouse.


The younger Pete was warming up, watching his older version pressing something on a silver bracelet.

- What's the situation, Commander?

- 'Don't patronise me,' Red replied to his younger self in the black suit.

- Why are you poking around like that? - Out of harm's way, Junior Pete jumped to the ceiling and hung on by a thread. - Is it so hard to let that fallen thing smell me?

- I'm trying to set up a portal in the clock in case there's a problem with the Shatra. It's easy to remove the shielding, but have you thought about retreating, smarty-pants?

- I'm surprised at what you've thought, tough guy," the younger Stenolaz returned the teasing.

- Wouldn't you be me..." muttered Red.

Three minutes later, Bully Spider finished his preparations.

Putting the artefact on the concrete floor in the centre of the abandoned warehouse, the brown-haired man walked back to his younger version.

- The plan is, as soon as I give the signal, you will come to the artefact and run your palm over it. The only thing the wasp needs more than us is this trinket, it will lure it like a moth by the light of a lantern.

- All right," nods the Spider in Black, "what are you going to do?

- Secure the room," Red replies, showing off a metal ball.

Junior Peter, after a nod from Irresponsible, walks over to the centre and swipes the pyramid wall with the palm of his hand.

In the same second, Zadira tosses the steel sphere towards the ceiling, which snaps into place and activates a holographic grid that floods the entire room.

Exactly up to the calmly standing Red.

- I don't get it now," the younger Pete exclaimed in surprise, "what are you doing?

- You see, I wasn't completely honest with you," Red rubbed the back of his head, "you were right, the Shatra isn't that powerful, so congratulations, I'm giving you a chance to deal with it! - said the elder Parker quite cheerfully.

The sound of the portal opening prevented a loud response full of profanity from the younger Pete.