
Spider-Man- The Successful One

Waking up in the body of the og spider-man, Peter Parker our SI tackles the challenges in his life. Living in a world full of danger, what will be his life from now? -------------------------- Definitely didn't just copy and paste 'The Spider' trust me. Expect a chapter or two weekly

Poppie_1356 · Cómic
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4 Chs




"Wanna walk to school together?" 

Never in my previous life I would have expected Mary Jane Watson herself to come ask me that.

"Sure. But mind explaining why you are in my room?" I asked her while I slowly stood up from my chair. I pulled an all-nighter and worked for about 14 hours, the time every corporate boss wishes his employees to work for.

"Aunt May said to go wake you up. I wanted to go to school with you." MJ said while staring at my screen.

"Don't you know it's not polite to stare at other's screens?" I teased while drinking some water.

"What's this?" She was totally confused. "And why are you that tired in the morning? Didn't you get any sleep?"

"Not a bit." I shook my head, "I was making a game."

"Oh, the intergalactic emperor wants to make a game now?" She teased. "You should sleep at least 8 hours, you know? Look at me, I'm energetic and am fully ready for a new day."

"I should have never said that, should I?"

"You did make a mistake there and I'm not going to let you forget that Mr. Parker." She smiled while moving the mouse around to see what it was.

"It's a map for the RPG game I'm making. It's one of the many maps. I'm almost finished but I still need to modify the dimensions a bit and calculate the number of 'tiles'"

"I can't understand shit you're saying." MJ stopped looking at my PC and turned towards me, her eyes immediately went to my naked torso. It was hot so I had to remove my shirt at night.

"Umm- aren't RPG games losing its appeal nowadays? Mobile games are the ones with the largest player base. Maybe you should make that.." She said,

It's kinda impressive she said all that while totally staring at my abs.

"You're not wrong. But you'd be surprised, RPG still has its loyal fanbase. My aim isn't to earn money, if it was I could have easily done so by making a shitty mobile game with microtransactions. A thing which I despise." I took a shirt and put it on much to her disappointment.


"Dude, seriously?"

"What? You stared at me in my PJs"

"I wasn't staring like that!"

"You were totally checking me out. Your eyes went from my eyes to boobs and finally my ass."

"You saw that?"

"Then you agree that you were totally checking me out right?"

"Well.." She got me. "Just remember Chuck Noris counted to infinity." I pushed her out of the room and locked the door.

"Just wait till I get prepared!" I shouted and went to the bathroom totally ignoring her question, "What's that supposed to mean!?"

I quickly took a bath and put on a new fresh dress and styled my hair before going downstairs again.

"So are you excited for your first day?" Ben asked MJ.

"Yes Mr. Parker, Peter's been helping me prepare, so I think I won't have any problems with the subjects," MJ smiled.

"Well that's lovely dear, I'm glad Peter and you are getting along so well," Aunt May smiled, she noticed me coming down, "ah, speak of the devil!"

"Morning folks." I said and sat on the dining chair, "So what's for breakfast, Aunt May?"

"Toast and bacon."

I looked at Ben and muttered, "It's the normal ones right?"

"I have asked that same question ever since I got married, son."

No wonder you liked the shitty Ramen Peter made when May was sick.

"What are you guys muttering about? Come and eat too Mary, I made plenty." May brought the plates and called MJ.

"Oh, it's fine aunt May. I ate at home." 

"Don't worry I'll eat her meal." I pulled her plate closer and started devouring the toasts and bacon.

"Bye May, Ben" 

After eating my fill I took my bag and proceeded to school along with MJ.

"I honestly thought you'd take the bus." MJ said while walking, intentionally skipping all the cracks on the pavement. She's really childish.

"I used to, but it got a bit… nasty so I had to walk." 

"Nasty?" She looked at me confused, "Did you get into a fight or something?"

"Nah nothing like that," I immediately denied. Peter wasn't the type to get into fights. "The bus driver was intentionally avoiding me. When I said that to Ben he knocked the guy out, it caused quite a stir in the school and I started walking ever since that day."

This is true, Ben really did that.

"Really? Uncle Ben? He looked so…"

"Chill? I know, even I was surprised that day." I said while smiling at her shocked face, "Believe it or not that guy used to be a boxer. He retired early due to May not like it, but he can throw a mean punch."

"You're serious?"

"I am." I nodded. "You should always know this young Padawan, in our world you should always be cautious of the ones who look too normal and too abnormal. You'd never know, one could be a 1000 year old demon of our own son from the future."

"Was the star wars reference really necessary?" She looked at me with a 'really?' look. But her reaction was changing to a blush.

"Wait a minute…. 'Our'?" Just as she asked, I started running.

"You!" She chased after me.

"Haha! Eat my dust bitch."

"You shit head! Stop!" She was trying so hard to catch up to me. All the while I wasn't even running at my 10%.

She chased me for about a good minute before getting exhausted.

"Stopppp…. Haaaaa… I can't run anymore…. My stomach hurts…" She stopped after being exhausted. 

"You should really consider exercising." Meanwhile I walked back to her without even breaking a sweat.

"You aren't human…" She sat down and leaned back on the wall behind, "You goddamn beast" She weakly sicked my leg.

"Trust me you haven't seen the real 'beast' " I winked at her. It made her chuckle.



Immediately the world around me started to slow down and I heard the loud honk of something behind me. I didn't even think for a moment and grabbed MJ who had wide and shocked eyes and jumped to the side.


A large SUV just crashed at the place we were standing. If I was even a second late, we would have been hit. Thanks to Spidey-sense I was able to react. If the car had hit I would have survived but MJ.

"Are you ok?" Whispered to her, she looked totally scared. We were currently on the floor with her on top of me, I could literally feel her shiver in fear.

"It's ok… we're safe." I tried to appease her, her heart was beating too fast and it didn't really feel safe.

"I-I was so scared." She whispered and I felt my chest getting wet, "I-I thought we were going to die."

It made me so fucking angry at that crack head who totalled his car. "I'll break that bastard's bones" I tried to get up but she wasn't leaving me and just kept on holding on.

"Noo… I-" She seems to be really scared. 

"It's fine. I understand." I may be an asshole, but I'm also a human. I know and feel empathy and sympathy. I patted her back slowly.

"One hell of a first day wasn't it?" I joked.

"Y-yeah.." She slowly chuckled. Good.

"I-I'm sorry kids." I looked at the guy who finally came out of the car. His forehead was swollen and his nose was bleeding. "I'm really sorry. I don't know what happened. I had the car in automatic mode and it suddenly went up the sidewalk." 

"You both aren't injured or anything right? I'm going to call the police and ambulance so just hold on for a bit." He asked while looking scared.

"Yeah dude, we're fine." I looked at MJ who was still hugging me, but she wasn't trembling like before. The adrenalin in her blood is probably going down.

"She's fine too. Just a bit scared." 

"Thank god…" He sighed and called the ambulance and cops himself.

"You both stay calm, I'll take care of all your medical expenses and if you give me your parents numbers I'll inform them too." He said to us, he's probably still confused why we're both lying on the ground. And the answer for that is simple, MJ fucking slept. 

The running and almost getting killed probably exhausted her.

'So much for sleeping for 8 hours'

"I'm fucking suing the car company…" The man on the other hand was taking pictures of the car, probably for insurance. He suddenly looked at us, "I'm very sorry for what happened, as an apology I'll give you guys half of the money I get from suing this trash can on wheels." He kicked the car tire.

I looked at the car brand and saw the large 'T' on the red logo and immediately a smirk slowly crept onto my face.

'I'm getting fucking rich'

That's how MJs first day went, she couldn't even reach our school and almost got to be an isekai main character. 

The man whose car was about to kill us, his name was Andrew, informed Ben about what happened. I didn't give May or Anna's number since it would just cause them unnecessary stress. Ben arrived the time the cops arrived and just smiled at the sight of MJ lying on top of me.

She slowly woke up and was absolutely embarrassed and didn't even look at my face when we gave our testimony to the cops. She was just staring at the floor blushing. Andrew wasn't charged but he was taken to the police station and he didn't seem to be worried. He was a pretty chill dude to be honest. He even offered us some money as an apology but Ben being the honest prick he is refused.

I didn't like it but I respect Ben so I didn't say anything.

"Still wanna go to school Peter?" He asked me.

I looked at MJ who was still blushing and now she even put on her hoodie, she was still staring at the floor and didn't answer.

"Yeah, this is her first day after all isn't it. It would be a pity if she missed this." I patted her back once again, hoping that it would break her out of her thoughts.

"Whatever…" Ben winked at me with a smirk, "I'll leave you kids be." He went into his friend's car to go back to work.

"Thanks Uncle Ben," I smiled.

"Shall we go Ms. Watson? I think we're already an hour late." I walked a bit ahead and called MJ.

"Y-yeah." She replied and caught up with me.


"Please… please don't talk about it." She immediately said with an embarrassed tone.

"Fine. But I'm definitely not gonna let you forget that." I teased back.

Damn seeing her blush at my every tease is addictive. 

"You're really cute you know?" I said directly, it was pretty obvious she likes me so why delay it like a K-drama?

"What!?" She was taken back by my sudden comment.

"Would you like to go out with me?"

She immediately stopped and looked down with a sad look. "Look… I'm not ready for relationships yet… we can still be friends though." 

Damn… instantly friendzoned? Life is cruel.

"Yeahhh… I get it." Life is life, no matter if it's fictional or not. I started walking a bit sadder, I shouldn't have tried this fast now it just made things even more awkward.

"But I'll definitely consider it." She jogged to me and grabbed my hand, "I think you're cute too… I'm just not ready for commitments." She said with a blushed face.

'The ship hasn't sunk yet boys…' I smirked with a new form of determination.

We walked back to the school mostly in silence, I was just enjoying myself by partaking in the sinful act of hand holding. Her hands are really soft and warm, she was holding a bit too tight but it wasn't a problem for me. It just showed her inexperience when it came to romance.

Soon we reached the school and luckily, we were not much late but the first class seems to have ended already. Everyone was in the hallway taking their stuff needed for the next class from the locker.

I led her into the crowded hallways, "welcome to Midtown high," I announced, gesturing to the large crowded halls where people yelled, cheered, fought and generally just did teenage things.

"I think I'll fight right in," MJ said with a smile.

"Trust me, it ain't hard to Ms. I sleep-to-be-energetic-but-sleep-after-running-for-a-minute."

"Will you stop calling me that? I didn't even mean to."


"I was just exhausted after running."


"I fucking hate you."

I lifted our hands which were held together, "No" I smirked much to her annoyance

I led her down the hall introducing her to the various cliques and factions one could find in the school. There were the jocks, the cheerleaders, the techies, the nerds, the dancers, the theatre maniacs, the weirdos, the normals and of course me. A chad amongst men.

We had our next period together, so after a visit to the councillors office I guided her to our first class. The moment we entered the room Flash Thompson seemed to notice me.

"Hey everybody check it out! Penis Parker's back!"

"Ha! What's the matter Parker? Did you finally recover from the itsy bitsy spider bite?" mocked Kong, Flash's right hand man and a heavy fellow.

I rolled my eyes, "wonderful, bullies. Like this place wasn't cliche enough."

Flash grew enraged, "what the hell'd you say-" he stopped as he noticed MJ standing next to me, he gulped and wished, "woah."

MJ turned to me, "are they always like this?"

"Pretty much." I shrugged.

Flash looked down at our hands which were still together, I honestly expected MJ to release it since we came to school but she only did so when we met the councillors.

"So ah, you new here?" Flash asked MJ in the most subtle way possible. "I'm Flash, if you need anything just ask me." He said while wiggling his eyebrows like a clown.

"Ahh… I'm Mary Jane. Nice to meet you too I guess?" MJ was obviously weirded out by his actions.

I stepped in the middle of them, "It's ok Flash, she doesn't need a trash can anytime soon."

"What's it to you Parker?" Flash growled. 

You cunt, you literally saw us holding our hands.

"Well, what is it to you then you wanna be Tom Bradey?" I stepped forward, facing off with him. We were 

 I wasn't going to let this punk disrespect me, especially in front of MJ. 

"Ohh… did you finally grow a pair?"

"What do you mean? You were literally sucking it dry yesterday." I waved my hand before my face, "And your breath fucking stinks. To think I put my cock in that mouth."

"Pftt…" Almost everyone, including Flash's friends laughed at that. 

"Shut it Parker!" Flash yelled, his face red in embarrassment.

"Stop it Tiger, you're embarrassing him," MJ teased.

"Fine," I rolled my eyes. "Move it trash." I walked past Flash, easily bumping him away, for a football player he sure was weak.

"So where are you from?" Liz Allen, blonde, blue eyes and head cheerleader asked.

"Are you into fashion?" Crystal, another blonde cheerleader asked.

The girls started their small talk with MJ and I just sat on my seat, ignoring one frustrated Flash who kept spitting some insults. Honestly this kid is annoying, I ain't even angry at him anymore. He's just too childish..

Though if he tries something with MJ I'm busting his balls.

"Hey are you with Parker? I saw you holding hands with him." Flash changed his target to MJ after seeing that I wasn't interested.

I immediately turned to see what was going on, and saw the most cliche thing. It was like a scene straight out of a 90's American highschool movie. MJ was surrounded by all the popular girls and boys who were considered the 'MCs' in the school. She looked visibly uncomfortable but the girls didn't seem to leave her.

"Not really… We just met yesterday so I don't want to rush things." MJ said with a slight blush, throwing me a look and blushed even harder when I winked.

"That's romantic!" Liz's eyes twinkled, looks like she just found a new BFF. "Why don't you sit with us, we'll show you around the school."

""Thanks but Peter already promised to show me around."

"Oh, that's fine."

"Parker? Please, that wimp wouldn't know where the toilet is!" Flash snorted.

"What do you mean Flash?" I asked loudly, making all of them look at me, "It's your mouth right? I used it more than once to forget."

"Pfttt…!" "Hahahaha!" "You got owned Flash!" "Flash got trashed" The whole class erupted in laughter and Flash's face went red, both due to embarrassment and anger.

"Stop talking shit just because a girl talked to you Parker. I flush your face and dunk you."

I just raised my eyebrow, "All talk no bite." I smiled.

Flash growled, "today, after school, in the park."

"For what? So that you can sue me after kicking your ass? No chance in hell man, if you really want to show the world you have a bigger dick than me just pull your pants down." I shrugged. Fighting him makes no sense and is just not safe considering his father is a big guy and his mom's name is Karen.

"Why you little-"

"Settle down class!" the teacher walked in stopping Flash in his tracks, "that means you Mr. Thompson."

Flash growled at me, "next time."

"Yeah, no." I snorted. Not until I become a millionaire.

That said, this teacher is fucking useless. He stayed silent till now without interfering, If I was in a bad mood or something the situation would have been fully different.

"Come on MJ, sit with me!" Liz asked a boy who was sitting next to her to leave and patted the seat. MJ looked at me as if asking my opinion. I just shrugged and nodded. I don't really wanna nit pick. She should learn some valuable life lesions after all.

The teacher then started the english class, I didn't listen to it a bit and just wrote some points about Undertale and what tasks I'm left with. The coding part is quite simple since my brain is a fucking supercomputer. I hardly make any errors and the calculations are easy too.

Undertale probably won't make any big waves now, considering that mobile and console games are the meta now… unless I make the game available on android too.

But the process is tedious. I have to modify the whole game on Android Studio and release essentially 2 different games. One on android and other on PC. Game development is hard man… but if I really want to make some big waves then I sould have some clout.

Currently the only way to have clout on the internet is cat videos or thirst traps. The YouTube meta is fucking cringe, those kiss prank channels are still trending currently. That's how bad this is.

"The current internet is fucking naive, I can easily rack in some cash if I imitate Felix or Mark… but I'm not them." I'll never be those guys. I wonder what happened back in my og world, did One Piece end? Or did they make a sequel? Knowing GODA, he wouldn't do something like that. Even if he did, it wouldn't end up being trash like Boruto.

Back to game development… knowing that I'm basically stealing others ideas is making me feel vile. I absolutely hate it, but I have no time now. I should rack in some quick cash and get a bit popular in the game developing field. Then I can make a game about superheroes. That will probably be the thing which will sell the most in this world.

"Jiggle physics is a must…" I took some notes on the game I'm thinking of making in the future.

The basic premise of my magnum opus is still unknown but I know what I should make. A GTA but better, far better than normal to the point it's basically like Ready Player One.

"I lack a few supercomputers for that though…" I shouldn't get too into the future, I should try and settle the debt before the interest starts piling up more. I continued doing some basic diagrams of how the finished Undertale would look like.

At the end of the class, I was suddenly broken out of my conversation when I heard. 

"Are you really considering Parker, Mary?" A witch named Rose's high pitched voice stood separate among the girls flocked around MJ. "I think you deserve better. His looks are average and he hardly talks."

'Really bitch' I didn't even bother looking at them and stared at her boyfriend who was already staring at me, he whispered, "I'm sorry Parker, I just wanna woo her so please don't mind her."

"Whatever" I shrugged. A bitch's opinion is not even worth considering. And what's that about looks? If it was fucking Amouranth saying that I would have accepted. 

And for clarification I'm nowhere near ugly, I look like a young Johnny Depp. That bitch is just jealous of MJ.

"And I think you should shut the fuck up." 

All the girls who were around her suddenly stopped after that. Hell even I was shocked, I didn't expect her to say that, from what I saw she wasn't the brave type. 


MJ ignored the girl and walked past her to me, she grabbed my arm and dragged me out saying, "Show me where the cafeteria is."

"Yes Mam." I said with a smirk while winking at Rose and the other girls who were still shocked.

MJ dragged me out of the class and finally let go of my hand.

"Never thought you had that in you." I said to her, feeling very happy that she was angered. It showed that she really cared.

"Hmph, that bitch was honestly pissing me off." She said with annoyance evident in her tone, "She kept on yapping about her new makeup routine and her 'baby bear'."

"Oh her boyfriend?"

"Yeah that guy."

"She's gonna be crying soon then." I chuckled, this girl's probably gonna be a depressed woman singer in the future that no one likes. I'm not pointing fingers but cough… Billie Eilish cough…!

"Why?" MJ asked curiously. 

Damn her eyes are a lethal weapon. My heart's going Doki Doki. The last time it did that is when I saw the PS4 my grandpa gifted me.

"Her boyfriend isn't looking for anything serious, he just wants to smash and pass." 

"Hahaha!" MJ laughed, "She has no idea!" 

That checks it, she's the next 'Billie Eilish'.

We had some small talks until we reached the cafeteria where she bought a drink for herself and me. I love this about Midtown High. They have a vending machine in school.

"So are you like him too?" MJ asked after taking a gulp of her drink.

"Huh? I don't get it."

"Well like… are you also like Rose's boyfriend… you know." She blushed slightly, "Are you also gonna… 'smash and pass' me?"

I smirked, "Do you really think I would want that?" 

"Well… I was just curious…"

"If I really wanted that, you'd be all over me by now." I smirked. "With my looks, after a visit to the barber girls will be all over me."

"Heh, you wish." MJ pushed my shoulder a little, of course it didn't so shit. "Sorry to break your bubble, but you are not that handsome Mr. Parker."

Just to check if she was lying I slid all my hair which reached till my shoulder back and looked at her with a 'fuck me' look in hopes to rizz her up. I placed my hand at the side of her head and stood closely to her, her boobs touching my torso slightly.

"You really think so?" I asked her in my most sexy voice possible. Praying that the plan works.

"Um- N- yeah, you're not handsome…" She looked away while blushing, I could hear her heart beating faster, and so was mine. "Maybe a bit cute if you're overselling it."

What a bad liar.

"Then why are you blushing like a 12 year-old girl Ms. Watson?" I whispered sexily again.

"I'm just hot."

"That you are…" I said while going close to her face, aiming my lips with hers. She didn't even move and just kept on looking at me. I think her brain stopped working for a moment.

She closed her eyes while subconsciously standing on her toes.

"If you want a kiss, then you should earn it Ms. Watson." At the last moment I whispered to her ear. I wasn't going to kiss her yet. 

She immediately opened her eyes and pushed me, "You jerk!"

"You're the jerk here, just confess the truth." I smirked, "I'm hot and you know that."

"No. You aren't even cute anymore, you ugly pig." She said and stomped off.

"Hey I think pigs are cute." I caught up to her, chuckling at her cute behaviour.

"Well I think so too! You're just a ugly pig!"

"Then I'm still cute right?" Gottcha.

"Argg.. I hate you."

"Nah you don't. "