
Spicy assassin bullies young master Lu

Mo Chou is the no.1 ranking female assassin in an illusive organization. One day on the way to the organization after completing a mission, she dies. She is shocked when reincarnates into her favorite novel but as a villainess who is the protagonist's step sister and dies a miserable death. She just wants to live a cushy and comfortable life so she decides to completely avoid the red flags aka the main characters and live like a saint (well a saint who is an assassin) But why does she keep stumbling into the main characters especially that infuriating villain and why the heck are they clinging onto her?

cupcake43_21 · Ciudad
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89 Chs

Capital University

On Monday, Mo Chou woke up early. After having breakfast alone in the dining room, her chauffeur sent her to university.

Mo Chou hadn't seen the previous body's mother or step father before because they were currently on vacation. It was just her and Liu Dai in the mansion and she rarely bumped into him.

She alighted from the car after reaching the university. The university she was attending was called the Capital University and it was the number one university in the country.

Her parents had pulled some strings for her to be able to attend here. She was majoring in business management.

Mo Chou felt a headache forming just thinking of all the classes she would have to attend.

She had already completed her studies and aced them in her previous life.

Mo Chou entered through the doors and went straight towards the classes. When she entered the classroom, everyone started whispering immediatelyupon seeing her.

The students were actually stunned that she was not wearing a dress and had entered the classroom without her usual entourage.

Mo Chou just ignored them and sat on her seat with her earphones on. The teacher came in shortly and started the lesson. Mo Chou just took notes on her notebook for the rest of the lesson, which amazed both the students and the teacher.

All the other lessons went similarly till lunch when she was stopped by a group of girls. The girls were actually the villainess's entourage.

The girl at the front looked concerned and asked "Mo Chou, Is your head okay"?

The girl in question was Zhao Lili. Mo Chou knew that this girl was a manipulative snake.

She looked sweet and innocent but she had deliberately put lots of evil ideas inside the villainess's mind. She was also partly responsible for her death.

Mo Chou just gave her an unimpressed look and replied "Don't act so concerned towards me. It makes me want to puke".

"Ohh, and your breath stinks" she added pinching her nose.

The girls gasped and Zhao Lili exclaimed "What are you talking about?I was just concerned about you. Why are you being like this all of a sudden"?

Zhou Lili made an aggrieved expression while secretly gritting her teeth. 'What's up with this b***h today'?

Mo Chou scoffed '' The person who pushed me is concerned about me? ".

"What? Y-you are lying. I didn't push you" Zhao Lili denied right away.

"Why would I lie?" Mo Chou fired back at her.

"Go away while I'm being nice and don't show your ugly face infront of me ever again".

Zhou Lili was stunned but looking at Mo Chou's fierce expression, she got scared and ran away with the rest of the girls.

'Finally some peace and quiet' thought Mo Chou 'guess I have even more enemies now' she sighed.

The rest of the day went fairly okay aside from the occasional glares from the girls.

The next day Mo Chou got a message from the assassin organisation asking whether she would like to accept a mission.

The said mission was to kill a gangster . He was involved in multiple crimes but was excused due to his connections. The one who had assigned the mission had offered a rather generous reward.Mo Chou pondered a little and decided to accept the mission.

After returning home from university, Mo Chou started prepping for the mission.

After dinner in her room, she started putting on her disguise. She opted for the same disguise she had donned previously.

The target was a gambling addict and frequented the same casino.

She sneaked out of the mansion successfully and flagged a taxi. She got down at a distance from the casino and walked the rest of the way. The inside of the casino was lively and the decorations were stunning.

It was definitely a place only meant for rich people.

She walked directly towards the VIP section on the second floor as the target was a VIP here.

Mo Chou had already gained a VIP pass beforehand. The VIP section was more subdued but the decor was even more impressive.

Mo Chou looked around and quickly spotted the target. She acted according to her plan and went over to the table where the target was playing and directly joined the game.

Mo Chou had experience in gambling and was very good at it. Plus with the help of some handy tricks she had learned before, she won the game easily and followed the target to another one.

She followed the target and won every game that he took part in, making the target frustrated.

Mo Chou would first let him believe that he would win and then ruthlessly knock him down.

Finally when she excused herself saying that she wanted to visit the restroom, the target followed her. He wanted to threaten her to give him all her earnings and vent his anger a little.

When she saw the target following her Mo Chou smirked. It was going right according to her plan.

She first made sure that there was no one inside the restroom and hid behind the door. When the target entered the restroom, she closed the door and locked it.

Before the target even had the time to turn around, she was in front of him. She swiftly used both of her hands and snapped his neck. She dragged his body inside the cubicle and changed her disguise.

This time she was disguised as a sexy older woman. She sauntered out of the restroom and went straight to get her earnings. After getting the money, she walked out of the VIP section and out of the casino.

She walked some distance and took a taxi home.

After informing the assassin organisation of the successful mission, Mo Chou looked at the money in her bank account with a smile. That night, Mo Chou slept blissfully thinking about all the money in her account.
