

"Happy birthday ! Happy birthday ! Happy birthday to you!"

A familiar voice greeted my ears.  Today, 28th of April in the year 2114, I woke up as a man sang for me a "Happy birthday". The man's voice filled the room. And as he continued singing, I looked around shyly. I am still half-asleep as I scan, with my eyes, the four corners of the room.  Beside the man was a familiar figure too. I rubbed my eyes to see them. I smiled at them as soon as my vision clears.

The man I am referring to is Uncle Fred. On his side was his partner Heat; a Hound Type Sphynx.  Uncle Fred is a Lab Researcher who took the responsibility as my father since my own father left me. I was four back then. The three of us live together in a small house with two bedrooms. One of which is occupied by me, and the other for Uncle Fred and Heat.

"Happy birthday Santius! Get up!" Uncle Fred held my hand, pulled me, then asked, "What do you want for your birthday? Come on buddy, you're eighteen now! I'm gonna give anything you want."

Surprised with what I've heard, I mumbled, "Anything I want?".

"Yes, buddy, "anything" you want. I will try to get it for you." He said as he softly smiled.

Thinking deeply about what I would want for my birthday only led my mind somewhere back fourteen years ago. The scene flashed back as if I was watching a film. Then I came to realize that I do not want "anything", I need "someone". The one who gives me strength, the one that keeps me moving forward, my father. Unconsciously, I looked down sadly still preoccupied with my deep thoughts.

"Oh, whats with the sad face Santius? It's your birthday today." a small grin appeared on his face.

"Hahaha, nothing Uncle. I just remembered something." As I replied waving my hands immediately showing off a bright smile, reassuring my uncle saying.. "Thank you, I really appreciate it, but I could not wish for anything more. You and Heat are enough for me." I said with a melancholic smile.

"No, no, no. I want to hear something new from you, what you really wanted these days, for your future. Do you want a car? New gadgets? how about beautiful girls? Hahahaha." He urged me with a hearty laugh.

"Uncle, I don't know how to drive. I have more than enough gadgets. And girls are liars. Hahaha." I said and laughed awkwardly. "To be honest, I can't decide for now Uncle. And don't you try to pressure me.", I told my uncle with a serious expression.

"Sighs, Okay." He agreed with a sigh. He immediately called out. "But what can I do? I need an answer sooner. Hmmmm.. let me think for a little while.." He said with a complexed look on his face suggesting that he is really getting into a deep thought for a while.

"Then let's have a dinner tonight!" He cried out with a cheerful look on his face.

"Oh sure," I replied with a smile as they left the room.

I stood for a while, sat on the bed and stared blankly at some random fixtures across my room. I went back to my senses as soon as I saw my reflection in the mirror near the cabinet I was just staring at. I sure have grown up. I mean, I always see myself as the hopeless 4-year-old boy still. Now I'm no child. People would say that I aged well.

I stood up and went near the mirror. I fixed my hair. It was as gray as it has ever been; as gray as ashes left after a wildfire. I looked at my face. I unintentionally look cold without even trying. Maybe it's because of my bloodshot eyes that looked like some laser tool to melt things down. "That would be cool, though", I thought to myself. I smirked as I walked out of the room.


While Uncle Fred prepares our dinner for the night, I was combing Heat's color fine vermillion hair. I later got lost in thoughts. I started to asking myself things like, "what do I really want for my future?"

I met Heat's eyes as I thoughtlessly asked the same question again. He scarily when he glares at me. I know he understands every word I say and can do telepathy. But he can only use communicate with his owner. And much as I don't care, I don't have anything to do to change that too.

"SANTIUS! HEAT! Dinner is prepared!" Uncle Fred shouted from the dining room.

The beautiful aroma sniffed in my nostrils as we approached the dining room. Uncle stood beside the table where delicious dishes were laid down; Pork Adobo, Palabok, Chicken Aruz Caldo, Sweet Cassava cake, and my favorite Fried Chicken. These are the best food from our country, our beloved Fildrenia.

"Wooooowwww, this is a food paradise! Can we finish all of this Uncle?" My eyes shone as I stared at the food before me with an awed look plastered on my face.

"Bwahahahaha! Don't worry buddy. We have Heat here. He can take care of all of that.", he responded.

I glanced at Heat who is staring at the food, drooling and preparing to attack at a moment's notice.

"ATTACK!!!" Uncle Fred signaled.

Upon hearing that, I stretched my hand to grab a handful of the Fried Chicken I've been eyeing this whole time. As if there would be no tomorrow, I ate hastily. Tearily, I screamed, "DELICIOUS!!!".

"AAWWOOOHH!!" Heat joyfully cried as he wolfed down the food.

They joy they bring to me makes me want to wish for nothing more. I sincerely hope this would last. But at happy moments like this, I am also reminded of my strange but desperately longing for something. I am trying to find the fragment that will be able to complete this hollow heart.


"So tell me Santius, what plans do you have for the future?" He uttered with his mouth is full of food and trying to bite another chicken's thigh.

I could not say anything. I do not have a plan for my future myself. I pondered.

"Ahhhhhhhh, I...", I don't have anything in mind. "hmmm, mmmm I think..." I'm not getting any idea. What do I really want? "I... uh mmm..." Okay. I'd just say anything that comes to my mind. "I..  I want to become a Histologist", I gave Uncle a dry smile.

Histology. A branch of anatomy that deals with the minute structure of animal and plant tissues as discernable with a microscope.

"Woaaahhh that's great buddy! But what I mean is what are your plans that you are 18 now?" He smiled as he brought back his question from this morning.

I continued eating and contemplated at the moment what I said to him. To become a histologist? I sighed.

"DO YOU WANT A SPHYNX?" He asked out of the blue.

"What???", I was astounded by the unexpected question.

"DO YOU WANT A SPHYNX?" he was po-faced as he repeated the question. I really don't have an interest of getting a Sphynx, but as Uncle said that my father loves Sphynx so much, I am somehow drawn to the idea of having one. But uncle never said how my father died.

Oh, maybe I can get information how my father died by getting a sphynx without asking my uncle.

"But uncle, why? You know that entering the Sphyral mountain is too dangerous." I replied with furrowed eyebrows .

Sphyral Mountain is the mysterious peak where the Sphynx lives, I heard rumors that thousands of people entered the mountain but only a few went back alive with a sphynx on their side.

"Are you scared Santius? I guess you're not. I'll pay 20 men to guide you there and get your own Sphynx", Uncle said.

"Heat is enough for us. I'm not interested. Thanks for the offer" I responded then glanced at Heat still eating ravenously.

"Haha. He's not yours. He's mine. You knew that already", he replied and laughed heartily.

"Yes I know, but what am I gonna do with a Sphynx? To have a protector? To gain popularity? To get a large amount of money?" I cried out with an offensive tone at the same time finishing the food on my plate.

"To be your FRIEND, I want to see you having a friend", uncle responded then had the last bite of his favorite Adobo. "Since you were a toddler, you never brought a friend in our house", he then wiped his mouth with a table napkin.


I felt nostalgic as I heard the word "FRIEND". I talk to myself. And yes indeed, I never brought a friend in the house, because it was hard for me. I'm afraid that one day they will turn against me.

Just like what Rassen did 7 years ago.

Rassen Verculin was once a good friend. He is a brother to me. He's taller than me by a head. He had a fair skin, light blue hair and eyes of a similar hue.

We played together, laughed together, and dreamt together about owning a sphynx. He told me that someday he will enter the Sphyral mountain and will get his own sphynx.

Until one day Rassen disappeared. I haven't seen him in school for five days. I searched for him and saw him in the forest about 20km distance from the Sphyral mountain. He is was with four gray hooded people, just about as tall as Rassen.

"Rassen! Rassen!". I shouted happily and full of excitement when I saw him.

"Who is that boy?" One of the gray hooded guys asked Rassen nervously.

"He is just a classmate. Don't worry, he won't bother us", Rassen calmy responded. "Santius! Please get rid of yourself. Get out from my sight!",

Rassen said .

"Why Rassen? Have I done anything wrong to you? Tell me. Is there any problem? Is there anything that bothers you?" I smiled wearily and walked towards him.


He swung his right hand and a full blow with his knuckle hit right straight to my face.

I stumbled down. I tried to get up while holding right where Rassen strucked me.

"Why? Why Rassen?" My tears fell as I asked him.

"If you don't want to get hurt, get away from me. Forget what I told you before. I don't want a weak friend like you. See? You're crying, it just shows that you're weak. It is embarrassing. Get lost and stay out of my sight Santius.", Rassen turned his back and left together with the gray hooded men.

I cried so hard that I could barely breathe. I believed that he didn't mean to say those words, but it cuts through me seeing him walk away from me.


Collecting my thoughts I looked at Uncle, "A friend? Its hard to find a real one." I smiled dryly. "Ahmmmm Uncle, thanks for the dinner, I think I need to go to bed", I added and left the dining table before my tears could fall.

"Santius!", Uncle tried to stop me.

"Leave him, Fred, let the tears fall. One day he'll understand", Heat spoke to Fred using voice incantation.

Uncle Fred stood up while looking at my back.

"Learn to dream again Santius! I understand your pain, but maybe a Sphynx has the answers to your questions", he shouted accompanied with a wide grin as I took a pace going to my room.

I entered my room, locked the door and sit on the couch.

'But maybe a Sphynx has the answers to your questions' those words keeps on repeating in my head.

Suddenly, I recalled something, I am Santius Zehcnas, the son of Levion Zehcnas. My father and I dreamt about something new, something that may change how the people see our world, my father always told me 'Keep on dreaming my son' he kept on reminding me those words. I'd still hope to see him once more. Maybe then, I could tell him about my own dreams.

'But what would I tell him? I  have given up on that dream anymore since he left and since Rassen disappeared', I asked myself. I stood up and walked to the drawer to get the old picture of my father.

"No way! It is missing!" I muttered. I looked around and saw a hole in the next drawer. Something shone from inside as I see through the hole.

I hurriedly opened the drawer and found something. It looks like a badge. It is circular in shape and is as thick as a pen. It has glass-like symbols in the middle and it sparkles like a crystal. There are three glowing symbols in the badge, the one in the center is a whirlpool. On the right-most is a water droplet, and on the left-most is a lightning streak. The symbols were so detailed that I believe it is crafted by an expert. I can't help but admire as I stare at it.

They say 'curiosity kills the cat', but something urged me to touch this beautiful glowing thing. As I tried to reach for it, my hand shivered. I lightly grasped it and took a good look at it when suddenly, the light began to fade.

When the light was completely gone, a sudden loud thunder roared. Outside, the sky darkened and heavy rain began to fall. A strong gale of wind opened the window to my room. Lightning streaks can be seen randomly around the whole town. I felt shivers crawling down my spine.

"SANTIUS!!", I heard a deep voice from inside my head. The thunders roaring are seemingly synchronized to the loud voice.

"Who.. are you?" I was momentarily dumbstruck but I managed replied with a courageous facade. I was struggling to stand by the window to face the sky as the strong wind was pushing against me.

"IF YOU WANT TO FIND THE ANSWER... THE BEST PLACE WILL BE... THE HUNTING GROUND...", the sky brightened up and the weather returned to its normal state as the voice fades.

Trivia #1:

A person who owns a Sphynx is called an "Owner". There really is no complex logic behind that. :D