

Its been 3 days since the Summer Class has started and still I havent seen Mr. Cloffer in the class.

Ms. Twizon said that he's still recovering in the hospital and also Mr. Kordon was expelled from the school.

'Good for Mr. Kordon so he can learn his lesson.' I muttered inwardly and thinking about what he did to Mr. Cloffer.

It was afternoon, our class has ended so I decided to go to my favorite restaurant to buy something for my dinner since Uncle Fred is not in the house.

CEBREAN'S ISLE CHICKEN is a famous chicken restaurant in Cebreu. They have a very large piece of chicken serving, crispy and juicy from inside and out. Every bite of chicken sends me to heaven.

"2 piece of Fried Chicken, 1 Ube Icecream, and 3 serves of plain rice for take out." I said happily to the cashier in front of me as I pay the bill.

"Yes! Coming up Sir!" She nooded with a smile.

Her name is Evolet Martha as I can see the I.D. in her uniform and around 17 years old. Crimson hair matching her puffy eyes, well sculpted nose and a rosy pink lips. She's pretty but looks a little bit scary when she's not smiling.

She's working in this restaurant for almost 2 years, Uncle Fred always brought me in this restaurant since I was 10 so I am familiar with most of their employees.

"Heres your order sir, 2 piece of Fried Chicken, 1 cup of Ube Icecream and 3 serving of plain rice for take out. Enjoy your meal sir." A light smile from her while giving the food I ordered for take out.

"Okay, thanks" I replied with a warm smile and made my way out from the restaurant.

'Now thinking about her age, she must be going at school. When she's not busy, I can see her looking far, thinking deeply. Unfortunately sometimes she would catch me looking at her.' Thinking about those time while walking.

In Feldrinia, its legal to work when you turn 16.

As I walk home, I noticed that the number of people who owns a Sphynx is increasing.

Uncle said that Sphynx looks like a Lion or a Wolf. Well lions and wolves doesnt exist anymore since 2094 and the Sphynx existed in 2100 the same year my father left me.

Sphynx can be dangerous because of its size and power but it all depends in their owner. Generally they only do what the owner's desires so sphynx basically are controlled by person who owns them.

5:30PM, purple sunset rays enveloped the dimming sky, clouds scattering about freely.

A silhoutte of a woman facing the horizon dyed in beautiful pastel colors. Seeing the figure of that woman bathing and indulging in the ravishing scene, something inside me makes me want join her moment of appreciation in this marveleous event occuring. Looking closely at the lonely figure, I noticed her melancholic expression. Moist gathering in her eyes and her face stained with tears.

"Oh no! Its Ms. Twizon, I need to go home now." I got flustered knowing the identity of the figure and subconciously took a step back.

I don't want her to see me, she told us that after class, all of us must go home early so we can study and make our homework so no one will fail and be late for tomorrow's quiz. I collected my thoughts and immediately turned back.. but I guess I was a step late.

"Santius!" my body stiffened hearing my name called out by my beautiful summer class teacher.

"Ahhhh. Hehe... ahmm.. yes Ms. Twizon! I just bought something, my Uncle is probably looking for me so, see you tomorrow! Bye bye!" Quickly giving out a lame excuse and a forced smile, I really hope I won't be scolded this time.

"The Sunset is beautiful right?" Her voice was still a bit shaky, but she still said it with a warm smile while wiping her tears.

Hearing her voice and watching her warm smile that would make all nation wage war against each other just to see it, my feelings was stirred.

"Ahmm. Yes Ms. Twizon, but" I quickly replied with a light smile.

I'm a bit scared to chat with her, not because she is my teacher but because she is just too beautiful.

"You've seen me crying right? Now come and watch the sunset with me." She said with a light and commanding tone. Hearing that I was quite relieved that I wasn't scolded by her and also felt glad with what she said in the latter

A lot of us are admiring her beauty, in fact she has a lot of suitors flying like flies around her. Gifts of different kind flooding at her doorsteps almost everyday.

I heared rumors that she already gave her heart to a young soldier, but no one saw the soldier visiting her at the school.

"Yes I saw it Ms. Twizon, but don't you worry I won't tell anyone." I replied with a big smile as I move closer to her.

"Did you know about Sphynxs? Did you know about Sphyral mountain?

She quickly threw questions at me while tears fall down remaking it's tracks across her face from her eyes.

"Ahmmm, yes Ms. Twizon, but only few ideas." Trying not to look at her way, I answered her absent mindedly squeezing out my sincerest smile.

I don't want to ask her why she asked those questions to me, and its uncomfortable to see a beautiful girl crying you know?.

"It has been 32 days since he entered the sphyral mountain and.. *sobs* I-I've never heared any news about him since then. *sobs*" Her tears were falling profusely like flood gates widely, I can see her in the verge of breaking down. I don't really know how to handle this kind of situation, especially with a really beautiful girl crying her heart out. I'm quite in a dilemma how to handle this.

Last month the government sent 100 elite young soldiers to Sphyral mountain. Its purpose was to gain a lot sphynx and to make a sphynx soldier in order to strenghthen their forces. They took this opportunity because the sphyral mountain is within the country. The government is actually aiming to become one of the most powerful country like Chintelia (east), Ambriount (west), Rusvex (north), and Austrovk (south).

5 days after they had entered the mountain, 18 soldiers got back alive with a Sphynx in thier side and After 2 days, 8 soldiers followed. After those days, no one got back from the mountain and a lot of people are waiting for their families to come out from the mountain.

The family of the soldiers who weren't out yet blames the government for their greediness because of what happened to their loved ones who was still inside the Sphyral mountain. They want to pursue this issue and seek justice for their family members, but the government is keeping a blind eye and ears shut to the people's please.


"It has been a long time that I have felt this kind of feeling."

Blurting it out of panic, I accidentally said it without thinking that she would hear me.

"Wh.. what feeling?."

She actually heared me, Ms. Twizon asked me while she was still crying.

"Sadness, Happiness those kind of things." I replied while looking at the marvelous event happening up in the sky as the light starts to fade.

"I don't really know what happened, but I can't bare to see a woman crying. It's saddening so please take this and wipe your tears Ms. Twizon." I added and hand her a white handkerchief while averting my eyes at her.

"Thanks Santius." She reached out for the handkerchief and wiped her tears. After doing so, she noticed a beautiful embroidery in the corner of the cloth.

"This is beautiful.. Who made this skillful embroidery? She mused while wiping her tears. I'm glad that she's better now.

"Ahh.. My Uncle Fred said that my mother made that for me, though I never saw her face since I was born."

I said with a light smile trying to recollect what my mother face looks like.

"Oh, so, this is an important memento for you." She was reluctant to accept and moved to hand it back to me.

"Dont worry Ms. Twizon I still have 2 more handkerchief like that, yes it's quite important but for now, your tears needs to be wiped." I looked at her and gave her a warm smile.

She was still reluctant to accept it but in the end she kept it and now she recovered and stopped crying, her eyes are still a bit red but she was looking at me warmly. After a while to avoid me noticing her deep gaze, she look at the sky again,

"Thank you Santius. I promise to keep it." She looked at me again with a warm smile.

"Your always welcome Ms. Twizon." I replied with a small grin.

The street lights flickered and turned bright as the night beguns to fall, countless glittering stars reflects the sparkles to her hazy eyes and the crescent moon light shines caressing her pale but lovely face.

"Opps.. Its almost 7pm Santius, come and have a dinner with me at my place." She smiled and started to walk leading the way so that I wouldn't be able to refuse to her offer.


On our way to their house just a few walk away from the lake, I wasn't able to refuse her because she started talking and bringing topic while walking and then told me about her parents and her sister. Her father is a 57 years old, an engineer closing to his retirement and her mother is 55 years old, a house wife.

After 10 minutes of walking, it was 6:55 in the evening. We finally we arrive at their house. A Big White modern house with a bold roof top, beams are exposed with a design of interior connecting to exterrior through glass walls, and structural elements are exposed to the viewer.

"Mom! Dad! I'm home." Ms. Twizon greeted cheerfully as we enters their house like nothing happened.

"Oh my Zylfa! it's good that you're home, you made me so worried. Why were you not responding to our messages?. Where have you been?" A middle aged woman rushed at her and hugged her with a worried look on her face.

"Most important thing is you arrived home safely, come here sweetie." A serious looking middle aged man smiled warmly as he kissed Ms. Twizon's forehead.

"By the way we have a guest, Mom, Dad. He is my student Santius. Santius this are my parents."

As she introduced me, I can really see where she got here features. Her mother is beautiful like her but with a motherly air around her, she got her eyes from her mother, blonde hair and white complexion.

Her father is quite lean, wears reading glasses with dignified expression which you can say that he's a serious type of person, gray hair and fair complexion.

"Good evening Mr. And Mrs. Twizon, pleasure to meet you." I greeted them with smile.

"Pleasure to meet you too young man." Her father responded and smiled.

"It's perfect Santius and Zylfa, dinner is prepared. Come and I'll call Sofya" She urged us and cheerfully invited us in the dinning table while calling Ms. Twizon's sister.

The dinner was prepared, and table was set, 6 person can sit in the rectangular table. I sat beside Ms. Twizon on her left side.

After a few minutes, her sister Sofya came.

"Huhhhh????" I looked at her sister and then looked back again to Ms. Twizon.

I was surprised by what I've seen. A beautiful face with a short blonde hair and white complexion, she looks like Ms. Twizon. The Sexy body, the kissable lips and those eyes are like Ms. Twizon.

"Hahahahahaha". Laughter reverberated in the dining area, because of my surprised look.

"Haha, I forgot to tell you Santius that I have a twin sister." She laughed and l stared at her sister seating in front of us.

She told me earlier that Sofya wasn't able to finish her studies because of her rebellious attitude.

"Oh.. looks like we have a guest here." She leered with a serious look on her face.

"I am Santius, a student of your sister, pleasure to meet you Ms. Sofya." I smiled and stretched out my hand for a handshake.

"Call me Sofya, got it youngster?" She answered with an annoyed tone but didn't look at me and she started eating.

"Don't mind her Santius, just enjoy your dinner." Ms. Twizon muttered and started eating.

We started eating our dinner with the main dish beef steak, chicken curry, and for the dessert, chocolate cake was served on the table.

I also showed them what I've bought in the restaurant earlier before I saw Ms. Twizon near the lake, and the good thing is her father liked the fried chicken.

Her father asked questions like my family background, where do I live and what do I usually do. He laughed really loud like a villain that surprised me, because everyone can hear it from outside.

Everyone was talking happily except for her sister Sofya, she was silent the whole time. When Ms. Twizon finished her meal, she looked at Sofya. When she was about to call out her sister, Ms. Twizon's phone suddenly rang.

"*Rinnnnnnggg!!* *Rinnnnnnggggggg*!!"

She took her phone out and checked the name of the caller, it was from the head faculty.

"Hello, goodevening maam." She picked up the phone and greeted the head faculty.

After a few minutes of conversation, Ms. Twizon told us everything about what the head faculy told her.

There was an attack that happened at the school, all school guards including Mr. Levrus the Head school guards were attacked by a group of people that owned a sphynx.

Luckily their wounds are not serious and now they are recovering in the hospital. The class for tomorrow was cancelled, and she told us that all of the family of the lost soldiers will do a candle lightning tomorrow at the front of the Sphyral mountain.

"I know them." Sofya interjected with her usual serious look while Ms. Twizon was still talking.

"Them? Who?" Ms. Twizon asked her with a serious look on her face.

"The group who attacked the school guards." Sofya replied with a knowing tone.

"Then tell us what you know." Ms. Twizon replied to her twin with a calm voice.

"It is a Guild. I was once a member, they are called REQUITAL. The main purpose of it is to protect Cebreu. But.." Sofya looked at Ms. Twizon with a downcast voice.

"But why? Why did they attacked those innocent school guards?" Ms. Twizon asked another question to Sofya with her voice raised.

"Maybe one of the member had a trouble with the guards and asked for a revenge, depends on the rank of the person." She answered with an irated tone, and her head low with eyes closed.

"Stupid Guild! How can they protect Cebreu if they attacked those who can't even fight them? What if the next attack will be the teachers or the students?" Ms. Twizon loudly berated Sofya, her teeth seething with anger. I think she's really affected with what happpened to the school.

"Thats why I quit the guild! But don't you worry sis, I will protect you. No matter what happen." She responded lightly and gave her sister a gentle smile.

While Sofya was talking emotionally, behind her was a beast hiding from the silhouette walking towards her. A sphynx appeard, hound type around 2 meters tall with a caramel brown color fur.

2 years ago Sofya and her friends entered the Sphyral mountain just to seek adventure. 5 of them are skilled in hunting, they already knew the risk of entering the mysterious dimension and fortunately they all got a Sphynx and get out from the mountain alive.

"Sofya! How many times have I told you that I don't like seeing that creature here in my house!" Her father stood up pointing at the Sphynx while shouting angrily.

"Dad, It has been 2 years already, and still you can't accept my Sphynx. please accept her as one of our family." Sofya started crying and begging as she stood up from her chair.

"That Sphynx will only give trouble to us! just like you risking your life just to catch that creature, they are one of the major problem in our country right now! Don't you get it Sofya? Her father angrily rebuked.

Because of the loud arguement, they've already forgotten that they still have a guest watching them while eating.

At the moment I finished eating, they seemed to remember that I was still here. They turned to me and they have already calmed down. I can see they are quite guilty for neglecting and showing an unsightly manner to their guest.

"I am verry sorry Santius for the commotion."

Their mother felt sorry and asked for apology.

"Hehe. No Mrs. Twizon, its ok, I understand." I made a small grin and waved my two hands showing that it doesn't really matter to me.

"I apologize about this Santius." Mr. Twizon said with an apologetic look.

"Mr. Twizon, sorry to say this I don't have any intention to disrespect you but, I think you should ask for an apology to your daughter also."

They all looked at me with a surprised face with what I've said.

"I don't have a Sphynx but, I'm very familiar with them. Once a person owns a Sphynx, they are connected to each other, and their hearts are as one. Its been 2 years that Ms. Sofya's Sphynx lived only in your backyard and only takes shelter under the tree even if its raining. The thing is when her Sphynx is feeling cold she is feeling cold also, Ms. Sofya and her Sphynx are already suffering for 2 years. Thats why I think you should ask her for an apology and start to treat the Sphynx as a family." I stood up and explained to them how I come up with those things.

Mr. Twizon didn't say a word. Their father was listening intently and with a mixed epression on his face. He closed his eyes and tears crawling on his cheeks.

"Oh! It's already 9pm then I have to go. Thanks for the dinner Mr. And Mrs. Twizon, and thank you Ms. Twizon for inviting me here. Please don't see me off, I can make my way out." I am a person who can read the mood so, I changed the topic and smiled to everyone so they can talk about it.

Mr. Twizon was still speechless and I think he wants to say something but no words coming from his mouth.

Ms. Sofya stopped crying and embraces her Sphynx and looked at me as I start walking in their front door.

Their mother packed a piece of chocolate cake for me to bring home and said "Santius, your such a good young man, I'm sure your parents are proud of you. You can come here whenever you have a time, okay?"

"Yes of course Mrs. Twizon." I replied and give a wide smile and thinking about my parents.

Ms. Twizon walked with me until the front door.

"You never cease to amaze me.. take care on your way back home." She said with warm smile while patting my back.

"Thank you Ms. Twizon, have a goodnight" I replied, smiled back to her, and making my way out.

"Wait Santius! You said earlier that you felt sad and happy the same time. You already told me about the sad part, how about the happy part?" She asked loudly so that I can hear her.

I realized that I have to do something about the events happening in the world I live. I need to follow the voice inside my head because I think it will give the answer that the people longing for so long, and maybe those answers can heal their burdens that they have carried. Many lives had been sacrificed and a lot of families lost their loved ones without an answer why is it happening. Just like my father said, I will do something new, something that may change how they look at this problem.

"Just like Ms. Sofya said earlier, I will protect you Ms. Twizon." I shouted with a wide smile and run heading home.

Trivia #3:

Sphynxs love buffalo meat. But they can actually live for months without food. This is possible so long as their owner is well and healthy. They can leave the 'eating' to their owner. Through that, they regain Life Energy which allows them to stay alive.