
Spellcrafter's Demise

A/N: The first 50 or so chapters have a comedic focus and are setup for the following plot. They are fun and introduce a lot of important characters, but don't be scared off by the lacking early plot. All of the setup and worldbuilding will be worth it. Hitching a ride with a summoned demon, Edol finds himself in a magical new world. Unfortunately for the young man, his dreams of discovering and exploring magic are quickly interrupted. This new world... knows nothing like a summoning spell. The few powers with previous information about the easily weaponizable spell quickly try to stifle the news of its existence. The moment Glory, the strongest Empire on the Eastern Continent, catches wind of the summoning spell, they move quickly. There is finally a way for them to conquer not only the continent they reside on, but also a method to travel over to sea to claim the land of other countries. ... And if they want to acquire this new spell, who better to search for than the one summoned by it in the first place?

OakFlame · Fantasía
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193 Chs

Locations Index



Located on the eastern side of the eastern continent, it's a large, centrally governed powerhouse.

The capital city of Easthill is located on a plateau looking over the east coast. The natural elevation makes defending the city from a straightforward attack much easier.

Due to having previously been a city, both the country and its capital are known as "Easthill".

Major laws and decisions are made by a council of military leaders, and eligibility to climb in rank is determined by both heritage and ability.

The former city-states of Edain, East Lund, Sorea, and Glen fell under Easthill's control after the gate war. A collection of officials are now dispatched to each city and handle all local affairs. In the event of a conflict, the issue is deferred to the main government in the capital.

The Church of Danu is a popular religion in the western regions of the country but fails to have much presence in Easthill City.

A defining trait of Easterners is light-colored hair. The dominant blonde/white hair once signature to the small plateau city has spread with Easthill's expansion, resulting in a relatively uniform character trait across the east.


Enwreathed by rivers, Miaan takes up the center of the continent. It thrives on trade, and despite being the smallest country on the eastern continent, its market is the greatest.

Officially, the country is run by the Church of Miaan, but has generous laws focused on facilitating trade. Large merchant families such as Longgrass and Ring call the country home but also have branches elsewhere across the continent.

The country was founded shortly after the Church of Danu was formed, making it the youngest country in the east.


Occupying the southern portion of the continent, Birka's warm weather allows for great crop yields. Much of the continent's cotton, sugar, and many other spices are grown here before being sold elsewhere.

Birka also claims to possess the largest city on the continent. Thorby is located at the intersection of two great rivers. These rivers also separate country borders, and Thorby is the only place all four countries touch.

There are a large number of relic tombs in Birka, largely thanks to an odd burial habit of the past.


A powerful Empire, claiming nearly half the continent for itself. Even after ages of making next to no progress in their war against the Western continent, morale remains high.

The Empire also harbors plans to conquer the east, but hopes to put an end to their current war first.


Western Continent (Will be fully updated at a later date):


Facing intense military aggression from the east, many of the countries in the West decided to work together. Hugging the West's eastern coast, Union aims to fend off and even return attacks from Glory.


Between the eastern and western continents lie a cluster of small volcanic islands. Dread's End, located west of Valr's Straight, is occupied by Union and is home to a massive military outpost.

On the other side of the turbulent straight sits Crimson Ash. A larger island home to a still-active volcano, this island serves as the primary battlefield between Union and Glory. Countless small military outposts line its rocky shores, many of them having been destroyed and rebuild over the course of the war.

East of Crimson Ash lies Conquest, the primary military base of Glory. Similar to in strength and armaments to Dread's End, it serves as a staging ground for Glory's future advances.

A large prison is also located on Dread's end, holding any humans captured from the enemy country. A few of the prison's inhabitants will eventually be sold as slaves on the mainland, while the rest will spend their lives confined on the island.


The oceans are too turbulent and hazardous to cross, preventing any free travel between the eastern and western continents. It's also unknown to anyone currently alive if there are any other continents or peoples out there.