
Opportunity (Part I)

Suddenly, Gavrael halted in his steps. 

Evie whipped around when she pulled him and realised that he was not budging. "What's wrong? Don't forget you already agreed to cooperate, Gav." She reminded him, her resolve brimming in her eyes. Her hands tightened on his, quietly telling him that she would never let him change his mind and back off. 

Looking at the expression on her face, Gavrael wondered for a moment on what she would do if he did back out of the promise that he had indirectly made to her. Somehow, he could only imagine her fuming in anger and then falling into an outburst of crying or hugging, just to force him to give in to her all over again. He did not like the fact that sometimes, his body seemed to be under her control, as if she had put a spell on this body of his to be unable to refuse her. Otherwise, how could his own body obey someone else more than him himself?