
Specially "Gifted"

A girl finding her way in life, finds more than she ever thought possible. A whole world, a family, and friends of every kind. Will she find that family that she always wanted or will it prove to be a great mistake. Let's venture through this riveting tale of a teen who thought she had nothing.

Cherise_0088 · Fantasía
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2 Chs

My Life Prior

My life, was great as a child, had a wonderful childhood friend, his name was Ridian and he had always been there for me. My parents were great, they helped me with schoolwork and problems, it never occurred to me that I never looked like them. My mother, Clarice, was as beautiful as a rainbow after a storm, she had this way of making me feel loved, she listened to me and always made my problems easier to solve. My father, Henry, was a stern man, but I know he loved me very much. See, my parents had a difficult time conceiving children, I was an only child and I was considered their miracle.

However, I never quite looked like them, Them being brown haired. Mother with her green eyes and father with his brown eyes, whereas I...I had white hair and aqua blue eyes. I never noticed the difference until I turned ten, that's when I noticed how different I was from them. I ignored it, the thought that kept creeping into my head, like a virus invading a computer. The thought that invaded my brainwaves was 'Am I adopted?'. I kept the thought at bay for now, but will it return?

It was about another two years after my tenth birthday, when I was days away from turning 12, a tragedy struck my family. Like a tornado in a small town in Texas, ripped my family apart. That tragedy was the passing of my mother, I didn't know that she had been suffering. Until, the day that cancer took her from us, it was hard going to the funeral. Seeing someone you love lay lifeless, cold and yet so peaceful, I was told it was alright to grieve yet I didn't. I didn't shed a single tear, I thought something was wrong with me. My father thought I was crazy for not crying, he even got me evaluated. He thought for sure I was a sociopath or something, it wasn't until he accused me did I know I was different. That thought that had invaded my brain caught up to me, it wasn't just a thought, it was the truth. My father told me that I was adopted, and how if I was never adopted their life would've been normal. I made a wish that night that I regretted, he was a mean man but what I wished for was even worse. I'd wished him dead.

About a week after my wish, my father and I were going to visit my mother's grave. We got into a car accident. My father died on impact whereas I didn't even have a bruise, I was now alone. What I realized being alone though is how much I can accomplish.

I ran off, left my old life behind, lived in the woods with my father's camping gear. Which he had taught me at a young age how to use and how to survive. Never thought I'd have to use this knowledge but hey it helped. I made it a year without any trouble but I felt changes when I turned 13, unlucky 13 is what I called it. I noticed I could hear the slightest breathing of an animal that was nowhere close to me. I could feel the trees emotions around me and smell the crystal like blue stream miles away. What was happening to me? What was I becoming? I could feel tingling in my bones, sparkling at my fingertips. That wish I made a year ago, was it just a coincidence or did I cause the wish to come true? I had so many questions but zero answers, atleast until that night. I felt a rush of adrenaline, unable to sleep, I went for a walk which turned into a run. Then, the sharpest pain show through my bones, as if someone shot me with a flaming arrow. I could feel my bones change, morphing into a beastly shape. I was transforming, becoming one with nature, I was a wolf. A werewolf to be correct, it felt amazing after I transformed, I felt alive. I was fast and agile, I could hear everything for miles, sense everything around me. It was then that I knew where I belonged. I returned to camp in wolf form, I was able to transform back into my human self at will. Which was so great, for once I had control over myself instead of an authority figure. What I didn't know was what else I was. I had to go back to town to get some more supplies, this beggar man, was heckling me for money. I told him to leave me alone but he wouldn't, I got angry, very very angry. Red hot even, I touched the building next to me to steady myself as I yelled at the man. The building I touched went up in flames, I didn't even notice until the beggar ran off. I turned and saw the engulfed building, wondering how I didn't get burned. In mid thought I got pulled away by man, he took me away from the fire, to the safety of the woods nearby. I was frightened, who was this man that just kidnapped me in front of people. Nobody seemed to of noticed nor cared, the man was scary looking, yet familiar. He looked a little like me, he introduced himself as Silvester Paine, he told me about this school. A school that could help me control my secret, allow me to live a normal life. I accepted his offer after giving it a thought, I figured that it'd be nice to have indoor plumbing again. Who knew that accepting that would've been the biggest challenge yet wonderful decision ever.