having a splash at the shores of Lake Huron, Lincoln, Luna, and Clyde were having the time of their lives as they slashed one another. It was all just so much fun for the three of them, and even Rita decided to join in as well.
of course, every once in the while, Rita was taking a major liking to Connor, the handsome Native American masseuse. She would even try and take a break from all that fun, and enjoy Connor's sweet, soft fingers.
Connor himself was more than happy to give Rita these kind of treatments himself. Her back seemed very nice for him to run and massage, and both of his hands were called the hands of a god by Rita respectively.
"you know Rita, this is so wonderful doing this for a beautiful woman like you." Said Connor.
"Oh stop it, you. I have a husband, remember?"
"I know that, and I can respect that. Besides, I already have a girlfriend that I have been dating for seven years now."
Rita smiled and said "Really? That's great."
"Oh yes, Evelyn is a really sweet woman, you would like her, that's a promise for you." Then he stopped with his massaging and took a break. While resting his magic fingers, Connor cracked his knuckles and a small crunch sound was heads as he cracked not his fingers.
The mother decided to take a little break from this as well. He hack was already making her feel like she is twenty-one again. Connor's hands and fingers sure did a good number on her. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Connor."
"And the same for you, Rita." He reaches his beefy hand into his back pocket and face her a card. "If you ever need more massages from me, feel free to call me on that card."
Rita was flattered by the man's kindness. "Ah, thank you so much Connor."
"Anytime, Rita." Then the mane humbly walked across the beach and continued on with his business with the mother watching on at him.
"Ugh, I think I might throw up." Lincoln said with mild disgust.
"oh come on, bro." Luna said, gently ruffing his white hair. "At least it's not like a cheesy romance thing like Lori and Bobby."
"No, it's not romance. I'm sure that those two are good friends, now."
"Yeah, she would never replace your father, Luna. But I agree, at least they are not really like Bobby and Lori," and a small cloud of rage entered his brain and his face was slowly starting to turn red. "Bobby, that no good, girlfriend stealer!"
"Slow down there, killer." Lincoln said. "Never gonna happen remember?"
"I know."
"But at least a guy can dream." Luna said. "Besides, I can imagine them making out under the sun if they were here."
"Good point, Luna. That would be the last thing I would want to see before I leave here today. Don't tell Lori I said that though."
Clyde smiled at him, and said "Don't worry Lincoln. My lips are sealed like a fly zipper."
"Same with mine, Linc." Then she gave him a kiss in his cheek to show him hw much she loves him as a brother. Lincoln flushed at the little action she just did. "Lori will never know a thing about what you said.
"Good. The last thing I would want is her turning me into a Human pretzel." Lincoln stated.
"Nah, she would't really do that." Said Clyde.
"Clyde, Lori can be quite stubborn and mean at some times." Lincoln noted. "You should know that."
"I do know Here well, but not as much as you do since you're her sister."
Luna saw this a perfect opportunity to tackle Lincoln and Clyde playfully into the water again, and they continued having their Lake fun. After ten long minutes of wrestling together, the three decided to take a break. "Hey listen, I hope I wasn't too rough on you guys like I made you all took you to bat country."
"No it's cool. I love doing these things with you, Luna." Lincoln said.
All of a sudden, an osprey sudden perched on the shore waters. Lincoln and Luna were surprised by how beautiful and stunning the seabird looked. They were all so close to it like five feet away from it. For all they knew, the osprey was probably just looking for food around Huron.
"Wow, what kind of a bird is that?" Lincoln said.
"Beats me, but it would be more than a feeling to see it fly away." Luna said, just as amazed as her little brother. Just then, the majestic osprey made small, squeaky calls that sounded like whistling in a high-pitched voice a couple times, and dug it's head into the water to look for any food. "What kind of bird is that anyway?"
"I know what that is. It's an osprey." Clyde remarked. "It's a type of bird of prey that lives on a diet of fish, and they are present on all six continents across the world."
"Wow. That's cool." Lincoln said. "Wait, I thought there were seven continents on Earth?"
"Yeah, Antarctica, right?" Luna remembered.
"Yeah, but Antarctica is mostly a frozen wasteland, remember? That's why Ospreys or many other animals in the world wouldn't be able to live there because it's like that all season long. Except for penguins, and seals of course"
"Very good point." Luna said. "Lot of people would be too snow blind to live down there." And she made a small chuckle.
"I know. We would all freeze to death if we lived over there, even if we did have extra jackets or coats to try and keep us warm. We'ed have to light a fire twenty-four-seven."
Clyde made a laugh. "Yeah, that would be a pain in the neck."
"got that right, Clydesdale." Luna chuckled. They continued on looking at the majestic seabird, and then flew off in midair, and suddenly landed itself into the lake water, and grabbed hold of a gigantic bask in it's sharp talons, and flew away from their views into the trees, leaving the kids in awestruck on their faces.
It certainly was an magnificent looking osprey alright. They, along with Rita decided to call it a day and went back to the car home. While enjoying a view of the outside world from within the car, Lincoln wondered how his other sisters were doing. Honestly, he wished that the rest of his sisters would have been there with him, Luna, Clyde, and his mother. That spot in Lake Huron looked so much fun with the beaches, and the scuba diving, minus the lampreys of course.
Another thing on his mind was about that mysteriously, dark brown figure that had glowing, yellow eyes. Boy oh boy, that was definitely some thing that he will never forget about, even if he couldn't tell what that "thing" was when he had to use the bathroom. He began wondering if it was a "Bigfoot" or a Sasquatch of some kind. However, he remembered seeing a large, hairy tail when it ran away in the speed of light through the trees. Being an expert of cryptozoology, and paranormal studies, he knew one thing for sure, Sasquatches do not have tails at all.
Lincoln was wondering if he was just seeing things, or if it was just a big, bull moose, or an elk, or even an abnormally large grizzly bear with a freakishly long tail. Was his mind playing tricks on him? Was that thing, whatever it was, real or not?
"Hey dude," Luna said, snapping him out of his deep thinking. "You alright?"
"I'm fine Luna. I was just thinking."
"About What, Linc?"
"Well, After i was done with the bathroom, I saw some kind of... animal in the woods. I didn't know what it was, but it kinda looked like a Bigfoot standing on two legs, and it was huge."
"Bigfoot? Ah, I'm sure it was just a hoaxer trying to scare you." Luna doubted. "Many people do that in Michigan all the time just so they can get publicity and money."
"She makes a good point." Clyde said.
"Yeah Honey, there's no such thing as Bigfoot." Rita added.
"Well how did you explain that famous picture a long time ago with him walking and looking at the camera?"
"No, I am pretty sure it was just a man trying to scare some tourists. Believe me Lincoln. I know. The same thing happened with me and your father before we got married. We were on a small camping trip in Wisconsin, and a Bigfoot showed up and roared right in front of our faces, but then we noticed his mak fall off and it was a hoaxer thatbwas obese and had glasses."
Lincoln couldn't help but laugh. "What?dis the guy get in trouble?"
"Of course he did." Rita stated. "He was arrested for fraud."
"Ha! That's funny. At least he wasn't trying to maul you."
Rita made a small laugh. "I didn't think he would have done that. Most people like that wouldn't have the backbone to try and hurt their victims."
"Right. They dodn't Want to get in more trouble than they bargained for to scare people."
"Exactly my point. So like I said, it was probably just a prankster trying to scare you."
"Yeah, you're right." Lincoln finally agreed with her.
The road home was rather hr long, about forty five minutes to be exact, but they were back to home sweet home shortly after. Of course, they went to Aunt Victoria's place, then dropped Clyde back to his fathers so he could take a shower, then it was just alincoln, Luna, and Rita now
The house looked as it always was, and nothing really changed. Lincoln and Luna could hardly wait to see the smiling faces of their other siblings. When they opened the door, the other sisters didn't really have any smiling faces at all. No, their faces had a bored, blank expression on them like Lynn in math class.
At first, Lincoln wasn't so sure what to think of this, but he said "hey guys. What's going on?"
"You know." Lori said with a sigh while texting on her smartphone. "Just literally laying around."
"Uh-huh." Said Lynn. "Nothing but a lazy afternoon for us."
"So how was the Lake Huron trip?" Asked Lucy while writing more poems in her little book.
"It was so fun, you guys should have been there." Lincoln said. "We went snorkeling and and had some fun on the beach, too. And Clyde got a lamprey stuck to his neck."
"That sounds fun." Said Leni in a slightly angry voice. "Just go and have fun with your favorite sister while you forget about us."
"What?" Luna said. "Dude, what are you walking about?"
"Nothing. I'm just saying that if you want to just spend time with you, Luna." Leni stated "And just ignore me Lincoln and not come with me to get more skirts to buy."
"Guys, what's wrong?" Lincoln said.
"We Just don't want to get in the way of Lincoln spending time with his fsfortke sister." Lola stated sarcastically while polishing her nails. "And just leave us in the dust."
"Oh come on you guys. You think I love Luna more than you guys?"
"Yes!" Said the other sisters in anger. "You have been spending more time with her than with us lately." Lana remarked.
"Dudes, come on. I wasn't trying to steal him from you guys." Luna stated. "We are just good siblings that look out for each other."
"We've literally been there for him too." Lori argued with the third oldest sister. "Yes he seems to rely on you more."
"Well, Luna is so nice and kind to me, and would always stick for me." Lincoln said, then they both side-hugged each other in affection. "She's shown me the most kindness out f you guys."
"Oh and yet you don't feel that way about us?" Said Lisa with a raised eyebrow.
"Boo-boo!" Lily stated angrily.
"Well, Lori, Lynn, and Lola have been jerks to me at times. Lori calls me twerp and picks on me sometimes."
"So?" Lori said.
"So I hate it when you do that." The boy replied in irritation. "There's other siblings to pick on besides me, you know?"
"Hey, you watch what you say Lincoln!" Lori said, threatening her little brother.
"Back off Lori!" Luna said. "Or you gotta deal with me!"
"You wanna go for it right now?"
"let's!" Then Lincoln intervened and stopped them from fighting eachother physically.
"Guys! Please!" Lincoln begged.
Calming down, Lori and Luna let their anger die away. "Lincoln, when have I ever been a jerk to you?"
"Well... you have been known to get violent and throw fits, Lola." Lincoln stated. "And how you yell and scream whenever you don't get what you want."
"Lies!" Lola protested. Realizing what just happened, she calmed herself down and defensively said in a flat voice "Okay, maybe I have did that, but it was only a few times."
"A few?" Said Luna. "It happened all the time."
"No one asked you!"
"Look, Lincoln, all we're saying is that you see, to love Luna more than the rest of us." Said Luan. "It was like you and Luna are a race car and the driver while we are th third wheels. Hahahaha! Get it? But seriously, you never really want to do anything with us anymore."
"No, that's not true." Lincoln said. "There's always tomorrow."
"Yeah Guys come on, give him a break." Luna said a little firmly.
"It's True!" Luan protested. "We feel neglected to him as sisters lately. Now it is like we are not worth anything to you anymore."
"Guys, i'm Sorry if you all feel this way, but I would never think that way about you. Ot's just that Luna makes me so happy."
"You know what Lincoln, just save it." Lori said. "Come on girls, we need to leave these two alone since we don't matter to them."
"Enought girls!" Said Lynn Sr. "I will not tolerate those kind of attitudes in this house. Now, all of you go to your rooms to cool off until I say otherwise."
the others protested at their dad multiple times, but to no avail.
"Girls," he threatened, pointing his finger upstairs. The other sisters went "Aww" And glared at Lincoln and Luna behind them as they headed to their rooms as punishment.
Lincoln was now feeling guilty. He thought that maybe it is his fault that his sisters don't feel as loved as Luna does. Luna was glaring back at the angry sisters who heard doors slamming multiple times. By the sound of how they just shut their bedroom doors, they were not happy at all.
"Are you okay, dude?" Luna asked him with concern.
"I'm fine Luna." He replied. "Look, maybe a little jamming in the garage should help with this."
"Awesome idea bro." Luna said with her rock pose. Both she and Lincoln decided to go wash up first and went to practice on their guitars.