
Special Chapter

Special Chapter of different parts of the story and please enjoy and read my book novel thank you.

Anonymous_631 · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
50 Chs

part 6

Meanwhile, inside the Sakura Academy classroom of the 1-B and we have an Art class and Mura is still sitting in the chair for everyone is drawing him on the paper.

Sawabe: who has done their draw and please give it to me before leaving the Academy

Everyone agree to finish the Art class fast but Mura had someone spying on him in the classroom while he was sitting down in the chair.

Morita: I have done draw and I give it to you Sawabe

Sawabe: yes

Mura: how many longers my back is hurting me

After a few hours, later the class had the draw and Mura can free his body everyone goes back to her dorm and takes some rest.

Mura: Hikaru come on let's go back home and meet my sis

Morita: of course

When Mura arrived at the Mansion's house later Otsuka give the necklace to Morita and she was asked what is that thing.

Morita: niisan what is that?

Otsuka: it is from Leon

Morita: Leon was here and when did he come here

Otsuka: he came here you to protect the lucky charm

Morita: he me some lucky charm necklace

Otsuka: he did miss you so much and recover his cure

Mura: sis you want to say something to the 1st year student

Kanemura: yes of course and Kawata you want to come with me honey

Kawata: yes of course babe

Morita: so did you do that thing together yet

Kanemura: nope we don't do that thing each other

Kawata: come on babe let go and meet them

Kanemura: okay honey

In the meantime, Kanemura and Kawata had arrived at the Hinata Academy went the 1st year student see her coming back to her them smiling.

Hinano: Miku you came here to see the Miho basketball match

Kanemura: sure I would like to watch her match

Kawata: come on let go and see the Miho match

Meanwhile, they are watching Miho playing the basketball match and she saw us coming here to watch her play.

Miho: Kanemura you watch me play

Kanemura: yes and Kawata is my wife

Miho: eh? wife?

Kanemura: come on Miho you need to win this round

Miho: if I win this round can you stay here at the Hinata Academy

Kanemura: we will see about that now go

Watanabe has dribbled the ball and she throws three-pointers into the net later after Hinata Academy wins this round.

Miho: Miku I win this round and with the school trophy

Kanemura: yes of course I will stay here but I have one condition

Miho: sure what it is?

Out of a sudden, Kanemura's passion kissed Kawata's lips and everyone can see that the new couple were having fun kissing each other Kanemura bite Kawata's mouth and had a bit of blood but she licks the blood off her mouth.

Miho: Miku you are a freaky sexy vampire?

Kanemura: yes I am but what can we do for you Miho?

Miho: please give me a guy friend to talk to

Without any words coming from inside the Hinata indoor sports hall, there have someone was there to see Miho and he hugged her tight.

Yamato: Miho long time no see and I am here to marry you

Miho: Yamato you are here to marry me?

Yamato: yes of course I love you so much

Suddenly, Yamato's passion kisses Miho's cute lips went she accepted the marriage but he carries Miho around the body against him.

Miho: wait…what are you doing?

Yamato: just relax Miho

Miho: okay I trust you

When Yamato was carrying her and he went over to the Sakura Academy and suddenly he saw his sister talking to Seki.

Yamato: tenchan!! I'm back to come to see you

Meanwhile, Yamasaki and Seki turn around and see that Yamato with Miho around their body and he was saying to her was.

Yamato: tenchan…I will come for you later and I was married to Miho

Yamasaki: congrats oniichan

Yamato: thank you tenchan

Seki: Yamato can you come and see us here went you finish your moment

Yamato: sure

For a few hours later Yamato and Miho have their moments together until they had enough of each other.

Miho: babe can we live together at your house with Tenchan

Yamato: sure you will live with me

Miho: okay honey I love you

Yamato: I love you so much

While Miho went back to the mansion house with their new husband and Yamato landed her in the lake living room.

Yamato: Miho you stay here with him

He appears out of nowhere just now to him and he says to Miho his name same as Yamato.

Travis: I'm Travis and I'm was Yamato Butler

Miho: nice to meet you Travis

Travis: so Miho can I show your room with Yamato's bedroom

Miho: yes please lead the way

When Travis led the way on Miho and Yamato went back to see Tenchan with Seki at the Sakura Academy.

Yamato: I'm back Tenchan

Yamasaki: oniichan!! I miss you so much

Seki: senpai can you do me favor about something?

Yamato: sure please name the thing you want me to do

Yumiko just grabbed my arm and wanted to see each other are what he was doing here at the time.

Seki: guys I'm bringing someone to the Sakura Academy

Right before Seki brought him to see them and they hugged Yamato and the 2nd year student miss him so much.

Yamato: Seki you don't have to drag me here

Seki: I'm sorry but they want to see you were back

Takemoto: senpai you seem happy and why is that?

Yamato: I was married to Watanabe Miho to be my wife

Takemoto: congrats

Yamato: thank you but tenchan can you allow me to have Miho as your sister in law

Yamasaki: I will allow her as my sister in law

Yamato: come on let's go back home and meet Miho to see you

Yamasaki: okay oniichan

Yamato: later guys

When Yamato was riding his motorbike and tenchan was behind Yamato's back he drove off and left the Sakura Academy.

Out of a sudden, Yamato arrived at the Mansion house and tenchan and see that we have the new Butler in the house.

Travis: nice to meet you Yamasaki Ten I'm new Yamato Butler Travis

Yamasaki: nice to meet you Travis

Once we are having so much fun with the new Butler in the Yamato mansion house near the Sakura Academy.