
Special Chapter

Special Chapter of different parts of the story and please enjoy and read my book novel thank you.

Anonymous_631 · Adolescente
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50 Chs

Part 46

Before Kei Lord went to sleep he need to have a LINE chat with Seki Yumiko first before he went to sleep and while he doing that later Yui go check on him and went she open the door and see that Kei goes online at the LINE chat with Seki Yumiko and Yui ask him about dating someone with the sakurazaka46 idol.

Yui: Kei why are you not sleeping yet?

Kei: Mom!! get some privacy here

Meanwhile, Seki can see that Kobayashi Yui is some to good night kiss to her son before she went to sleep with Dani in the master room.

Yui: make sure you sleep Kei

Kei: yes I know mom good night

Yui: night

Later Yui left Kei room and he close the door and went we have a talk with Seki about dating Morita Hikaru the most girl that ever could date with anyone else.

Seki: so Kei are you ready to ask her out tomorrow

Kei: yes I am but what if she didn't like it

Seki: don't worry she would like it

Kei: okay but can I meet you tomorrow outside the dorm

Seki: of course, we could talk later

Kei: okay good night

Seki: night

They ended their LINE chat with Seki Yumiko and we go back to sleep until the next morning then Kei went to meet Seki Yumiko at the dorm outside the Sakura dorm.

The next morning at the Dani house and later Kei wakes up and he just wears everything black and with a different shoe that he wears and he went downstairs and see that father and mother are at the dinner table while they saw that are where a son is growing up so fast to be an adult to have their first date with someone special to spend with him.

Dark Lord: son where are you going?

Yui: honey relax he want to see his crush at all right, Kei?

Kei: yes...father that right later

He just out of the house take out his car and go drive to the Sakura dorm and see Seki Yumiko and tell her more about Morita Hikaru like and dislike thing.

Meanwhile, inside the Sakura dorm Seki is waiting for someone outside the dorm while the 2nd gen is looking at Seki with a surprising look and why did she wait for someone at the outside dorm.

Matsuda: Seki what are you doing?

Seki: I'm waiting for someone

Inoue: who are you waiting for?

Out of a sudden, the car just drives through the Sakura dorm and he parks just near the gate of the dorm while he opens the door and sees that Seki with Matsuda and Inoue we're here at the outside dorm with Seki.

Seki: you made it let go somewhere and talk inside your car

Kei: sure

Inoue: wait...how come you are here

Matsuda: did Jerry send you here

Kei: no Jerry is not here to send me but he wants to give you this

Matsuda: what it is?

Kei: just open it

Matsuda: okay

While Matsuda open the small box and went she open the box and she find something that she remember that time we were together until he had an accident that hit us hard.

Matsuda: thanks Kei

Kei: no problem

Seki: let go Kei

Kei: okay see you later

They went inside the Kei car and he drive the car and left the dorm and went for a drive-through we also talk about Morita and what is she like and she dislikes most of her thing.

Inoue: Matsuda don't cry

Matsuda: I can't stop crying because Jerry went into an accident right before we go on a date

Inoue: let go back inside shall we

Matsuda nods and we go back inside the Sakura dorm and talk about Jerry a few ways back from he had an accident went we are going for a first date with him.

In the meantime, back at Seki and Kei was driving the car and out of a sudden, Kei stop the car and he go park his car just the near the station while he had some feeling about something that his father or uncle Jerry had this same feeling inside his chest that can see the future and what is going to happen.

Seki: Kei? are you okay?

Kei: Seki I will right back but can you drive the car

Seki: yes I can drive but

Kei: just switch your car licence okay I got to go and save someone

Seki: wait it is Morita in trouble

Kei: yes something like that later

Seki: wait did you need any backup

Kei: that no time later

He just flew into the sky and Seki drive back to Dani house with Kei car and meanwhile, went Seki was driving back to Dani house later Yui can see that Kei is returning from his crush but they didn't know that Kei is going to save his crush from getting him killed.

Dani: Kei did you talk to your crush

Yui: Kei?

Seki: sorry Kei just flew away from the sky to save someone

Yui: no my sweet son where did he go?

Seki: he said to me was he wanted to save Morita from getting him killed

Dani: Yui you better stay here with Yumiko I will go find him

Yui: honey be careful out there

Dani: don't worry I will more careful

Later Dani flew into the sky and go find are we're son who just want him killed to save his crush and after that Kei saw that Morita throws some rock at the gang vampire but Kei is not a vampire but he is a Lord name after his father Dark Lord.

Kei: stay away from Morita Hikaru!!

Vampire: who the hell are you?

Kei: my name is Kei Lord known as Dark Lord that is my father

Vampire: I'm so scared

Kei: you better be scared

Vampire: guys show him that way vampire is stronger than Dark Lord

Later the vampire attacks Kei with a vampire cold-blooded rock and he protects her as a shield so that she could have not hurt herself but she can see that he is not fighting back and she ask him why.

Morita: Kei!! fight back

Kei: no!! I won't fight back let my father will back for me

Morita: why are you doing this just for me!

Kei: because I love you, Morita

Morita: you had a crush on me

Kei: yes I want to ask you to go on a date with me if you like

Later the vampire stop throwing the rock and Dark Lord appears in front of them the vampire can see that Kei Lord is telling us the truth about his father being the Dark Lord.

Dani: son...son...are you okay?

Kei: father please get out from me I want to go home

Dani: of course but I want to teach him a good vampire lesson but please Morita take care of him while I deal with them

Morita: sure

Dani goes and teach the vampire lesson and later after a few hours later the vampire is turned into dust Dani went to see that Kei is getting weak than usual before the time runs out.

Morita: something wrong with Kei

Dani: I know that

Dani carry Kei on his back while Morita is around at Dani's arm and they go fly and land at the house Yui is worried sick about his son Kei who had almost gotten himself killed but we went inside to the room and fill with cow blood and vampire blood that Karin and Yamasaki were here to save his life.

Morita: Tenchan and Karin why are you here at Dani house?

Yamasaki: we heard a rumour about Dark Lord just killed the bad vampire who just want to save his son

Karin: yea me too

Morita: so Dani can you heal him

Dani: I can try but I need someone to company him

Seki: why not Morita company him

Morita: I can company him until he wakes up

Dani: sure while we wait here in the living room

Morita: okay

Later while we wait for him to wake up Morita close the door and she sees that Kei is kind of cute of Lord but he had the same hair just like Kobayashi Yui his mother and his face just like Dani his father.

Meanwhile, Kei start to open his eye and he saw that Morita was here by his side she take Kei hand and ask him if he want to go on a date with her.

Morita: Kei...um...could you like to hang out with me just the two of us

Kei: I like that idea and you are so kind but could we do the thing

Morita: you mean kiss each other right here inside the room

Kei: of course if you want

Morita: please

Kei: okay

When Morita and Kei were kissing each other they can feel something inside their body and they feel like they are connected to each other just like the couple.

Kei: I love you Hikaru

Morita: I love you too Kei

They hug each other and while everyone goes inside the room and sees that Morita and Kei are hugging each other and Yui just want to say to him and ask him to take care of her with responsibilities.

Yui: congrats both of you

Kei: thanks mom

Dani: son I'm proud of you

Kei: thank you, father

Seki: make sure don't break Morita's heart

Kei: I won't I'm promise

Morita: so if you want to ask me out can we have an exchange number

Kei: sure

While they exchanged their number with each other we can see that Morita is more than happy about asking him to ask him out for their first date with him I mean Kei Lord or Kobayashi Kei whatever his name is called.