
Special Chapter

Special Chapter of different parts of the story and please enjoy and read my book novel thank you.

Anonymous_631 · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
50 Chs

Part 17

Meanwhile, Kanemura is resting at the dorm went Miho see that Miku sleep so sexy but she can sense her coming inside the room.

Miku: Miho!!

Suddenly, Watanabe turn around and saw Kanemura can see that she look so surprised on her face.

Miho: Kanemura...how did you know was me?

Kris: vampire can smell the human scent of yours

Miho: my scent?

Out of a sudden, Kanemura pushes Kris away from the room and she closes the door to his face.

Kris: take your time sis I will be right back

Miho: Kanemura?

Suddenly, Kanemura push Miho against the door while she was playing with something on her finger but she have someone watching them.

Kanemura: sorry Miho I have to do this

Miho: do what?

She knock out Miho and open the door and see Kris was there he take the door safely but she close the door while we all heard that Miku is fighting with someone inside the room.

Kawata: what happened inside the room?

Kris: she is fighting with her enemy

Kawata: vampire have an enemy like what?

Back inside the room, Miku is not getting tired but the enemy gets more tired of her at the end Kanemura kill him with a blow and the enemy is turned into dust.

We can that Kanemura is okay and she had blood on her mouth but Miho wake up and clear the wound on her mouth.

Miho: let me clean for you

Kanemura: thanks

Miho: jeez...don't hurt yourself ever

Kris: so sis who is he that you fight inside the room?

Kanemura: wolf clan

Kris: wolf clan want to be to the top of us

Miho: okay it is done cleaning your wound

Later back to the Sakura dorm there have one vampire are inside them and her was Fujiyoshi Karin and she was super strange while we take a photo together as a group but went we take the photo with her and she didn't have a reflection at all.

Matsuda: did you see Karin anywhere Yamasaki?

Yamasaki: nope sorry

Matsuda: where is she?

Out of nowhere, Karin wall back at the dorm and she grab on Karin's hand later she turned around and saw that she is covered with blood everywhere on her shirt and Matsuda can see that her eye is dark red and she let go of Karin's hand and she walk away from her and Matsuda go behind Yamasaki back.

Yamasaki: get off me Matsuda

Matsuda: sorry but I scared of her

Later the 1st gen joins them and they look at Matsuda and Yamasaki while they look at Karin shirt with full of blood on her shirt.

Sugai: Karin are you okay?

Matsuda: Sugai not she will get mad at you for saying that to her

Sugai: why?

Karin walks just per normal as a human walk but she toward Sugai Yuka Kobayashi stop her Karin push Kobayashi down on the ground and Karin is not Karin but she is more than Kanemura aura.

Kanemura: hey! sis don't push Kobayashi on the floor?

Karin: sorry I was on vampire dream of someone

Kanemura: of what?

Karin shows Kanemura and she looks at the picture and backs both of them with worried on their eye Karin take Kobayashi's hand went she saw that Karin had a charming smile on her but her skin is very white and she take Karin hand and stands up.

Karin: sorry to push you on the ground, Yui

Yui: it's okay but why didn't tell us that you are a vampire

Karin: we need to follow the vampire rule

Kanemura: so Karin did you kill the bad vampire on your way here

Karin nodded and she run back to the dorm and she came back here with new clothes on she was wearing all black colour.

Rena: wait...if Karin is a vampire can a vampire kiss a human on her lips

Kanemura: I don't know I didn't try that

Suddenly, Karin comes forward to Rena and she hugs Rena really can see her eye is dark red but she didn't wear any contact lenses on her eye.

Karin: should we kiss

Rena: wait...I'm just joking don't kiss me 

Out of a sudden, Karin kiss on Rena human lips while Kanemura sees that they are doing their kiss on the human mouth.

Karin: So how was it, Rena?

Suddenly, Rena didn't talk but she is speechless on her but after a few minutes later she speak and she hug Karin without saying anything to her.

Risa: Rena are you okay?

Rena: I...I...just can't explain what happened did we kiss

Kanemura: well I get going now see you back Karin

Karin: sure okay later

When Kanemura went back to her Hinata dorm and just only Karin with her Member at the dorm with Karin.

Matsuda: Karin can we ask you something?

Karin: sure what it is?

Meanwhile, Yumiko stab Karin with a sword but we saw her and she pull out the sword from Karin body Yumiko saw that Karin is not a human but a vampire.

Seki: guys Karin is a vampire

Matsuda: we know that Seki!!

Seki: how did you know that before me?

Karin heals herself and Yumiko apology to Karin with a bow she bows back at her but she later slaps her shoulder with a gentle.

Karin: next time don't do it over again Seki

Seki: sorry

Karin: Matsuda you ask me something right?

Matsuda: yes why vampire can't have any reflect

Karin: vampire didn't have any reflect or anything

In the meantime, Karin sees that she need to drink the cow blood and they ask what kind of drink is that.

Rena: Karin what is that you drink?

Karin: Oh...you mean this?

Rena: yes

Karin: vampire can only drink one which is cow blood

Matsuda: wait did you say cow blood did you?

Karin: yes I did

Kris: Karin let's go back home we have a vampire meeting and can't miss this

Karin: okay I'm coming

Rena: wait...Karin before you can we do that kiss again

Karin: sure of course

Karin hugs Rena around her waist and they see each other on their face Karin kiss on her lips while Kris is waiting for Karin outside the studio.

Karin: see you later Rena

Rena nodded at Karin and she let go of her hand and they left the studio.