
Spatial Luck

A fairly standard "isekai", but with somewhat unusual opportunities to become stronger... how else, because now the hero is in the world of flying aliens who shoot red lasers from their eyes and existing gods with huge capabilities. How else to forget about the space cops... in general, it will be hard without strength in such a world. So it 's time to rely upon luck in Gacha and... is this a Spatial Chat? So needs to chat more. AU! That is, consider that these are parallel worlds to the original! What to expect: OP hero (not like God killer OP from 1 chapter but still strong), Fantasy, Harem, Incest, Multiverse Chat, Gacha Worlds: DC Comics. RWBY, Owari no Seraph, Shokugeki no Souma, DxD, HP. For now the cover of the book is not mine and does not belong to me! So if anything, write and I'll clean it up. My Pat_reon where more chapters: pat_reon.com/user?u=73007903 (delete "_" between Pat and reon)

LarchOut · Derivados de obras
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51 Chs

Chapter 13 - Responsibilities

"... there was a fire in the aftermath of which the body of a young millionaire, the founder and head of the LexCorp company was found." The Daily Planet has already prepared a report in the morning about what happened, however, this was to be expected. After all, this is very significant news. "Now the question is, who will get a multimillion-dollar company?"

" My God ..." Lena quietly burst out her mouth when she heard about this news. The girl covered her mouth with her hand and didn't even know what to say.

"Yeah, maybe he was having a drink there with fireworks?" I tried to cheer up my sister somehow... although I felt a little better myself.

"Tony, it's not funny, after all, he's our brother…"

"Don't tell me you're going to cry over this?" I raised an eyebrow.

" Of course not, I didn't know him. Just being happy about someone's death is not good."

In general, in the morning all the news channels were buzzing because of this news and even showed my sister and me. Since we are the only living relatives of Lex. It didn't take long before someone knocked on our apartment and, as it is clear, it was lawyers and others who simply reported the death of the sole owner of the company. Lex himself had no will, so a bureaucratic fuss began, which will last for more than one day.

There were no obvious suspicions from the police in our direction because Alexander Luthor died not because of an attack or something like that, but simply because he was poisoned by carbon monoxide. There were no signs of forced entry in the office, nor any other evidence that could indicate that everything happened by someone's will.

Moreover, the source of the fire was determined quite quickly, and the closed electronic door is explained by a short circuit on the floor, however, this could explain the beginning of the fire from inside the wall between the layers. Since there was absolutely no other evidence indicating that it wasn't an accident, that's exactly what this case became.

The whole day was quite busy because, in addition to the university, Lena and I had to go through standard procedures for the death of a relative, that is, identifying the body and signing various documents. Right now, no one will give the whole company into our hands, but Lena and I are the only relatives of Lex, so it's no secret that in any case, we will become the next heads. And since there are two of us, we will get fifty percent of the company's ownership each.

Cortana has already said that some investors want to try to put pressure on us... but she coped with it in the simplest way blackmail. Now I definitely feel like an asshole, just like my brother was.

By the evening, all the books sent by Hermione had long been copied by Cortana, so I sent them back to her by Chat mail. My list of spells has been replenished with some interesting instances, but this is just in case, I do not have a direct application of these spells at the moment.

In the Chat…

Shinoa Hiragi: I haven't heard of vampires who could destroy an entire city or a mountain.

Rias Gremory: Vampires aren't very strong in my world either... although I just don't know much about them, demons don't pay much attention to them. Although I have a dhampir in my peerage.

Shinoa Hiragi: A Dhampir?

Rias Gremory: A half-vampire. I've read the book you sent me and your magic is quite interesting. Especially the concept of a cursed weapon with the soul of a living being. In some ways it resembles Sacred Gears, only a simpler version.

Anthony (Administrator): Such weapons often have different abilities from simply increasing physical characteristics to creating energy blades.

Rias Gremory: Tony-kun, you haven't written much today, are you busy?

Anthony (Administrator): Yes, there are cases. Since we're talking about books, do you mind sending me something about your magic?

Rias Gremory: Hmm, I don't mind.

Anthony (Administrator): What do you want for this? You're a true demoness, surely you've already figured out what to ask from a simple person?


"Hmm, he and Akeno would have obviously become friends. But what would I like? Tony-kun…


Rias Gremory: I don't need anything right now, but I will consider your proposal later when I have ideas.

Anthony (Administrator): Thank you, Rias)

Shinoa Hiragi: Administrator-san is trying to seduce Rias, but the administrator does not pay attention to Shinoa, the color of whose panties he knows.

Hermione Granger: Hello everyone!

Hermione Granger: Anthony, I had another magic lesson where I heard a story about alchemists. I heard about one of the most often and in the first year, he played an important role in our searches Nicholas Flamel. You said you were also an alchemist, how much do you know about the Philosopher's stone?

Shinoa Hiragi: Am I being ignored?

Anthony (Administrator): Yes, I can be called an alchemist, and a good enough one. I can't say for sure about the philosopher's stone of your world, it's just that things can vary depending on the worlds and the people who create them. I know about Flamel from the history of your world, and if I'm not mistaken, he is over six hundred years old.

Anthony (Administrator): And to create something so powerful, to create an elixir of life on its basis that allows an ordinary person to live for so many years and change the properties of objects at the molecular level, you need a huge amount of pure energy. In general, this stone can theoretically be used even for the resurrection of the recently deceased if you create a suitable ritual, well, provided that it really contains so much energy. I see only two ways to create it in your world. Or using dragon veins, if they exist in your world, or using human sacrifices and souls.

Hermione Granger: Raise the dead?!

Hermione Granger: It's dark magic!

Anthony (Administrator): Hermie, stop thinking by the standards of British wizards and remember who is chatting with you.

Rias Gremory: Is this philosophical stone somehow similar to our evil pieces?

Anthony (Administrator): Without a thorough check and study of both, I cannot say with absolute accuracy. I told about the philosopher's stone theoretically, in practice I did not create it and did not hold it in my hands, the same applies to the pieces of evil. As far as I remember, they were created by the smartest of Satans Ajuka Beelzebub. But if we take the version from the world of Hermione, then I doubt that it will be as useful as the figures of evil.

Hermione Granger: But... dark magic corrupts the soul

Anthony (Administrator): Any magic can corrupt you to one degree or another. Just to be able to defend yourself and fight something, you need to know how it functions. You have a Spatial Store, and you've already taken books from there, haven't you realized that yet? By the way, you know that you have Legiliments at school, right?

Hermione Granger: I can understand your point of view, but... dark magic is dangerous.

Hermione Granger: What is it?

Anthony (Administrator): A Bombarda can blow up a person. Brackium Emendo can easily deprive a person of the bones of the skull and he will die. With the same Depulso, you can push a person away so that he breaks his neck. And that's just the first thing that comes to mind.

Anthony (Administrator): Look in your library for books about Legilimency.

After checking the mail where Rias sent a couple of books, I immediately got one. The next day was the last day when it was necessary to come to the university and hold a conversation with professors, and this time even the rector appeared and expressed admiration for the young mind... and of course, he tried his best to show how good he was and how he cared about the university. Still, now a lot of people know that it is me and my sister who will be the next head of LexCorp.

And if I just smiled and tried to maintain a friendly tone with everyone who pestered me, then when I saw my sister chatting sweetly with some guy near the exit, I didn't like it. And not the fact of communication itself, but the calculating look of the guy.

" ...it wasn't difficult to pass, you just had to listen to the professor. " the girl said, to which the guy "innocently" grinned and modestly shrugged his shoulders.

"That's right, it's just that sometimes it's so boring that I fall asleep at lectures. We've known each other for like a year and I know so little about you, what do you like to do in general? Do you mind taking a walk?"

" Mmm... " it was obvious that the sister was taken by surprise by this question and she didn't even know what to answer. "I... "

"If you're busy, I'll understand. It's just rare to meet a person with whom it's so easy to talk." the guy said.

"Lena, I see you have a conversation here." I approached the couple.

"Oh, you're Anthony, right? " he caught himself and extended his hand in a friendly way... which I accepted, but did not immediately let go and began to squeeze a little harder.

"Yes, I am the brother of this gorgeous girl. " I nodded, not letting go of my hand, and the guy's face began to blush a little. Even though I didn't seem to squeeze much, don't underestimate the physical strength of eight percent Albedo.

"You look kind of sickly, maybe you need to see a doctor?" I politely asked, still letting go of my hand, and he already jumped away from me.

"Y-yes, maybe." he looked down.

"Okay, sis, let's go." I stood behind Lena and led her wheelchair. "Who is this guy?"

"Tony, are you going to drive away all the guys I know from me?" the girl grinned.

"Those who only need your money yes."

"No one else will choose someone like me. Who needs an invalid..." she said with a self-destructive smile. "And so at least I will feel what it's like to be a woman…" (Picture)

"Lena." I stopped and walked around the girl to sit down in front of her face and face her gaze. "You're a beauty, and these leg problems are being treated. Especially when we will have money soon... at least this piece of feces has done something good."

Lena wanted to say something, but I just hugged the girl. I didn't pay attention to the people around us and the sound of the camera clicking.

"People like that guy are gold diggers. What's the point of spoiling your life? You will still find someone who will love you with all his heart and not because of money, but because of who you are." I said seriously, looking into her eyes. "Even if everything turned out that way, purely humanly, I feel sorry for Lex, but as a brother, he was still shit, so I don't feel sorry for him. I am even grateful because I am sure that now our life will become easier and that the chance to cure you has become much greater. You are my only family in this world, and I don't want to see you suffer."

"I'm... sorry." she sniffed and wiped her tears, although there was a beautiful smile on her face. "Let's go home, I feel uncomfortable when people stare at us. " the girl said a little quieter. I nodded to her, and we went to the apartment, Lena was silent the whole way.

"I'm being pathetic, right? What would our parents say? Tony, thank you." the girl smiled without a second thought.

"Eh, I'm your brother, and you're my family, of course, I'll support you. " I answered her already from the kitchen. "Are you going to eat? We have dishes from the same chef."

" Really?!" the girl's joyful exclamation was heard. "Of course, I will! Only there are no drugs there? And then last time… I'm embarrassed to remember that."

"There is nothing there, just pure craftsmanship. And you're talking about that sexy moan of yours?" I said mockingly and pulled out of the Chat Mail the dish that Erina had sent us all. She is a really great cook and is obsessed with it, and she began to experiment more often with new products from other worlds.

"S-shut up!" She shouted indignantly, blushing at the same time.

"Heh, you have nothing to be ashamed of." I put another dish on the table and the girl's eyes immediately shone. Even I found it hard to resist the smell.

After spending time with my sister in the kitchen, we decided to watch a movie in the evening and settled down on the couch... where we fell asleep. So in the morning I woke up and felt overweight. So yes, it was a little awkward when my sister also woke up and noticed that she slept on me all night.

A few days later, all the fuss with the death of Luthor Sr. began to subside, and my sister and I were given to sign all the documents, meaning that she and I become the owners of LexCorp. Moreover, we have equal rights, but I was not particularly worried about this, however, as was Lena herself. Still, it's not the first year we've been living together and trusted each other.

"A week ago we lived in a two-room apartment on the outskirts of the city, and now we are moving to a penthouse on top of the main building of LexCorp. " my sister said as we took the elevator to the upper floors of the building. Due to the appearance of Superman, the entire floor was not affected by the fire, but only the office, so the residential part was in excellent condition.

"Well, sometimes something unexpected happens." I said lightly. My sister and I were alone in the elevator, and Cortana had already taken control of the building. "Only the thought that Lex died here not far from our place of residence does not leave my head."

"And why did you say that? Now I'm going to think about it..." Lena grumbled. " We need to choose another place to live."

"Well, judging by all the documents, we have a lot of places where we can settle. There is a country mansion for example…"

"Yes, but now we are the heads of the company... and I'm scared. I'm a student, what kind of company management?!" obviously because of nerves, the girl spoke out.

" Don't worry, there are two of us, so we'll break through."

"Without Lex, the company's revenues have fallen by four percent and continue to fall ... and it seems to be okay if you don't know that four percent is more than three hundred million dollars." she said softly.

"We'll break through. " I said again... I fully rely on the experience of Stark, who also managed his company.

Although, like him, I now want to focus more on my capabilities and on creating something new and technological, and not on all these pieces of paper. Moreover, magic is also interesting, I have already returned the books of Rias and they were... informative. Metropolis has a LexCorp technology department where scientists have worked on Lex's projects. By the way, you will also need to rename the company… LuthorCorp sounds better at the moment.