
Chapter 1

Its been three weeks since Dave and I broke up. Three weeks I've locked myself in my room turning in pain t, three weeks since I stepped out. It took me I week to realize he's a jerk, another to realize he doesn't deserve me and the last to know how to take my sweet revenge. He's so gonna pay.

"Hey Sharon I've been calling since yesterday. Hope your not mad at me? "My butch of a friend, Heather asked after stealing the dumb as of a boyfriend

"Of course I'm not mad at you who will be mad at their best friend that cheated with her best friends boyfriend "I said forcing out a smile

"I can explain... "I slammed the door not in the mood to watch or act a drama .I calmed myself down with a beer to make me sane as I was mad like a bull. I went out to get some fresh air. I suddenly felt a gaze on me as I entered into a restaurant

Male lead is about to enter the scene

DaoistVVxNK7creators' thoughts