
Spark with Professor and Mafia (Romance)

Loveta school professor is obsessed with her he always gives her special extra classes after school but this extra classes is only for her. But wait now who is this person who blocks her way and kiss her forcefully. No she can't be with two person she will definitely say no to them tomorrow but will they agree. 1 daily chapter.-- ----------------- 100 Powerstones = 1 bonus chapter, 200 Powerstones = 2 bonus chapters, 300 Powerstones = 3 bonus chapters, 400 Powerstones = 4 bonus chapters, 500 Powerstones = 5 bonus chapters, =============================

KissKriya · Fantasía
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23 Chs

Spark With New Professor

Then he looks towards the class "Now let's start with the class but before that those students who are interested in business please raise your hands".

Half of the class raises their hands most of them are only girls.

He was not surprised because he had expected this response from the students "Student on the third row, second desk please stand up and tell me what you know or think about business ?"

Gu Lisha is the student whom Professor Alexander has told to stand and gives the answer.

Gu Lisha is also surprised when she was pointed at because she thought Professor Jungkook has pointed at her because he finds her attractive and had some interest in her she is also dressed up today especially to attract Mr. Alexander because he is the C.E.O of the Smith Empire if she can marry him she will have a luxurious life to live and who doesn't want that life.

And even if she can't marry him she can be his mistress what's the problem with being a mistress of a rich man who can give you luxurious life rather than living with your so-called morals?

And if she can become his mistress she believes she can be his wife also didn't she replace Loveta and snatched her boyfriend and now she is living a wealthy lady life but can Loveta's boyfriend, the owner of a small company can be compared to the C.E.O Smith Empire.

No, she had big dreams and she will definitely achieve them she had thought that she can win Mr. Alexander's heart in a month and can become his girlfriend but she had not thought that Mr. Jungkook will also get attracted to her this fast. She is very proud of herself.

Gu Lisha was immersed in her whole world forgetting that she was standing now to give an answer when she comes back to her senses she found that Mr. Alexander who she had been daydreaming was now looking at her like she was some kind of a joke.

"Student whole class is waiting for your answer, and you are standing in the middle of class and daydreaming are you answering them in your dreams." Alexander mocks her in front of the whole class he knows this girl was best friends with his princess in the past but had betrayed her,

In some way, he was also glad that she had betrayed his princess because she had snatched that low-class boyfriend of his princess which had helped him from hurting his princess.

Because he will never allow his princess to have any man other than him and his brother. But he will also not forgive this lady who had betrayed his princess because she had hurt her and she has to pay the price.

"Sorry, Sir I was distracted in the middle of the class. I think business helps us in earning money and getting rich" Gu Lisha answers she knows what she says was not exactly correct but business helps us in getting rich isn't all the person who is doing business now are rich.

"Student your teacher does their job and teaches you do you think they are also doing business and if they are doing business are they selling the knowledge," Jungkook asked again to embers her this was nothing compared to what they had done to his princess.

"No" Gu Lisha answers she knows her image in front of Mr. Alexander is not good now she had to work hard to achieve her goal.