
Spare Parts: The rise Prince of Crimson.

The world which was torn apart by the war, between humans and Unknowns, It was the period several classified Nations and Kingdom joined an alliance to fight against Alien Metal Lifeform- In short MetLife, but to do so with the limited amount of resource and food, the humanity was distributed into different Alliance. They are divided into Class 1 to Class 8, When war continued to rampage the world, humanity was cornered to the fortified city and states, where the connection between each become thinner and thinner as if all the city were disappearing in the midst of the fog. When this world of his turn out to be a VR simulation and real-world which is filled with the monster and alien species... With a system that helps him master everything, would Adam will be able to become the master General in the reality. A hero of VR can become the hero of reality... Watch my journey, I am Adam, and I will become, the new reaper for this world painted with blood and shit...

Shubham_Gosai_1691 · Ciudad
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22 Chs

Plan and Execution.

"We do not need to climb that volcano, given we can descend on that pass given that mountain had many caves and tunnels which were once used for mines, so there was a way up to that top mountain through the tunnel. Once we can reach there we can use ropes, to descend, and climb after setting those bombs, after all, we cannot expose you to danger at all. Then after we are far away we can use the remote trigger to explode them, but the remote trigger can also be caught or exposed. "

Kidd spoke about his speculation and worry, where Adam nodded, but Kidd left one most important part and that was the remote control. Adam had already planned out after that one too.

Adam closed his eyes and thought about it at that moment where the rest of the team were also thinking of finding possible outcomes and problems they might face, the first problem was the numbers, they had the largest number and they could not sneak in with them.

So Adam asked to use 3 Spider A-90 and use trolly to carry most of them through the different roots, where from the top of the mountain they will be using the sniper to cover for, and 7 people with a greater talent for working together, were assigned to guard them all, Lena was quite confident on their capabilities and Adam asked Elise to go with them in just case.

Elise was a little discontent about it at first, but knew it was quite important, so she nodded with it, after setting that Reinfold and Adam along with 3 Snipers and Kidd along with Lena, will be climbing the mountain through the previous setting and will be the main force to strike them, Lena capability of fighting those MetLife was needed and she was not able to leave the post of guarding Adam, so he was also allowed to go as the main force to strike them.

Elise was arguing against it and that moment Reinfold asked to substitute Elise's place and she was quite okay with it, where Reinfold also has his own reason and one of them was his knowledge about the transport and carry mission was quite high, wherein Combat Elise surpassed him by far. Adam was alright with that way too, and nodded, after all, of them were set up it was time for them to leave.

Adam opened his eyes and the transport team had left five minutes before since they had to take a roundabout method and maintain a distance of a kilometer or two, Kidd was quite confident about that part, as he said he would be able to strike any enemy 4 km away with the Sniper he got from the team.

Given there were 7 snipers provided and Kidd and Adam had two if they, where Lena also got one, while 3 other guys who will be joining them named Mark1, Mark 2, and Mark 3, will be having one each.

Leaving the departing team with only one sniper and which was with Reinfold, who was the sharpest sniper among them, but he was not good enough in front of Marks brothers and Kidd.

All three Mark brothers were from a specific family and had been training for being a sniper from a very young age where they were also trained for controls Mech too. It was the time to set off and they started moving out quietly, All three Marks brothers were also ready to go and Lena asked Burnerd to drive the Last Spider A-90, where Adam was seated in it, in the back seat, and was a responsive unit and tactical unit of the Spider A-90.

Spider A-90 needs at least two people to command and one who handles the and weapon, wild other one is used for tactical analysis and enemy movement tracing.

Adam closed his eyes and slept silently since he had used the perception sensor already on the standby, where at the sign of movement within its range it will respond to him and wake him up, one has to know this protocol is a main automate and he cannot control, plus it takes a quiet toll on the energy, but to stop it for Cadet like him.

He will be in need of special permission and Adam does not have any contact currently, Adam suddenly woke up as he recalls that they also might not have any response to their action currently and he can deactivate that thing, without letting them know about the energy of this little thing is a very important resource for them.

"Bernard, try to install a wave amplifier on the outside, I will deactivate the Perception sensor, given it will be a long battle and we need its energy fuel for a more important decision."

Bernard, who was enjoying riding the A-90, his dream machine suddenly got a heart attack as he looked back at Adam like 'Don't be impossible, you are here on the main team are a limitation and now you are making the situation more dire looks.'

Adam smiled and made an action where like saying, 'Doing it or not, or I will deactivate the sensor without any reconnaissance method at all, to back us up.'

Adam had an inking on the part where he believe that the war, this time will be going to have an important part in their life success and he did not wish to lose it so easily, on the other hand, he did not want to lose any of his comrades, and that is the reason why he wanted to participate at it actively when he opens the GPS and started reckoning the surrounding.

Where Barner had already done his part of creating signal amplifying. Adam looked forward to seeing the effect of the plan they created on the actual battlefield and that is the reason why he looked at the mountain, which was estimated to be the beehive of the enemy.

Adam looked at the GPS intently, after all, it was his idea and he had to do his job properly, even though he knew what kind of problem they might face in the future, finally, they reached the forest entrance and they finally saw a unit, given it was on stealth mode the MetLife was guarding around the area and Adam was not carefree enough to attract their attention.

Adam when was 2 Km away informed them about his presence so, they had been advancing silently without letting the little guy know about their presence at all, Lena was sitting on the branch covered, With green and muddy patch clothing she was able to conceal herself well, where Adam was silently keeping the tab on MetLife reaction, when Marks brother was off the range Lena silently dove at the moment it was below the thing and Adam silent sniper, shot at the same period.

MetLife did not even know when its emergency system was blasted with a snipe and his processor was slashed by Katana without letting him send any SoS to the main base, the number of MetLife under a single command are innumerable, they could not just single one of them and its disappearance, only stand out frequency day and night to check out their location and beyond that.

Every single MetLife was installed with the signal transmitter in the case of emergency, from that moment Adam knew they had 8 hours to carry out all the things needed and escape, only then they won't be caught at all.

The atmosphere of the forest seemed to be humid and as Adam has predicted is due to water streaming inside the volcano and that is the key point of their operation, but the humid temperature of the environment around them, was making them sweat a lot and due to which they were afraid of getting dehydration, seemingly they were in rush to find a fresh line of water to refill their supply, and only then they will be able to move forward toward their destination.

Adam was also concerned about the humidity making them nauseous if there were those animals in the surrounding area, the forest is not highly dangerous because of MetLife but also due to the presence of the powerful beasts.

Then Adam remembered something and made his skin crawl with weird sensation, it was his instinct buzzing off in a wrong manner, Adam gulped down as he opened the team channel "Everyone in alert, this is Adam and captain of the team, I think we had fallen into the trap, right inside the enemy palm and this time our success rate of getting out alive is below 10%" at which everyone on the team channel went silent, given Adam had never joked and with that tone, they were sure that, he had detected something wrong at the current stage.

Adam looked at them as he spoke two words "Live Bio- MetLife news." were another five finally realized what was off and if he was right, death was right in front of them when they looked at the monkey in front of them, it was a normal one, but Adam word, it reveals a grin and Adam broke out in a smile, given he was damn right on the spot.

When Suddenly the monkey opened his mouth to the point it tears opened, a rail gun can be seen coming out of his mouth and started to shower with a blast of the momentum when the Mark 1 'bang' shot and the head of the Monkey was blown apart, where Adam and the rest started to move out at that instant.

The project they had seemed to be lost and right now their current mission should be able to get out of this area.

When Lena jumped over the Spider cabinet and knocked over to call out Barner, who responded quickly and jumped out of it, after all, Lena's skill in handling was not something he can compare and Adam had already projected the necessary system detailed mapping to Lena.

Partition Map: - Which, is usually needed to map out the terrain and other neutral mappings, which is an essential setting to be able to plan out the next moment, where it can also be used to check around the dangers related to volcanic eruption and all, it also has a disadvantage over pinpoint locating out the danger, but one does not need to go over the details to cross over a dangerous zone. Thermal energy out of the Volcano is very radioactive which is due to the presence of magnetism from within the core of the planet, so those areas can be easily dodged by such buy casual setting.

Thermal Indicator: - Usually tell out about the thermal heat generating a resistance, inside the circuit of the system, which when in the long run, can be fatal damage due to the lack of response lap and can cost them life. It is also monitored by the 2nd mate in the behind seat and was Adam's responsibility.