

This is the story of a boy who became the 722th test subject in a camp for the awakened in a post war world where the awakened and gifted were fighting againts monsters. Read along as he learns more about the the dark world that he lives in and becomes the greatest Gift user of his time

Alp0st · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chapter 7


"alright did you choose your weapon?"


"..a sickle huh..thats a..very unique choise id say.."

" i wont judge your skill based on your weapon of choice"


"well then...."

"come at me"


**the kid starts to swing*


*leonard blocks his swings with little to no effort*-

"that swing was predictable"



*the kid quickly gets back up and goes for a high kick but leonard blocks it with his sword and pushes him away*

"thats all you got?"


"did you ever  insert mana into your weapons before?"

"...yes but it wasnt on purpose"

*leonard sighs**

"this wont do.."

"you have around 3 weeks before the entrence ceremony of Or Academy"

"i got a friend of mine who could make you way stronger in under 3 weeks"

"because in the current state that youre in, if you got to that academy they will probably bully you for how weak you are"

"are you sure that this alrig-"

"yea its on me anyways"

"i would teach you if i could but i got my own things to take care of"

"so ill get a maid to call him here so that he can train you but it will take around 2 days"

''i always got your back kid"


"no problem"


*Damien walks in the training grounds with a annoyed look on his face*

"well..if isnt the main familly's only failure.. of a child...Sin..Parveill.."

*Sin looks at Damien**-


chapter 7 end