
Space Odyssey: Origin

Allen races to find out his mysterious past, the artifact and what the future wants with him. An alien invasion takes place on earth, amidst all the chaos Allen must find the artifact and learn more about who he is along the way while battling dangerous foes. His story will lead into space with a legend that will paint the cosmos. Consider my Patreon if you enjoy the story: patreon.com/AuthorJackPage

AuthorJackPage · Ciencia y ficción
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5 Chs


The door opened fast but I'm quicker on the draw. The alien didn't even see it coming. The shot dispatched 1 but leaving 4 more.


The creatures yell a deafening sound. They begin to all rush at the door, full in black metal armor with spikes coming out in weird places.

3 of them are medium sized but the original 1 in the middle is built like a tank. Massive and glowing orange eyes. I can tell he is the leader of the ship.

Joey sees him and yells "What steroids are you on big boy?!" As he opens fire. The aliens put up a shield after 1 more of them falls. 3 remaining and unfortunately, the big boy is one of them.

The Big honcho begins shouting at the lesser ones and they move into formation albeit there only being 2 of them. Metallic shields extend from their arms where the electronic bracelet is, as they hum a strange tune.

[yyyyyyttttt] They hum it over and over.

I motion to Joey and he throws over the bracelet. I put it on quickly hoping for something to work right. I hear a voice suddenly appear in my head after i put it on.

[Syncing with host biology]


[1%.. 58%.. 100%...]

[Sync successful]

[Now fused with host]

[Greetings my most excellent host, you can refer to me as System.]

A laser whizzes past my head, reality dawns quickly. Joey his firing to hold them back but we both know that won't last long.

[Would you like help?] [Y/N]

("YESS OF COURSEE") I practically scream in my head.

[You didn't have to yell.]

Sensitive much?

("yes..."), I think as I also start to think about kicking the system in the face.

The bracelet pulses a strange frequency knocking the other bracelets off of the aliens.

("How the heck did you do that?!") I thought while feeling relieved at the changing situation.

Quickly I shoot 2 shots into each of the alien heads. ("Guess I am quite the marksman") I think while still struggling to piece together what I am exactly doing here. I mean I am shooting aliens when just moments ago I was laying down in a sofa with a beautiful but annoying therapist. Flying cars and walking robots outside and now I am in AN ALIEN SPACESHIP. DAM. This was kind of cool.

"HEY" Joey yells at me, snapping me back to reality as i notice an upset alien commander touching a button on his armor.

The big boy did NOT like what we did. His arm transforms into a huge glowing cannon.

I was almost impressed by the--

("Uh-O..") I dart quickly to the left pushing Joey out of the doorway, I feel a searing hea- [ARGHHHHH] DAM that hurts so bad.

[System detects open injury, advising medical attention]

[Would you like me to heal the affected area?] [Y/N]

("YES") wondering how it even planned to do that. Yet the pain was gone and almost instantly, I felt my skin begin to form back together over the recuperated muscles and regenerated nerves.

("But how?..")

[Do you want the long version or the short version?]

"Later!" I yell out loud on accident as I notice the commander charging the door.

"Joey, are you alr--" I say as Joey looks up smiling, son of a..

He pressed the button on the dead aliens armor that was killed at the door and already aimed the cannon at the charging commander. In just a moment before the Big boy can even react, a gaping hole now shown in his chest. His orange eyes dim out of existence and I hear a heavy thud hit the ground.

We rush inside the command area, noticing a big console in front of us. The console was black fitting the ship and flat across, a circular table with an orange glowing top side. A bunch of alien characters floated above the table as well as many blue dots which I assume were other enemy ships and many yellow colors running around the ground, my comrades. The enemy ships were in many triangular formations. Almost all not moving at all, just raining lasers across the board.

The command area had no windows as strange as it was.

[That is because the ship is controlled mentally, one does not need a camera or window to view the outside, host.]

("System what can I do with this console?") I thought as I wondered about the previous response.

[System accessing console...]

"We need control of the ship, our mission was to sneak aboard and retrieve a ship back to our base in the Atlantic to study." Joey says, while looking at the console with flustered thoughts.

"I think I can access it using the bracelet" I tell Joey, trying to scavenge hope in our current situation.

"Good, I'll contact base in the mean time" Joey says not even thinking to question the bracelet after what he saw before.

[Flight controls accessed, would host like to the System to auto pilot to a set destination?]

I feed the system the coordinates by thought and confirm to begin the flight.

("System is there any other aggressors on board?")

[No more confirmed enemies aboard.]

I sigh a bit of relief..

Joey comes back in, a shocked expression on his face.
