
Chapter 53

It was a busy day at work. Instead of working from home, June had gone to office. The loneliness at her lavish 3bhk us unbearable. She was buried insid her laptop at one corner of the long empty work bay as suddenly a pat on her shoulder brought her in contact with the existing reality.

It was Prashant, her colleague, standing with a cup of coffee and grinning at her as if he had just won a lottery.


June finished her short greeting as she drew her focus back on her laptop screen.

"Hi June, good to see you too." Prashant smiled brightly, keeping the coffee cup on the table noisily.

June looked at the cup subtly, with annoyance written all over her face.

"So, I was thinking, if we can, I mean if you are alright then..."

June looked at sharply.

"I am alright, Prashant. Thanks for the concern."

Prashant was taken a little aback by this unexpected abruptness, specially when he was known as a charmer.

"I didn't mean to offend you June... I was just wondering if we can go out for a coffee or dinner may be!"

June swallowed her irritation and tried to draw a smile on her face.

"My bad. Thanks for asking P. But, sorry, I'll have to pass that."

Prashant pressed his lips and smiled back, a little dissatisfied with this rejection, as he shrugged his shoulders and left.

June took a deep breath and focused back on her screen, trying to eliminate the thoughts that had kept her occupied in the last one month.


So, no contact from him?


Only once, after he reached Paris.

Did you try contacting?

No. Why would I?

Oh come on... June, don't you

wanna tell him how you feel?

No. What if he doesn't reciprocate?

I can't live with that feeling.

June, unless you take a leap, how

would you gauge the depth!

Alright, what's his full name?

Lemme look him up in insta.

He isn't in insta.

What? What kinda person

doesn't have an insta account?

Are you sure he was a human?

Bye, Nidhi!