
Sovereign of the Night

Lucifer, a vampire assassin known as the sovereign of the night, died from the poison inflicted from a failed assassination of the nazi leader Adolf Hitler. Join him as he ventured to a new world...

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11 Chs

A whole new world

Inside a dark cave a child around two years old crawled dragging his body.

Ha... Ha... Ha...

He breaths heavily, only his panting and the dripping sound of water can be heard in this dark cold cave.


Few hours ago, while Lucifer is hunting in the forest with his father and guards when a space rift suddenly appeared and dragged the boy inside.

The last thing he heard was his father shouting for his name.

He was transferred into another space, a dark pitch-black cave. It was so dark that he couldn't even see himself.

Lucifer tried to move his body, but what came to him was pain, yes, unimaginable pain. He couldn't see his body to check his injury in this darkness, but he is sure that his body is severely damaged.


After his death, the souls of Lucifer and his wife entered the cycle of reincarnation.

A bright white light carried the couple's soul to an entrance. Here there are three bridges a white, yellow and red bridge. A man in a judge outfit stood in front of a huge ancient book. One by one the souls moved near the judge, Lucifer looked closely at the soul in front of him. It was his wife Claire's soul, being weakened her soul has no consciousness unlike his.

"I wish you to live a new life without suffering, if in our next life we manage to meet and you haven't met anyone significant I will make you fall in love with me once more." Lucifer made an oath

The judge eyebrows raised as the book showed words written in golden letter showing Lucifer's oath. He mused himself "what a strong soul". Unlike the souls present he is an exemption, he flipped the page to where his name popped.

He browsed through Lucifers life, the judge smiled "interesting, a fallen"

When it was Claire's souls turn, the judge sent her to the white bridge. Lucifer looked at his wife soul with longing eyes. The judge smiled as he looked at his soul.

"Lucifer, your life has been tragic and bloody but you have gained great merits and karmic luck."

When he was reading put his life journey the judge found out that even with bloody hands Lucifer never claimed a single innocent life. This made him look at the soul in a different light. He wanted to test his resolve and character.

"Here are the bridges of reincarnation, to balance all the good and bad things you've done, I give you the privilege to judge yourself."

The judge continued "the white bridge would let you reincarnate in the best possible setting in your next life, while the red is the opposite." then he smiled

Lucifer moved to the red bridge when he is about to step on the bridge the judge spoke.

"Why do you choose the red bridge?" he couldn't understand why he made such a choice. Any other people would make a different choice.

"Since the day I failed to protect my wife and let my descendants suffer, I made an oath to repent until my next life. Even if a thousand years past, my resolve has not wavered a bit. Thank you for giving me a second chance sir." then he move closer to the bridge.

"Hahaha... Interesting, I like you boy" he lifted his hand and a white ball of light merged with his soul.

Lucifer felt surprised as the ball of light merged with his soul. He moved to the bridge and when he reached the edge a strong force pulled him to the other side. His soul is rapidly dragged inside a red portal at the end of the bridge.

The judge smiled, "the portals have its own way to judge your soul based on it's karmic luck, it's a fail-safe feature in case a judge made an error in judgment."

"I hope you like my gift sovereign of the night" then the judge went back to work.


In the elf kingdom of Hestia, the whole kingdom is tense as their Queen is currently in labor. The citizens are kneeling, praying for her safe delivery.

"Please make our Queens delivery successful" this is the picture all over the kingdom.

Inside the castle within the Queens chamber, a beautiful elf lied on a huge bed. Midwives stood around her led by the previous Queen and her mother the prime ministers wife.

"Eve, deep breaths my dear." the kings mother urged

Holding her mothers hand the Queen made deep breaths as she pushed her baby out.

"Ahhghh... Whew, whew..." Eve shouted and wheeze after each push.

"Just a little more honey, the head is almost out." encouraged her mother


Outside the chamber three men stood poised as if they were not worried at all. Looking at their indifferent actions, they looked very cool. Like earths boy band the three men have picturesque features making all women fall in love with them with their looks alone.

"Ahhghh... Whew, whew..."

The elf with long black hair opened his eyes, his body tensed, and cold sweat started falling from his back.

The man is a dark elf the current king of the empire, hearing his wife cried in pain he wanted to rush into the room. He is held back by the elf with dark brown hair and a muscular built.

"Adam, hold your horses, both your mother and mother-in-law are with Eve, they won't let anything happen to her and your child." the man is the old king, his father Arthur.

The other elf with deep blue hair and delicate features, nodded his head as he held Adam's shoulder. He is the prime minister and his father-in-law Krom.

Adam took a deep breath and calmed his nerves.


"Just one more push and it's over honey" Rose, Eve's mother encouraged her daughter.

Eve used all her strength and gave it everything she got in this last push.

"Uwahhh..." she screamed

Everyone held their breaths as they saw the baby is caught by Elizabeth the old queen.

"Shhh..." Elizabeth inhaled deeply

"What is happening mother? Is there something wrong with my child?" Eve weakly asked

The skies above the kingdom grew dark, the sun and the moon overlap with each other. The people looked at the skies and prayed hard.

The three men noticed the sudden change in the skies and hurriedly went to check. They all felt their blood boil, the change only means one thing. There would be a great calamity.


In the elven legends, millions of years ago, when the world is still young a calamity happened when all the worlds in the upper realm came to an alignment, a portal opened connecting all four worlds. Monsters, beasts, and devils came to invade their lands and laid waste to their path. The birth of the first ruler of Elves was born, and an eclipse also happened on his birth. It is said that a birth of a blood elf always comes before a calamity to lead his people to survive a disaster. This event happened several times which proves the authenticity of the legend.

Every blood elf stands above the rest, he has one unique power, devour.


Several strong presence from four other continents of the world saw the eclipse and knew the meaning of this phenomenon. There is a disaster nearing the world.

An old man looked at the skies and spoke "its this time again"

In a certain human kingdom "call the generals! Disaster is near, we need to prepare for war!"

"The world is now at peace, why now of all times?" the king sighed as he held a sleeping girl in his embrace.

All ancient powers and sects have the same reaction as they saw the eclipse.


"There is nothing wrong with your child Eve, but he is born with heavy responsibilities on his shoulder" Rose slowly explained

Elizabeth is in shock when she saw her grandchild, he knew the moment she saw the deep red tear-shaped mark on the child's forehead.

"Madame the prince is not crying" one of the midwives said.

Eve who is still weak after childbirth hurriedly tried to move to check on her child.

Elizabeth and Rose looked at their grandson, there is nothing wrong with him, but his blood-red eyes are wide open looking around as if observing his surroundings.