
Sovereign Conjurer: Ultimate Gacha in a Mix Anime World

Transmigrating into the body of the deceased Futarou Uesugi, being chosen to experience the ultimate gacha experience in a world with a premise similar with Solo Leveling, what's this? There are random anime characters that appear, some with the same back story, and some with completely different ones. But what could they be? Come read and find out *winky face* ... Enjoy, I'm testing out how to write a system Fic since I haven't created one, so sorry if it appears messy. Ps. If I mess something up with the system please let me know so I can fix it

Shadow_D_Monarch3 · Cómic
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62 Chs

Chapter 28

[Third Person's PoV]

Futarou grabbed Chastiefol and Shusui, handing them to Tohru to hold before taking an Iron Spear from the wall.

He twirled the spear around his body, creating strong winds due to the force, before nodding his head.

"We can start now," Futarou informed Tsunade.

"Commence Progression Mode," Tsunade commanded as she moved away from Futarou.

As she did, more goblins started appearing. Futarou disappeared from where he stood and reappeared behind them.

It took a few seconds for the BSR to comprehend what occurred, and when it did, all the illusions acted appropriately. Their entire heads disappeared, as if a cannon had blasted right through them, before disappearing.

'Fast…' Tsunade thought as she followed Futarou's movements.

After the goblins, Kobolds started appearing, taking the form of humanoid wolves wearing armor and carrying weapons.

Futarou grabbed his spear and swung it in a wide sideways arc, creating a large crescent of wind.

Some of the Kobolds ducked while others used their weapons to block, while some ultimately weren't fast enough.

Seeing that, Futarou ran towards every one of them and started impaling his spear through their heads until the next pack of monsters appeared.

After the Kobolds, it was the orcs, then lizardmen, then ogres, then trolls, which was followed by a minotaur.

After plunging the spear right through the minotaur's heart, it disappeared before a black-scaled dragon took its place.

"This will be the last monster for you to defeat," Tsunade announced.

Futarou cocked his arm back with the spear in hand, his back muscles fully visible due to the tight shirt he was wearing.

The dragon took a deep breath as it was about to breathe fire.

Just as Futarou was about to release the spear, Tsunade's eyes widened as she studied the tension on his back and arm.

"WAI–" But she was too late. As Futarou released the spear, it flew like a laser straight through the dragon before hitting the wall behind him, completely destroying it upon impact. But it didn't stop there; it went through five more walls, disrupting other participants from taking the test.

Futarou shrunk when he realized what he did, putting his hands behind his back and looking away before he started to whistle innocently.

Through the five other walls he destroyed, the examinees stared toward Futarou's direction with looks of complete shock.

"Ummm, I don't have to pay for that, do I? 'Cause you see, the way my bank account is set up, I got checking and I got savings but all my money is in my savings…" Futarou looked nervously towards Tsunade, who sighed and started massaging her forehead.

"No, you don't have to pay for it," Tsunade grumbled, while Futarou let out a sigh of relief and looked towards the other participants.

"Sorry," he said as he slightly raised his hand.

Futarou then noticed two of the participants who looked familiar to him and appraised them.

One was a girl with strawberry blonde hair and hazel eyes carrying a rapier.

[Name: Asuna Yuuki] (image)

[Rank: A]

[Ability: Heavenly Grace]

[Info: Daughter of the MTE (MagiTech Enterprise) CEO, one of the three big companies related to magical engineering. Trying to become a hunter to show she doesn't need to be under her father's wing and could take care of herself just fine]

[Name: Heavenly Grace]

[Rank: A]

[Description: Enhances the user's Speed and Agility, allowing them to dodge attacks swiftly and strike with precision, showing the user's gracefulness in combat]

The other girl that caught his attention was a fairly tall young woman with a slender yet curvaceous frame. She had long, straight, black hair reaching her mid-back with short bangs framing her forehead and upturned red eyes. She wore a form-fitting halter-style black dress that showed off her shoulders and chest, while wielding two golden stiletto-type weapons.

[Name: Yor Briar] (image)

[Rank: A]

[Ability: Assassin's Intuition]

[Info: Trying to become a hunter to support her younger brother]

[Name: Assassin's Intuition]

[Rank: B]

[Description: Grants the user an acute sense of awareness, allowing them to anticipate their target's movements and intentions with uncanny accuracy. It enhances perception, reflexes, and strategic thinking. Whether tracking a target through crowded streets or preparing for an ambush, those with Assassin's Intuition possess a lethal edge in any encounter.]

The other three were just regular-looking boys, so he didn't pay much attention to them. Futarou reached out and, with Ruler's Authority, called back the thrown spear.

"Once again, sorry for interrupting," Futarou said, slightly bowing his head. 'It's cool to know they exist in this world, but I can't do anything yet; I don't want to force it.'

"So, next test?" Futarou said awkwardly.

To which Tsunade just sighed while shaking her head before leaving the room. Futarou quickly put the iron spear back before grabbing his weapons from Tohru's hands and following Tsunade…

They passed through a door with a magic staff symbol and reappeared in a room with two crystal balls, one on the table and a larger, floating one a few feet away from it.

"The test is simple. One crystal ball tests how much mana you have and tests your Affinities with magic, and the other one is for you to attack to show your magic damage output," Tsunade said with a clipboard with his form in hand.

'Hmm, I actually don't know my mana Affinities; now I'm curious.' Futarou thought as he placed his hand on the crystal ball and felt something swirl inside of him for a bit.

Amount: 43,900

Affinities: Water, Fire, Air, Earth, Yin, Yang

"WHAT!!" Tsunade exclaimed in utter shock. "Unbelievable… 6 affinities… I've heard of light and darkness, but Yin and Yang are definitely rarer… You are one scary kid, you know that?"

"Is it really that bad?" Futarou asked.

To which Tsunade shook her head. "It's rare for Yin or Yang to appear on someone. It's definitely happened before, but the two are never in the same person. They are either born with a yin or yang affinity, well from what I know anyways. I don't even want to think about what you could achieve in the future thanks to it."

"And the amount of magic you possess… I think that just might be the most normal thing about you," Tsunade remarked.

"That's normal?" Futarou asked, a bit disappointed.

"Oh, it's definitely above average, but compared to what you've shown…" Tsunade left it at that and shook her head.

"Now, throw your strongest spell towards that crystal ball over there," she instructed.

"Are you sure? Because if I do, I'm definitely going to break that crystal ball alongside this room," Futarou asked with a raised brow.


"Just try a strong spell, but try to be careful not to destroy anything," Tsunade said awkwardly.

Futarou closed his eyes and put a hand on his chin, contemplating his options.

'My mana manipulation is at SS+ which means I can basically shape my mana as I wish… then a bit of Mana Attunement… add fire.'

With his eyes still closed, Futarou stretched out his hand to the side slightly as it started to catch on fire. After a few seconds, he reopened his eyes and flung his hand towards the crystal ball. As it flew out of his hands, the fire turned into a bird that flew towards the crystal ball. Upon contact, the bird exploded into a large fiery explosion that consumed the entire crystal ball.



[New skill learnt: Fire Magic (–)]

Futarou looked at his screen in confusion. 'That's weird… it doesn't have a ranking.'

Before Futarou could think about it further, he heard glass shatter, causing him to look up and notice the crystal ball was gone, replaced by black smoke.

"Didn't I just say to try and be careful!!" Tsunade shouted.

"But I was… that wasn't even my strongest spell… I didn't even use a lot of mana. It's not my fault everything here is so cheap it breaks," Futarou retorted.

"You brat! That wall earlier was made with mana-infused steel, one of the world's hardest pieces of metal, and that crystal ball could take up to 100,000 damage output! It's not that they're cheap, you idiot, you're just a monster," Tsunade said with a glare.

"Really? Hehehe," Futarou chuckled, scratching the back of his head with a goofy expression.

While Tsunade just looked at him with a deadpan expression...