
Sovereign Conjurer: Ultimate Gacha in a Mix Anime World

Transmigrating into the body of the deceased Futarou Uesugi, being chosen to experience the ultimate gacha experience in a world with a premise similar with Solo Leveling, what's this? There are random anime characters that appear, some with the same back story, and some with completely different ones. But what could they be? Come read and find out *winky face* ... Enjoy, I'm testing out how to write a system Fic since I haven't created one, so sorry if it appears messy. Ps. If I mess something up with the system please let me know so I can fix it

Shadow_D_Monarch3 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
62 Chs

Chapter 17

[Third Person's PoV] 

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]

Futarou sat on a mountain of bear corpses with hands dripping with blood, except that blood wasn't his own while breathing with slightly heavy breaths. 

"Did you really have to go and collect all the corpses and stack them together?" Puck asked with a deadpan expression

Futarou looked slightly embarrassed as he answered, "I wanted to look cool" 

Puck didn't say anything except sigh and shake his head, while Futarou examined his system.

[Name: Futarou Uesugi]

[Titles: Realmwalker, Spirit Whisperer, Dungeon Conqueror, Monster Slayer]

[Divine Protection: Training Mastery]

[Age: 15]

[Level: 25]

[Exp: 800/63,400]

[Hp: 14,600/14,600]

[Mp: 17,900/17,900]

[Strength: 178]

[Vitality: 146]

[Agility: 136]

[Intelligence: 179]

[Senses: 136]

[SP: 30]

[Gacha Tickets: 4 Bronze]

[Abilities: Hypercognition, Summoning, Sharingan]

[Summoning contracts: Puck, Orion]


[Basic: CQC(E), Ruler's Authority(A), Spirit Fusion(A), Mana Barrier(A), Rasengan(S), Mana Enhancements(F)]

[Intermediate: Piercing Thrust(C), Mana Bullet(C), Mana Manipulation(F), Crescent Slash (D), Swift Stride(C)]

[Advance: Spearmanship(B)]

[Name: CQC (Close Quarters Combat)]

[Rank: E]

[Description: Proficient in executing hand-to-hand combat techniques, including strikes, grapples, and throws. Specializes in close-quarters engagements, leveraging speed and agility to gain the upper hand in confined spaces. Continuously seeks to improve skills through rigorous training and real-world application. Adaptable to various combat scenarios, employing a combination of offensive and defensive maneuvers to overcome adversaries.]

[Intelligence: 179→209] +30 

With the addition of his grimoire Futarou would need all the MP he could get. Futarou looked at his inventory next and saw the 390 C rank mana stone making him grin, 'Now I just have to find a way to sell them and I could make good money' 

After examining everything Futarou jumped down before running towards the boss, after a few minutes Futarou appeared before a large Cave opening surrounded by trees.

Before anything he took the anti-magic mask from his inventory, as he had taken it off for training and equipped it. 

"Hello! Would you like to learn about our lord and savior?" Futarou yelled towards the cave to get the cave owner's attention. 

Futarou turned towards his side perfectly avoiding a slash attack in the shapes of claws that was thrown his way, the ground was ripped apart as the slashes made their way past him before cleanly cutting apart some of the tree. 

"A simple no would have suffice!" Futarou exclaimed back towards the cave. 


A funnel of sharp wind exited from the cave which Futarou maneuvered his around before hearing thunderous footsteps coming his way. 

[Name: Tempest Ursine]

[Rank: B]

[Description: a B rank boss monster that reigns supreme with its mastery over the air element. Towering over its adversaries, this colossal bear commands the winds with unrivaled ferocity. Its roars echo through the skies, summoning gusts that can tear apart even the sturdiest of defenses. With each swipe of its mighty paws, it unleashes whirlwinds of destruction, leaving chaos in its wake.] 

The like monster stood towering over Futarou, it had light green fur with white swirls around it's chest and shoulder with a bulky structure although it didn't stop it from appearing Fast. 

Seeing the beast Futarou smirk as his grimoire started to glow. 

[Buff/Blessing Magic: Greater Strength]

[Buff/Blessing Magic: Haste] 

[Buff/Blessing Magic: Fortification] 

[Buff/Blessing Magic: UP Stamina] 

Futarou then started to slightly glow feeling stronger before dodging out of the way as the Ursine already started attacking but as Lucian started dodging his grimoire soon started turning black, 

[Debuff/Curse Magic: Weakness] (A/N: i shall put what they do at the end of the chapter) 

[Debuff/Curse Magic: Shackled] 

[Debuff/Curse Magic: Frailty] 

Almost immediately the Ursine felt weaker and imaginary chains started wrapping themselves around its paws. 

But before The Tempest Ursine had a chance to do anything Futarou disappeared from where he was standing and punched Ursine right through its chest ripping out its heart in swift motion leaving both the bear and Futarou confused and with a beating heart on his hands. 

The bear coughed up blood before its eyes rolled to the back of its head before falling down backwards off Futarou's fist landing with a thud on the ground. 

[5,500 exp] 

Futarou slowly turned towards Puck and gave him an awkward smile, "I didn't expect it to be this weak after cursing it, and to die just from one hit…" 

"It's not that it was weak you dummy, you just haven't realized how strong you are getting, plus with your new magic of course you're going to get stronger while your opponent got weaker" Puck said shaking his head. 

"I know… but still, since I was having difficulty against the previous Lizardman I wanted to level the playing field I didn't realize I just turned it to my advantage" 




"You're so unbelievable sometimes I swear" Puke muttered face palming, or in his case face paw-ing. 

Futarou just rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment before looking towards the side noticing the portal opening up. 

"I don't need to do anything else, might as well go home…" Futarou muttered, "Puck hold on…" 

Puck landed on his head and held on as Futarou's figure blurred where he was standing and disappeared in the portal. 

He didn't stop running after coming out of the portal but instead continued running as he didn't want to waste his Buffs/Blessings. 

And so with great speed Futarou exited the portal and didn't stop running, he quickly ran the mountain before he continued running home, due to his speed Futarou became undetectable to the human thus he didn't get into trouble with any authorities. 

After half an hour Futarou arrived at the front of his home. And so with a twist of the door knob he entered, 

"I'm home!" Futarou happily yelled. 

Futarou then heard the sound of rapid footsteps before being tackled by two people; one was a grown-ass man, the other was his little sister.

"Onii-chan, you're back!" Raiha exclaimed.

"My son has returned alive!" Isanari exclaimed with the same excitement as Raiha.

"Ewww, old man, don't do that!" Futarou shouted with disgust before hugging Raiha.

Isanari sat in a corner, drawing circles on the ground, moping, "My own son doesn't love me anymore."

Futarou rolled his eyes at his theatrics, "Yeah, yeah, I missed you both as well."

"Kyaaaaaa!" Raiha yelled with excitement, taking everyone by surprise.

She jumped up and picked up Puck from Futarou's head, "He's adorable! Where did you find him? Does he have a name?" She bombarded Futarou with questions.

"Puck, would you like to introduce yourself?" Futarou said with a sigh.

The others were confused before Puck flew out of Raiha's hand and struck a pose, "Yosh, it is I, Puck, a Great Spirit contracted to Futarou. It's a pleasure to meet you all!"

Futarou then heard a voice in his head, ("Master, may I please introduce myself to your family as well?")

("Can you change your form? You're too big and would destroy the place.") Futarou asked telepathically.

("Master… I'm water taking the form of a wolf. Water is very flexible in shaping its structure; just a feat is an easy thing for a being such as I.")

Futarou nodded his head as his family was busy petting and talking to Puck.

"There's one more," Futarou announced before summoning Orion. But instead of the giant intimidating wolf, a small puppy made out of water appeared.

"Kyaaaaaaa!" Raiha once again exclaimed before picking both of them up. "They're so adorable! I'm so jealous of your ability, Onii-chan!"

They all then heard Orion's voice inside their heads as he introduced himself, ("I am Orion, a high-level water spirit under the servitude of Master Futarou. It's nice meeting you all.")

"Woah, for a puppy, he sure has a deep voice," Isanari said in surprise.

"That's not his real form, Dad. He had to shrink himself down to come out. He's normally like 5 meters tall."

"Woah!" Both Raiha and Isanari exclaimed, looking at Orion in surprise.

Futarou just smiled, looking at their reaction, happy to be back home.


A/N: And like I promised here they are,

[Debuff/Curse Magic: Weakness]: Decreases the affected character's physical or magical attack power.

[Debuff/Curse Magic: Shackled]: Restricts the affected character's movement or abilities, making it harder for them to maneuver or use certain skills.

[Debuff/Curse Magic: Frailty]: Reduces the affected character's defenses or resistances, making them more vulnerable to incoming attacks.

If you have any ideas for debuffs/curses and/or Buffs/Blessings, let me know 🙏, who knows I might just use them in the story.