
Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar Palacios Ponte y Blanco

Santa Fe de Bogota.

The whole city is festive as the conquers come back from their conquering.

Even though the Emperor himself did not conquer, the conquers drove the Spaniards out of the heart of South America, entirely eradicating any stronghold the Spaniards had over South America.

The literal complete extermination of the Royalists from South America. The beating was so harsh that the Spaniards sued for peace. In exchange for the safe release of 3000 Spanish Soldiers, the Spanish Kingdom Recognized all the countries that had claimed their own Kingdom and Empire in South America Except Argentina plus some Reales, in other words, complete international humiliation.

Argentina was able to defend itself from the English and the Spanish Alike. Proud people with enough independence to stand by themselves.

Now, they are returning with the General being so famous that he got a kingdom in the South American continent's heart. The Kingdom itself is part and not part of the Colombian Empire. It had different management but was quite indeed the territory of the Empire. At the same time, Peru and Chile were completely other nations from the Colombian Empire. Still, with their head of state being the Emperor of the Colombian Empire, it was a fancy situation for the creation of the Kingdom of Bolivia. Still, in reality, it is just like Peru and Chile.

Due to how famous and influential General Bolivar was, it was in the best interest of the Imperial Family to keep him happy. That is also why the Emperor accepted the request to create a new kingdom under Simon Bolivar being the King of it.

The streets were packed as everyone wanted to see the General. Santa Fe of Bogota has significantly changed under the regency of Felipe. The capital city has unique territorial claims. That is how Felipe acted as a semi-dictator, pushing zoning and civil engineering laws with little to no resistance.

Felipe also pushed the same laws through the imperial senate, and they went through without many complications. That is how compulsory education was passed across the Empire… of course, Venezuela did not comply, at least the main parts of it.

The Aragon Imperial house financed multiple schools across the Empire, especially in Bogota. Felipe used most of his time designing Bogota, Cali, Quito, Medellin and other cities from the beginning of the Empire until Venezuela declared itself independent. He then got brave and brought hell to the army of Venezuela. But for seven years, Felipe has been able to do as much as he wanted.

And even though the Empire is not at the same standards as Vienna or Berlin, they are by far the most independently developed country in South America, which is saying something because it is still a shithole.

Officials were being produced in the Colombian schools and sent everywhere the Aragon Dynasty touched on managing. His ideas of the 21st century were already spreading across the South American continent, all the way to Chile.

The crown prince's influence outside the Empire is the highest in the Kingdom of Peru. There it is where his ideas have been implemented the most aside from the parts of the Empire.

All in all, his impact on the world was relatively small during the early years of the Empire. After all, he understands that even in the 21st century, the strong eat the weak, and the weak can only try to make themselves more powerful.

That is why he has not even touched the field of weapons. After all, he wants that advantage to be enjoyed by the Empire at first and the world second. Things like the match were not so ground-breaking in national power, so he didn't care about making money with it.

He sculpted his body as it was made of marble and made sure the small things that make a nation run smoothly actually happened. So, from making small government move, he has been busy growing, exercising, and eating healthy. Years before the beginning of the civil war, he was trying to make new inventions… or steal them from another timeline.

He was waiting that the insubordination of Venezuela would get solved through politics. Yet, the Region and the Empire developed more hostility and resentment. The nationalism of Venezuela began to appear, and so war was inevitable.

So, when Felipe won the Battle of El Meta against General Paez, he consolidated the Empire's integrity at the cost of thousands of lives. And after becoming a dictator of the Region, he was again rusty with the land management he had created almost seven years ago. For most of the systems he had in mind, he had to remake them from memory. Because the Region rejected the conditions of the Empire of obtaining officials educated in Bogota, it all fell on his shoulders as he waited for the staff to fill the positions needed for the Gran Duchy to run Semi independently.

The General led an army of 80 thousand of men to liberate Hispanic America. They were just too mighty, which is also why the countries obeyed the new constitutions that came with laws made by Felipe by default, making a real empire.

"Your majesty." Bolivar bowed a bit to Emperor Luciano. He has honour and enough standing to demand respect by not ultimately bowing down.

The Emperor just smiled and didn't mind it. After all, he does deserve such a thing. Without him, there would be no empire and no kingdoms. The House of Aragon is another wealthy family in the states and nothing else.

"King Simon." He answered with respect.

Even with such a high title, Emperor is the King of Kings, the man closest to god.

"I apologize for not being here when the rebellion of Venezuela was happening. I was attending to the landing of the Spaniards on the coast of Chile." The General explained as he felt satisfied with the Emperor's attitude.

"My son was able to win against the win over the forces of Paez on his own. So no harm was done, plus the conviction of the force from Venezuela was disintegrated just after a battle, showing that the resistance is only based on a false foundation. After all, only united we have been able to take on the Spaniards."

"Indeed." Bolivar looked absent-minded, as if something was bothering him. Still, he decided not to open his mouth to express it.

Bolivar is a member of the Aristocrat class of Venezuela, so the Bias is quite present. But he understands his position very clearly. He could not say anything about it, at least not publicly or in front of the Emperor to who he had decided to pledge his loyalty to god.

His heart bled for Paez and those who had died in such rebellion. In the original timeline, Simon Bolivar calmed the divisive thoughts of Paez through just words in 1826 after he was re-elected for president, keeping Venezuela in the Gran Colombia for four years more before he perished in 1830 when Venezuela finally left the Gran Colombia.

In this timeline, he has seen the annexation of Peru as an independent state. However, still being under the crown, and after becoming King of Bolivia and Venezuela declared independence, he was wondering if the nation could exist in the same way that Bolivia exists and make himself King of his Home Region/country and Bolivia, or change titles and be just the King of Venezuela. Still, unfortunately for him, the Venezuelan top echelons were republicans, so they didn't champion him as the new state's King. They wanted to be completely independent. He understood that was impossible as not even his newly formed Kingdom was utterly independent of the Empire.

He is also not naive. He has seen what the attitude of the Empire towards Peru was. They meant to annex the Kingdom into part of the Empire, so he would not try to think about it and believe that a considerably united country is more potent than an alliance of multiple countries.

At that time, he could only sigh and make his stay longer, so the moment his army would march on, his natal country would be longer. He didn't want to deal with that.

Then he got the news that the crown prince had slaughtered all the members of the rebellion of Venezuela after an epic battle that saw the death of 23 thousand men where only 36 men, including the crown prince, survived. At that moment, the General understood that the kid who used to debate him in education was meant to rule.

After the defeat of General Paez, more news came about the downfall of a campaign to Bogota, where Colonel Ramirez led a similar-sized army to defeat the second campaign of the Venezuelans. Destroying any militaristic capacity by capturing thousands, other thousands fleeing, and a couple hundred died under the bullets of muskets and artillery cannons.

So yeah, his position is complicated.

Author sick.

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