
Groceries (2)

The day fell, and things went dead quiet. Occasionally the cry of a rooster would sound during the day. Still, only the occasional sound of marching/running soldiers was heard after sunset.

Alicia finally calmed herself down and went right to sleep.

I still don't know what is happening, but the fact that Sergio is taking so long to return home is worrying… I must accept… he might be dead.

I fall and put my hand over my mouth so my cries don't leave. Oh, this is God's punishment, indeed.

"Master." Pamela helps me get up and sit on the nearest chair.

"Pamela, you know what is happening?" She has been looking through the windows all this time. She must know something, at least.

"I don't know, master, but what I know is that there have been a lot of soldiers going through multiple times over the past 6 hours. I am trying to figure out what they are doing. They pass every single house."

We live near the main highway to the plaza. Typically, people will come through here. "They don't say anything?"

"No, Master, they are almost as if they were on patrol or something."

"Um, Thank you, Pamela. You can go sleep. We will do nothing by staying awake."

Hopefully, the rebels were taken care of, and they are just looking for more… this can give some hope for Sergio to be alive; he must be busy finding the rest of the rebels. Yeah, that must be it.

"Yes, master." She goes for the candles instead of the door. It is already night, and I must also sleep, but I don't want to be in the darkness.

"Leave them. I want them on."

"..." She hesitates a bit before finally leaving.


Pah, Pah, Pah.

I get startled by the sudden door slam on the 1st floor.

This can be Sergio!

I get up and run to get the door. God must have heard my prayers.

Pamela also heard the knocks as she was there to open the door and see who it was. She understands and leaves me the opportunity to open the door.

I opened the door quickly to see 2 soldiers, all armed with bayonets, who were not aggressive but were calm.


"This is the residence of Sergio Javier Antionette y Abrigal?" The soldier says the name of my husband. Wait, does this means he isn't with them?

"Yes, yes, what is it? Do you know where my husband is? Please tell me what has happened." They look like soldiers, not rebels. They are all in uniform. They're more on the back. Huh.

"Miss, I am afraid that your husband is dead."

'Eh? Shouldn't he be alive?' I don't understand, my mind is slow at understanding this part, but my body isn't. My tears begin to roll silently over my cheeks.

"The reason for our visit is that we need a place for an important person to stay the night, the barracks are not a place for a person of such stature, and he exclaims he wants a bed. We will take this house as a temporal residence."

"Wait, what? You can't do that! This is my residence."

"Not anymore. Your husband has been trying for high treason for going against his emperor. All his possessions now belong to the Colombian Empire, including Land, slaves and all the monetary possessions."

What? I don't understand, but who were the rebels then? What happened.

"Please make way." They didn't wait and entered my home.

"Wait, wait! You can't do this."

"Miss, you have two options, provide one room for our guest or be removed by us from this domicile." This Domicile? This is my Domicile.

"Who is the person that requires one of my rooms?" Hump? Who does he think he is? The emperor?

"I am my lady." A man's voice was heard, and instantly the two soldiers moved aside and made a path while they were well-formed.

"… And who are you?" His voice is much deep for the age that he looks.

"I am Felipe Antonio Arboleda de Aragon, the crown prince of the Colombian empire, Naturally the next emperor."


"I am sorry for their rudeness. I need a room and can't speak much. This is technically no longer your house, as your husband committed high treason. But I will allow you to remain residence here in exchange for a room."

What is the imperial crown prince doing here? I don't understand. I need an understanding of what happened. Pamela is already kneeling. Of course, she is a slave.

This is a crown prince. I must also kneel, and so I did. "Your majesty. My husband was only worried for the people of this city. I am ashamed he ever participated in such rebellious behaviour."

"I don't care what your husband does. I need a room. Your family will not see harm during my stay. I can assure you that." I must play along. It is just a room. We have a guest room. There is no time to cry or feel sentimental.

"Please follow me. Rooms are on the second floor."


I cried myself to sleep. I woke up to find the Crown Prince shirtless while doing the movement with his arms, thus moving most of his body up and down while lying flat on the floor. His muscles are well-defined like a slave constantly moving heavy things.

I am hypnotized by such a display; I am on the second floor, and he is on the first floor of the inner patio of the house. I can see how his back creates multiple small hills when he gets. I forgot that I was grieving and that I was thirsty.

"Alicia ." My motherly instincts kick in and make me wake up from his hypnoses, and I quickly move to her room. Now that I think about it, where are the guards? I remember some of them staying on guard last night.

"…Alicia ."


She has been inside her room, already dressed and clearly hidden inside the room.

"Who is that man on the first floor!? Where is Dad?" She was worried, but I felt a pain in my chest as she asked where Sergio was.

"… Sweety… Papa… he is with Nonna now."

"…" She is an intelligent girl. By how she instantly started crying, I understand she gets it. What? Am I even thinking she is a baby? She is already fourteen years old.


"Dad, unfortunately, was on the losing side… baby, hear me out," I say as I wipe her tears with my thumbs while my hand is on her cheeks.

"Hear me out, hear me out. You can't cry right now."

She started nodding as she cleaned her tears. What a strong good girl. God, please protect her. I know I was just too late to pray for my husband's life. But please protect Alicia's.

"Yesterday, some people came in, and the person on the first floor is the crown prince of the Colombian Empire."

"What? A prince?" 'Ahhh, you are still naïve.' I can't blame her. I would be the same if I was her age.

"Baby, baby… Dad was part of the people that went against the Empire… It is most likely that there was a war yesterday. During that war… Dad... Sergio probably lost her life." My throat felt as if it was being tied as if my body would not accept my husband's death.

"We are in a very delicate position; one wrong move and we would end up dead or being violated. So, you mustn't do anything to offend the crown prince in any way, shape or form. Do you understand me?"

She nods as she tries to not cry anymore.


We came down after Alicia calmed down. I also needed some time to calm down. Plus, it is pretty early. The sun has not fully appeared yet.

We see the crown prince still shirtless but sitting at the dinner table. He is drinking something. I feel my body and Alicia's jolt at the same time.


"Hello, this must be your daughter, Alicia ." The crown prince said while not smiling much. He is severe but not annoyed.

"Yes," I say, seeing she can even look at him directly.

"Um, it is good you are here. I will be staying in the house for the time being. I will be operating from here, so I would need another room as an office." Why must he stay?

"My… Husband's office, you can use it."

"No! You can't use my dad's office!" Why can't you stay quiet!? I quickly covered her mouth so as not to anger the man that has our lives on his hand.

The crown smiled. "I will use your father's office. But I will fourthly explain what is happening. I must work with all the functions of a government. I will need some time. You either accommodate my stay, or your daughter will go to a convent. You probably will be a dishonourable lady on the streets looking for a place to stay. I will not be a bother, but I expect not to be bothered."

I just nodded and didn't say much. Alicia also did the same.

Drop the stones, comment and review; it makes me want to write more. Prob no chapter tomorrow, this is why there is two today. :3

Well_In_a_Frogcreators' thoughts