
And Mauricio?

"His majesty, the prince is coming here?" Antonio Armando De Luzera said, very preoccupied as he saw the letter from the white house. 

Him being the temporal Ambassador of the Empire to the USA should not be any worry, yet he felt nervous. He was instructed not to be present when arriving at the white house as he was not recognized as the main Ambassador. 

Some of the soldiers of the Prince stayed in the Embassy; they wanted to send letters back home, which they were able to do without much extra charge through the embassies as mail was constantly being curried between the mainland and the Embassy, so one more letter was not much of a bother.

'Well, it makes sense that he wants to visit him… why couldn't he just die already.' Antonio quickly began to worry as he didn't know what to do. He was expecting not to face the Prince; he was waiting for the Prince not to come; plus, he was happy that he 

didn't want to come at first, but all was shattered with the letter from the White House. 

The Prince didn't have any staff members on the trip, so it meant that the letter was written by himself; it was not a joke. The letter was meant to ask the location of the Ambassador and expect him to arrive at 2 pm noon. 

Antonio quickly went to his main desk and took a small bottle with a very dark yellow tint out of the drawer with a small cork as a cap. He gripped the bottle hard as he didn't know what to do. 'It would look too obvious… I should get rid of this first.'

"I have to move him." He quickly put the bottle away before leaving his office to find the guards of the Embassy. "You two, help me move the Ambassador to the nearest clinic. Quickly, now, now now."

"Yes." They quickly went upstairs where the living quarters of the Ambassador lie. He has been sick for a while now. Though, of course, that was not the full story. 

'A pest… a pest.'

He began to wrap his mind around not knowing what to do. 

He quickly realized that a pest was not a good way to show what was happening, especially as it had been quite a while since the letter was sent to the mainland. 

The Prince has the occupation of choosing the ambassadors; the imperial Senate didn't bother much about it, but there was some visible displeasure. So, for a while, Antonio has been an acting ambassador to the USA without any replacement shortly. 

The fact that the Prince led an army and took over the rebellion in Caracas on his own was enough for people to look at him like an actual leader and a threat… not because he would beat them in politics but because they would get murdered in a power high which the Prince enjoyed in his self claimed Dictatorship in the Grand Duchy of Venezuela.

Their hope was the Grand General of the Empire would put an end to the power grab that was happening in the Capital, yet the Grand General just reassured his loyalty to the emperor and the Prince then peacefully split his legions. 

The Grand Duchy then began to funnel huge amounts of gold from the treasury, at least in name, to send normal stuff as food and payment for public officials from the Capital. The Federalists and the Centralists had their own opinion, but the fact that Dictatorship was announced rubbed everyone the wrong way.

The Prince took pleasure in choosing his own Ambassador for the Empire, and the Senate didn't dare to mess with the conqueror of Caracas. There was no really a way to suppress how good it was for Felipe actually to win a war of those proportions. Even if all the Senators lost close people during the makeshift execution in Caracas and they were mostly innocent, the fact was, they were rebels nonetheless. 

The Imperial Crown controlled the papers, not that they sensor other papers, it was that they bought people out of them, and they were the most widespread paper. The demonization of Paez and the Venezuelan uprising was even more exaggerated, especially in the southern kingdoms such as Chile and Bolivia and even in Peru, even though it was still not a kingdom within the Empire.

In other words, it was virtually impossible to get to the crown lightly. Any blow has to be heavy, and thus, even powerful people who would normally not be inclined to do anything against the emperor began to question their allegiances.

The soldiers quickly put the delirious Ambassador into the back of a carriage, and they swiftly transported him to the hospital nearby.

"The ambassador of the Colomhian Empire is here." A nurse said to the Doctor in his office.

"What do they want?"

"A temporal room, they are willing to pay."

"It is their prince?" The Doctor asked as he took the cigar out of his mouth.

"No, it is… I don't know… he looks important for a soldier to bring them here, though."

"Ah, I don't want problems in this clinic, so don't charge them; plus, the Prince is here; who knows what this can create? Yeah, yeah, I don't want problems." The man said quite away as he changed his mind and said, "I will see him out of fee."

"Ah, they told me they don't need a doctor; they have their own and just need the room… Well, they just went and made themselves at home there."

"The audacity. Tch, they think they can do whatever they even not…."

"Sorry, they told me to charge whatever you want for the inconvenience unless it is too much." The nurse quickly calmed him down.

"Ah, so, so I will check him then." The Doctor said, "I will not let a dignitary from another country die in my hospital." The old Doctor quickly said as he got off his cozy lather-bound chair and descended the stairs.

The client was small and a bit far from the hospital near the port. It mostly treated people who came sick from other places or crew from ships; that was how the Doctor made his money. 

"Why would they come here?" The Doctor asked, annoyed as he arrived on the first floor and quickly went to the soldiers in a somewhat ceremonial outfit. 

"I am the head doctor in this hospital and the owner; I am Smith Ben; if I were to keep a patient here, I would want to see his condition." The Doctor said as he went to open the door but was stopped by ever-so-silent guards.

They did not speak English despite literally living in the USA, they had houses in the USA, and they paid taxes in the USA, but they were diplomat in some way; they were at least treated like ones. 

"…" The Doctor sighed and looked at the soldiers in front of him and shook his head. "Empire, Empire, what a grandiose thing to say of a bunch of colonies put together." He stopped and realized what he had just said; after all, the USA at the moment was just that, a republic with a bunch of republics put together. 

"They don't even understand me." He felt annoyed and just went back as he again didn't want to cause trouble. 'The ambassador himself didn't even show up, not even a translator… how did they tell Eleanor what was happening?'

"Say, Eleanor, who else was there? When the soldiers came with the patient?" The Doctor asked curiously. 

"Um, a guy saying he was the acting ambassador… and that he was in charge and the consulate will pay anything not too overpriced… like I told you before." She said politely. 

More questions began to appear in his head as the situation became more of a problem while thinking about it. 


Embassy of The Colombian Empire. 

Felipe knew how fucking pricy land in DC would be in the future, so he began planning to make a fucking mansion in DC, a whole fucking palace, it comes to it. It will give prestige to the country in the further future. 

"What a waste of money." That was the first thing that came to his mind as he saw the many luxuries that they were having. "Ha, I must tell Mauricio not to spend too much on these things. We don't have money to spend… I need money." He cried a bit as he entered the Embassy made out of stone. 

With two floors, it was quite something else. Nonetheless, it was not something compared to the white house or anything, but it was still way out of hand for the situation they were in. 

The number of soldiers in an embassy was not due to the threats they might have but because it was to show off their faces. The soldiers all wore golden colours in the trims and their swords. They were not given weapons, only swords. 

The soldiers were numerous, but not many; there were enough to make a nice entrance at the principal door of the Embassy.

"Your majesty, I am so glad you have blessed us with your presence here today." The temporal Ambassador said in perfect Spanish. 

"You should be Antonio."

"Yes, Your Majesty." He said, keeping his fist on his chest. 'Heeeeee, the imperial Prince is huge! 17 right? Or 16?'

"And Mauricio?"

"Ah, his excellency, the ambassador is currently in a clinic; he has not felt well this whole time."

"Ah yes, I see, he still sick… in which hospital? His sickness has been an annoyance to me, but I don't want to see him dead. I want to see him." Felipe said, a bit worried; after all, Mauricio, the Ambassador he hand-picked on his own, was the main person who was his representative during his business meetings. However, the moment something goes wrong with the matches factory, he will contact Quincy himself, and that is what he has been doing, not caring about things much. 

Nevertheless, he has not been worrying much about Mauricio; he has maintained great relationships in the North, while Quincy has been taking good care of the relationships in the South. 

"We are not sure what his excellency has… but we are afraid it might be able to spread, so we isolated him by a clinic near the port. His excellency is having the best treatment possible and 24-hour security as he should." The current Ambassador quickly opened his mouth again. "Your Majesty, a letter from the United Kingdom, with the seal of the East India Company, has arrived to reach you in Caracas; I have taken the delivery to stop the mailing as you are now here."

Felipe was quite happy about it, "That is good to know; I am still looking to meet with Mauricio; fetch me the letter, and we are going to wherever he is." The reason why Felipe was so happy was because he had not gotten what he wanted from the Americans, but he had gotten what he might probably want from the British. 

'I might not get too happy… though they don't have any reason to say no.' Felipe thought as he was thinking how easy everything would be if all the money flowed and he was no longer being pressured by crippling debt. 'Heh, it will be nice… if it doesn't work, I will mess with all the timelines and just start putting out technology until I can pay my debts.'

1900+ Words uwu. Almost reaching 100k words. Thank you for supporting.

Well_In_a_Frogcreators' thoughts