
"They wouldn't care."

"I am quite saddened that I could not meet his excellency, late Jefferson," Felipe said as they

It has just happened; Felipe was just a bit too late. He couldn't even attend his funeral, though it did not help. It happened right after his death.

And even if he arrived on time, there was nothing to say.

"Ah yes, indeed, a sad thing for this nation." John C. Calhoun said as he was trying to converse with the crown prince; Calhoun is currently the USA's vice president and rather quite powerful enough to influence the Senate.

"He was the one that would answer me the fiercest, having nothing to lose and nothing to gain," Felipe said as he poured himself a drink.

Felipe was reborn in the past! He interacted with many famous people, and through his quill and a publishing conglomerate giant, he spread his opinions and got into the equivalent of Online Beef. However, it was slow, months slow; such a thing has ensured he would actually be put in the halls of history as he would not only publish a response to private letters but their actual letters as well, censoring the personal parts.

In a way, Felipe has underestimated the power he has been able to amass just with his opinion writings and his stories in his own news. His quill has become a sort which would do more than slash but could wave the entire opinion of influential people.

At the beginning of his papers, his stories were the ones that made him quite famous as he would not put as many opinions, but before going to the Americas, Felipe began writing his first opinions, mainly by the amount of power that newspapers got, titled, 'The First Lie Wins.'

It was highly criticized and commented on, though there was no real discord in a tike where opinions take months to get from one side to another.

He then published multiple opinion articles about all the essential and controversial countries, including Haiti.

He would later be coming in specific topics about their laws and stuff; nevertheless, actual news was hard to reach Felipe as they would have to sail the Atlantic and travel across the mountains of the Colombian Empire to reach Bogota, and his response would be the same, it would take time to reach the coast and then months to reach their editorial and imprinting in New York.

He also got an editorial in Washington D.C. though that one was there to send the news to the editorial in New York, and from there, they would make a final product in English and then arrive the editorial in the U.K. and from there, French and Germanic and so on, crossing almost all the countries of Europe that let newspapers exist.

Thanks to his busy times, his stories were very few, and his responses were more in numbers because they had their own history of reaction, almost like a chat conversation; anyone able to read and with the interest of the world would eat it up.

Felipe made sure to distinguish his OPINIONS Aside from actual news. Which was also quite the thing.

Each editorial in each country was responsible for the local news in a non-bias way. Though Felipe has not been able to find other people that would be fit to write opinion pieces, they have experimented with multiple people in France and Austria.

"It is indeed the fallibility and fate that let such things as two great men dying on the same day. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, though I did not have many interactions with the former though he was indeed younger, almost by a decade if I am not wrong." Felipe said as everyone was just listening to him.

"Nonetheless, my interest in this great nation has taught me things I would not know. I conclude that the world might have not yet recognized the greatness of this nation. A sleeping giant that, if disturbed, no one will be able to face. And that is why I hold the people that help build it in great regard."

"For a future close collaboration between out both countries." Adams held his cup high, and so everyone did so. It was rather corny, but Felipe really needed the USA, at least for now, that he wanted to go against the French.

The American policy for the European power was that if they did not interfere with the Americas, they were cool; of course, that was quite lightly enforced. After all, current Cuba, Saint Domingo, Dominican, and many more islands in the Caribbean were under Spanish Domination.

And, of course, their huge neighbour on top being a British Colony still. Nevertheless, it prohibited other European Countries from trying to play their luck in their American Continent.

"Speaking of death… my attackers, have you known something about it?" Felipe asked, as he was not really pressed about it but quite calm. It has been over 4 hours since Felipe arrived at the White House. They were sensitive enough to give him time to decompress; all travel in the 1800s was quite tiring.

"Indeed, the attacker's name was Thomas Smith… he was a gardener that immigrated alone from the U.K. 4 months ago… especially Wales… we could not find anything of meaningful importance in his residency… I am sorry we were not able to find more." The president said very apologetically.

"I do not care much about it... the poor bastard probably had a family back in Wales… I think I should rethink my visit to the U.K.," Felipe chuckled. Everyone laughed on cue. It was a passive competition on who could suck the other side's dick more.

It was a weird thing; after all, The Colombian Empire was highly influenced by the British, even from its inception.

In theory, the Colombians and the Americans should not be in business. Still, in practice, the Colombians not only survived against the Spaniards but also beat down the Spaniards miserably, fully expelling them from South America and even holding them hostages and getting war reparations.

To say that Spain was humiliated was an understatement. Especially after they paid the Colombians for their soldiers back. In other words, they needed no big brother country; they were fully independent of the British. And if the British Were to try and Conquer the Colombian Empire, they would have to spend a lot, as shown by the mind-boggling abilities to wage war on the Empire.

After 1 hour of chattering and humouring, the questions made by people of the high nobility, such as: "If your father is, they continue drinking, and finally, Felipe added to the conversation an important sensitive matter. At this point, the crown prince, the vice president, the president, and a somewhat chief of staff were alone drinking whine, red one.

"Your excellency, do you know the absurd terms the French have put on the Haitians? Paying a debt in exchange for nothing?" Felipe asked with passion for the whine he was sipping.

"Ah… that matte, yeah… I am surprised how well it was kept secret." Adams said as he chuckled, "I guess they must have feared our retaliation. But what surprises us is the willingness of Haiti to maintain such a thing a secret."

"I have a feeling why they did so," Felipe said, shaking his head lightly. He has already sent a courier to send all his opinions and news he wants to New York, which would then be sent to Europe.

In other words, the cat is out of the box, and there is nothing able to stop it, not enough time to arrive in New York and try to stop it. If things go as he intended, he would start the 10th Crusade, and people will be too busy regaining Constantinople and Jerusalem.

Maybe it was wishful thinking, but knowing that Hitler came to power and did so many atrocities, he was hopeful he could touch enough nerves to start a holy war.

"Mr. President, what would be your position if Haiti were to refuse any payment?"


The tone Felipe put in his words made everyone understand the underlying meaning. Felipe was quite the celebrity, yet he didn't know. Everyone was thinking about the battle. Out of thousands, less than 40 men survived, including the crown prince charged with them. Meanwhile, Felipe was already thinking about war with France and how small their navy was.

"Imagine the British ask you for reparations for the land they lost."

They chuckled as it was too absurd; after all, the Americans didn't even pay the parties that helped them in their independence, much less the British.

"Nevertheless, the monarchs of Haiti are close to me. I intend to help them against the French when the time comes… may be a bad idea or not. But this is the pride of the Americas; I can't really see things this absurd happening."

"... War with the French?"


"I don't think it is in the best interest of the USA to meddle with the French." The vice president said, a bit worried.

"It is not in the interest of any party to start a war, yet, such blatant disrespect to a fellow member of the Americas is quite a thing to be mad about," Felipe said right away, cutting him off.

"I understand you, but… the thing is, you should know this, your majesty… a war has two fronts, one at home and one on the front lines. There is a need for people to care… and a country full of negros that killed their masters… a war protecting them would obtain little to no support." The president said a bit apologetically. "They wouldn't care."

Felipe stayed silent before remembering things usually don't go as planned; he has been having success after success, with some minor difficulty but easy nonetheless.

Felipe then slowly quoted Quincy, "Slavery is the great and foul stain upon the North American Union."

"Nevertheless, it is indeed a war between two fronts; in my home front, everyone that opposed me is dead; I guess that is the difference between tyranny and democracy; the ability to wage war on one front."