
Sound of the Rain

Love, loyalty, and destiny: the legend of the White Snake reimagined. In a world ruled by honour and power, where demons and spirits live among humans and immortals, the snake spirit Bai Suzhen has to decide how far she will go to protect her love for the mortal physician, Xuxian--when the relentless monk Fahai is determined to separate them. *dear readers: this is my first ever webnovel and I hope to be able to finish it! do leave a comment or rating to encourage me or give me feedback!

Lanhua · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
232 Chs

Gossip, Tea, and a Basket of Eggs

"Eat up."

Qingqing tossed the last mantou over to Dao Ge. He caught it and glanced at her. "First time you've offered me the last piece."

She shrugged her shoulders and poured more tea for herself. "You're going to meet that dog after all these years. For such a big day, you'd better make sure you've got all the energy you can."

He shook his head. "I still can't believe you found out where he was just like that. Let alone get Xie Bingyun to help you. I'm in your debt, Qing Xiong." he said humbly.

Waving her hand, Qingqing grinned through her mouthful of mantou. "All right. You've told me that enough times, now finish your food and look lively."

Dao Ge put the mantou obediently to his mouth but did not eat it. Qingqing eyed him and choked on her tea. "Are you--are you crying?" she demanded in disbelief.

He brushed roughly at his eyes. "I'm touched, all right? We're not even sworn brothers, but you did this for me. I've been looking for him for years--"

"There, finish your food," Qingqing sighed, jamming the mantou unceremoniously into his mouth. "You're making me uncomfortable."

All the same, she smiled to herself as she finished her tea and got up, stretching.

"So the Xunjiang escort agency will be passing by here anytime these few days, on their way to the capital. All we need to do is lie low and wait for that guy to appear, and nab him at a convenient time--or follow him until we find one. Are you sure you'll recognize his ugly mug?" she demanded.

Dao Ge swallowed the last of the mantou. "He may have changed his name, but he can't have changed so much," he replied grimly.

Qingqing nodded. "That's the spirit. I'm looking forward to his expression when he recognizes you. That reminds me." She swung round to face him. "Have you thought about what you'll say when you see him?"

She jabbed a finger in his face. "Ah, I can't believe this. On such a grand and epic occasion, how can you not have some dramatic and impressive line to deliver? You need to strike fear into his heart, and make him cower like the toad he is. Don't tell me you're just going to stand there and ask him how he is."

Dao Ge looked blank.

With a resigned air, she folded her arms. "Don't worry. This is my expertise. I'll help you out here, and we'll make sure you can deliver your epic line with all the weight possible."

Pacing about, she suddenly whirled round with narrowed eyes, snatching up his saber. "So we meet again," she hissed with an ominous smile. "The gods are just, keeping you alive for my revenge!"

Dao Ge swallowed. Qingqing eyed him hopefully. "What do you think of that? That's pretty impressive, isn't it? Don't you feel intimidated? I've got many more, you can pick whichever one you want. How about this--After all these years, you haven't changed a bit; still a piece of dog shit, only wrapped in a different leaf!"

She flourished the saber menacingly and delivered this line triumphantly in ringing tones, causing the old man at the table next to them to choke on his tea.

Turning red, Dao Ge hurriedly took his saber back. "That's enough, Qing Xiong, I'll just take the first one."

As Qingqing sat down to catch her breath, her keen ears picked up the chatter going on from the table behind them. She glanced over her shoulder stealthily. Two women were gossiping cosily over their tea, one with a basket of eggs at her feet, the other leaning across the table eagerly.

"...the lady must have been some high-born woman, she was very beautiful, and yet I've never seen or heard of her before. They say Mao Gongzi is a recluse, but it turns out he has a woman in his home, and a pregnant one at that! Yet, do you know, she said that Mao Gongzi wasn't the father. What sense does that make, I ask you?"

"So they just called you in to deliver the child for her?"

"Yes, and it was the fastest birth I'd ever seen! She hardly knew what to expect, strange as that is. She bore the pain very well, yet she said she never expected it would be this difficult--can you imagine? It's too hard to be human, she said. Such a quaint soul."

The women tittered, highly amused. "Such a naive one, it must have been her very first child."

"Of course, one shouldn't be asking questions, but I am really dying with curiosity to know what's the relationship between Mao Gongzi and her! He called her, 'Madame Bai'. What kind of relationship is that?"

Her friend shook her head. "Ah, who knows with these highborn folks? They have their secrets. Best we don't pry too much, and land ourselves in trouble."

There was a clatter as Qingqing dropped the saber. Dao Ge stooped to pick it up, surprised at this uncharacteristic clumsiness, and stopped halfway as he saw her expression. Putting two and two together, he leaned forward, seeing her strain her ears to hear more.

Hui Niang sighed and nodded. "You're right, Cang Jie. Well, l had better get on with my work! Are you still going to sell those eggs, or eat them yourself?"

They laughed as they got up and picked up their belongings. Qingqing turned, eyes locked on them with an unusual intensity, and followed them with her gaze as they walked out of the teahouse, chatting.

"You heard something about your friend, didn't you?" Dao Ge said lowly.

She nodded mutely, looking at him with a stricken face. "I don't know. But I think it might be her. It could be. I'm not sure."

In the shock of the moment she did not know how to respond, and sounded dazed.

Dao Ge considered, then put his hand on her knee. "Then what are you waiting for. Hurry up and follow them. Go find out if it's really your friend."

Qingqing shook her head confusedly. "It might not be her after all. And anyway, we're going to find Si GeJian--"

"Si GeJian is my business. You've done alot for me already finding him. I don't want to hold you up from finding your friend. Go on, Qing Xiong. Hurry up or you'll lose them. I'll meet you again at this teahouse afterwards."

He gave her a little push, forcing her to her feet, and gestured urgently at her. "Go on!"

Qingqing hovered undecidedly. Dao Ge blew out a breath of frustration and clapped her on the shoulder. "You know you want to find out what happened to her. Stop hesitating and denying it or you might lose this chance." he said bluntly.

"I'm just worried you can't handle that pig head on your own," she snapped touchily.

He snorted. "You don't think much of my skills, clearly."

She cast him one of her quick, restless glances. "I wanted to give him a beating," she said rebelliously.

"Don't be so greedy. He's my enemy, I'll do all the beating. Are you going or do I have to drag you out?" he demanded.

Qingqing suddenly made up her mind. "All right, don't blame me if you find yourself needing backup," she retorted, pointing a finger at him. "And you'd better use one of the lines I came up with for you!"

Whirling round, she dashed out of the teahouse.

Dao Ge slung his saber back over his shoulder and stroked his moustache with a smile.