
Souls of the Damned

Many aeons ago, in a land filled with riches and abundance, where peace reigned unhindered by anything, lived a kind called A'Khina. The realm was painted with lush greenery, its meadows were filled with blooming colours, and its sun was just warm enough so everything could grow and thrive. Seasons changed, and a new ruler rose, determined to bring change into the realm and show her people that there was so much that they hadn't seen or experienced. She broke the sacred law that had kept her kind safe for such a long time and allowed for the very first entry into their realm to one other kind. One man from a realm filled with abundance brought with him sparkling stones and precious metals, which began to ornate the Queen's Palace and the homes of the A'khina. The man was a merchant, one of the lowest of his guild, and his name was N'gatarkan. Time passed, and the man was allowed entry once every season to bring in his precious stones in exchange for grains and food. He slowly began to earn their trust, and with each visit, he found out more about the realm, and the more found he began coveting the power that made that realm so special. Many seasons passed, and he began planning and scheming an uprise and taking the power that he wanted for himself, and with it, the demise of an entire kind began, and he became the first of his kind. Aeons passed once more, and peace reigned in the realm until one day, the power he had coveted for himself, others wanted it just like he did. And a silent war began between what they called the First One and the powerful entities that desired to wield that power. To save his people and himself, he returned to his roots and bargained his precious life and the power he held in exchange for the safety of his kind, the sithrians. Until one day, when a girl was born unlike any other of her kind, with her white hair and sparkling emerald green eyes that held the promise of change but also led to her kind's demise once more. And thus our story begins.....

Blythe_Wood · Fantasía
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475 Chs

The Prick

In the everlasting darkness that surrounded them, there next to him, sprawled, with her unruly ringlets, laid his untamed little moggie, a beacon of light, leading him on the path of happiness, and bliss. He would protect, and cherish her to the best of his abilities- a vow that he'd made to himself long before Edýia had become his one, and only true love. His gaze drifted down to the peacefully sleeping splendour next to him, scrunching her button nose, at the tickling rogue kink brushing her snoot.

Rom stifled a chuckle, not wanting to disturb, his little moggie, she might scratch him. Content, revelling in the blissful moment, Rom brushed the little kink off her snoot. His mind drifted towards their impending departure, and the fact that it might end not on the best of terms. And just like that, all the bliss that he was basking in, just moments ago dissipated into thin air. And the self-loathing prick returned stomping his talons, broodier than ever before, reproachful, and with an I-told-you-so-look.

Rom fisted his hair in an attempt to ground himself, and hopefully chase the self-loathing prick away. It wasn't good, he had no clue how the Shaddow Lords would react when they would get there. No point in wondering, he already knew the answer. Not well, last they were there, Edýia turned Saho into a pile of bones. Certainly, they won't welcome them with open arms.

Rom sighed, feeling at odds with himself. No matter what, he had to pull through for Edýia. She was the breath of fresh air that he needed, soothing his charred and scorched lungs. When she came into his life, he was able to put all the awful things behind him. With renewed hope for a brighter future, Rom felt the self-loathing prick, dragging his feet back into his dark, little corner, where he liked to usually stay.

Edýia hummed and stretched herself " I'm hungry" she yawned, still half asleep and looked up at him, languidly blinking her beautiful grey-steel eyes.

" Then we should get dressed and go get some food" Rom chuckled and kissed her forehead. Now, that she was awake, the self-loathing prick will most likely stay in his corner, sulking.

" A tad more " Edýia snuggled closer to him, purring, rubbing her face on his bare, chest, trapping him with her nakedness. Moggie was a suitable name for her.

"Just a little bit more" Rom peeled her off him, and pushed himself off the bed, leaning in to kiss her cheek " Then out " he chuckled, as he padded across the floor towards the washing bowl.

Edýia sprawled herself even further on the empty bed, face buried in the pillows, tossing and turning, while he was wiping himself dry. She didn't seem to want to leave the bed.

Rom chuckled, pulled out of the drawers, a fresh change of clothes, and began dressing, with his eyes on her. Edýia opened one eye, still not ready to leave the bed, and then the other, and pushed herself on her elbows letting the covers slip off her full breasts, watching him pull on his jacket, somewhat displeased.

" Out," Rom said as he sauntered to the bed, and pulled the covers off her, revealing her glorious nakedness. Edýia whined, but eventually climbed out of bed, swaying her hips as she made her way to the washing bowl. And now, he wanted to go back to bed. Rom plopped himself on the edge, leaning against the bedpost. And watched Edýia, battle with her unruly hair, glaring at herself in the mirror, frustrated that it wouldn't listen to her. In the end, she waved the flag in surrender and picked up a ribbon, tying it up in a bun.

Amused at the scene unfolding before his eyes, Rom pushed himself off the bed, wanting to help. He was partly responsible for the disarray.

" I can do a braid. I used to do it for Maya when she was little, but it's pretty much all I can do," Rom offered as he appeared in the mirror behind her, picking at the coils sticking out of the bun plopped on top of her head, amused.

Edýia sighed, resigned, and nodded " Braid it is," she said as Rom pulled on the ribbon letting her ringlets fall back on her shoulders.

" Do you want to sit down?" Rom asked, staring at her through the mirror.

Edýia shook her head" I'll stand if it doesn't take long" she replied as she pulled on a kink that stuck out more than the others.

As Rom deftly untangled her ringlets, solely focused on her hair. Edýia took her time to admire the endless care he took with each lock of hair. No matter what he thought of himself, she was firmly convinced that Rom was a good man, who did his best with what he'd been given.

" All done" Rom sobered her up, proud of his handy work - a lovely loose braid, with stray locks, that framed her face.

" Thank you" Edýia turned around to face him and kissed his cheek, her lips lingered a tad longer than he'd expected, and he wasn't sure if they would make it to the kitchen before lunch.