
Soulmate for you

A world were no one was willing to stay by my side suddenly a boy appeared in my dark life and fill it with colors. Boy:Hi! I'm Lucien Nice to meet you. You're an otaku If I'm not wrong, let's be friends. A friend which stayed by my side whenever I need him and a lover whom everyone would dream about. Can life be this beautiful? Lucien: Why are so shy it was just a kiss, I won't do anything without your permission but you can't stop me from kissing you ,Since you're my only remedy baby girl. But will my past let me stay with my love? Jack:Lias I want to apologize for the things I've done please forgive me and give me another chance. But who would have thought the past will be this disgusting that it will make you feel ashamed and make you lose your dignity. Jack: Lucien my bro! she has slept with me many times, break up with her she doesn't deserve you. What will she do ? And how many twists her life will take? Stay Tuned to learn more about the story.

Jasmin07 · Adolescente
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15 Chs

Chapter 15: Soulmate for You

Last Chapter

(The moment he step out the room he knew how she must he feeling right now but it was necessary to push her a little bit so that her real self can come out and become the one she used to be)

Lisa: It can't be …

(She was stunned and felt like she can't even move an inch)

(Jack came closer to her and whispered)

Jack: No one wants a slut in their life do they?... Besides what type of man is he… somebody said your lover is like this and he believed that person.

He must have found someone else. Or maybe he already had one. He just wanted to get rid off you. Such a Playboy…

(He then paused and looked at her eyes)

Jack: Or is he good at bed?

(Say that he start laughing like a lunatic)

(Lisa went out to chase after Lucien, but at the moment Maria called her)

Lisa: Maria are you alright?

Maria: Actually I called you cause… I need to tell you something. I'm fine don't worry I know Jack is blackmailing you.

Jack send his boys to my house but somehow Mr Lee's friend came on time and saved me. Now I'm fine.

(She sighed, What a relief)

Lisa: Does he know everything?

(At the moment Lisa was relieved to hear her friend is fine and now all was left to do… one thing)

(Jack thought she might have left but he saw her entering the lab and then closing the doors)

(Secretary Kim who was monitoring the whole conversation called Lucien and told him to head back immediately)

Jack: Why are you closing the doors? Don't tell me you want to do everything here?

(Saying with a lusty tone he moved in her direction)

Lisa: Come to think of it, I've a unfinished business with you. Since today I have a great opportunity I shouldn't miss it. I really Hate debts.

(With that she bring out a metal rode from behind her back and hold it, in her right hand)

(Seeing that Jack felt a shiver in his spin and started to move backward)

(He still remember the way she beats, she doesn't care how badly the other party is getting injured, she won't Calm down until someone stops her,)

Jack: Lisa, think twice, I can kill your friend.

(He take out his phone and in order to call his friends for help, but Lisa snatched it and smashed it into the wall)

Lisa: You have made my life a hell for past 2 years I've been suffering thanks to you and now when it's your time you're actually threatening me. Consider your position first then bark at me.

(Saying that she started to beat him, Lisa was back to her original self and wasn't even paying attention where she was hitting him , Jack was screaming for help but no one was there)

(Lucien was on the stairs when he heard his screams)

Lucien: Oh my God! Lisa…

(He rushed but the door was locked, he can see from the door window, she throw the rode and was kicking him on his stomach and after that she lift him up and slapped him one after another)

Lucien: Lisa… Lisa… Girl Clam down.

(He called her but she didn't pay attention)

(He used the spare key and opened it)

(He immediately rushed towards her and grab her from the back)

Lucien: That's enough… come with me. We are going home.

Lisa: leave me, I'm gonna beat the shit of that jerk.

(Jack was really in bad condition, Lucien was still unable to believe, that Lisa did all of this)

(He carried her in his arms and went to parking area)

Lucien: Lisa, stay here or else you'll be in big trouble.

(He gently put her on the front seat and was going to call Kim to handle the situation)

Lisa: No… let me go, let me teach that Playboy a lesson.

(It was getting hard for him to handle her, so he put the hand behind the back of her neck and kissed her, he put pressure on her lips and the moment she opened her mouth he put his tongue into her mouth)

(Few seconds later, he pull the lips apart and looked at her)

Lucien: Stay here okay.

(He looked serious at that time so act like an obedient kid and calm down)

(And then he went to a distance and called Kim)

Secretary Kim: Don't worry I'm on my way. Both of you can leave now.

(After the call, he sit on the driving seat and move towards the house)

(After reaching home, he said nothing and locked himself at his room)

(He then called Kim)

Lucien: What happened Kim?

Kim; Nothing. I just handed over the evidence to police and they are doing their work. Don't worry no one will know about this. I've cleared the name of Lisa. And Anderson wasn't able to say anything,cause he also knows his son is at the fault here.

Lucien: Finally things are back to normal and About Sara.

Kim: Nothing much just told her to change the college or Lisa might best her too.

Lucien: Now I've to plan a honeymoon and done.

(He was relieved to hear that Lisa's name won't be involved anywhere)

Lucien: What about Maria?

Kim: Don't worry she is a smart kid she wouldn't say anything.

And you can't plan a wedding, at least let her complete her college. Aren't you too eager to everything?

(Lucien pout and look at his phone)

Lucien: Fine, fine, I'll wait and also I need to talk with uncle as well.

Kim: Let's go out and have some fun. What do you say?

(Kim was excited)

Lucien:Okay! I'll call Haru as well.

Kim: But you should know I don't like him that much.

(Kim gets irritated the way Haru always stay close to Lucien in parties)

Lucien: Yeah,Yeah, I get it … now quit complaining and Let's go.

(After hanging his call he went downstairs and talked with Lisa's Father)

Lucien: Uncle I'm going to get married with your daughter after she complete her college… Is it Okay?

(He looked at him nervously)

Lisa Father: Are you sure? Think about it? Can you handle her?

Lucien: Don't worry I can handle her perfectly!

(He smiled at him and then Lisa Father hugged him)

Lucien: I'm going out with friends and please don't tell anything about this to Lisa.

Lisa Father: Is everything alright?

Lucien: Yes Uncle Don't worry, it's nothing.

Lisa Father: Okay, have fun!

(At the dinner time Lisa came out from her room, but she didn't notice him anywhere)

Lisa: Where could he be? Is he still upset!

Lisa Father: Lisa… when Lucien came back, ask him about dinner okay. I'm going to my room. Good Night.

(He then paused and walk towards her)

He is not a bad person you can trust him and he really loves you, so Cherish him well, you little dumb girl.

(He hugged her and stroke her head and left)

(After that Lisa smiled and finished the chorus and cleaned the kitchen)

(Around 10 pm he came back home and directly went to his room)

Lisa: Oh God! What should I do?

(She walked nervously)

Lisa: Well let's give him dinner first then I'll talk to him.

(She put the food in some plates and put them in a tray and head to his room)

(She was going to knock but the door was already opened)

Lisa: I have brought the dinner.

(She said while looking for him and put the tray on the table)

(Just then the bathroom door opened and he came out rubbing his hairs with a towel)

(She turned away and speak)

Lisa: Dinner … I've… brought you dinner.

Can't this man wear his shirt!

(She thought)

Lucien: Leave Lisa… besides I'm going to leave tomorrow so don't bother me right now I need to do my packing.

Lisa: Package for what?

(She was shocked and looked at him)

Lucien: Your challenge is gonna over tomorrow ,yeah I've lost … I'm gonna leave tomorrow, and would never come back here.

(Her heart ached and she hugged him tightly, she can bear anything but can't live without him)

(Tears started to pour out from her eyes and wet his chest)

Lisa: You can't leave me.

Lucien: Baby Girl the challenge will be over and I've lost… as promised I've to leave. I can't even call you baby girl anymore.

(He free himself and opened his wardrobe and looked for the bag)

(She was getting pissed the way he was acting so she went near to him, turn his direction to herself, stand on her tip toes and kissed him)

Lisa: Of course I love you and that's why you can't leave me now.

(With the teary eyes she finally said it)

Lisa: And about that earlier he was talking bad about you so I lost control and beat him.

(She looked at him thinking maybe he will scold him)

Lucien: Good Job.

(He pat her)

Lisa: Wait, Aren't you going to scold me?

(He went towards the table and start doing dinner and she was coming after him)

Lucien: Should I?

(He looked at her asking" Give me a reason and I'll scold you")

Lucien: I know everything I dig out his past and found out, back then he threatened you, that's why you become his girlfriend but you fought well… and protected yourself. I really appreciate that.

Plus I was going to do the same with that jerk. He deserves this.

Lisa: Okay.

(She made a O shaped with her lips and looked at him)

Lucien: Here,

(He moved the frok close to her lips)

Lisa: But I've already done my dinner.

Lucien: Yeah I know the way you eat your food. Eat this or else l have to use a different method, and you won't like that…

Lisa: You…

(She pout and opened her mouth)

(Both of them finished their dinner and he stand up and wear his shirt)

Lucien: Let's go and have something sweet, I'm craving sweets.

(He hold her hand and move toward the kitchen)

(They finished washing the dishes and he gave her some ice cream)

(He hand her ice cream, which she start eating)

(When she was taking her last bite while enjoying the flavour Suddenly she felt some soft touch on her lips and opened her eyes, he was leaning on her and his lips were on hers)

(He moved back and speak)

Lucien: There were some on your lips, I was helping you. Besides I told ya, I was craving sweets.

(Saying that he grab her from the waist and pull her closer to himself and went for a deep kiss but this time it was soft)

(Then he carry her in her arms and move towards his room)

Lisa: Why are you taking me there?

Lucien: Didn't I tell you before the moment you'll confess, I won't hold back.

(She looked into his eyes which were filled with love and passion, she avert her gaze immediately cause it was hard for her to look at him)

(He put her on his bed and hugged her)

Lucien: Thank you Lisa for coming into my world and being the source of my life.

The moment you touched my heart with your hand, it started beating crazyly. At that time I realized I'm a human who has emotions too. I had a dull and bitch black life but you filled it with colors. I had no idea people like me could fall in love too. You taught me love and I'm deeply in love with you. I won't ask for your permission tonight.

(She was listening every word of him carefully and was wondering how lucky she is but last line made her blush and she hide her face in his chest)

(He turned off the lights and after that she felt his indescribable love whole night, she felt kissed marked on her whole body, as the night was passing his love was getting stronger for her, and with him she felt she is the most beautiful woman of the world)

(At that night both of their souls became one and they became each others Soulmates)

The End.

Thank You Everyone, for supporting this novel. Everyone has a different approach to write and mine is this. It's my first time Writing a novel and posting it like this. It took a look of courage for me to post a novel. I was going to write a hold ending but I would have ruin the novel so I choose a sweet ending it suits the novel.

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