
Re-appearance Of The Star Bear

"What do you say? Are you a beast or a human?", Leo asked.

Yun murmured, "Human…"

"Then do you have a home to return to?", Leo asked.

Yun nodded her head a bit, just answering his question. She was not a fan of returning home even now because there were no attachments.

All she felt was like a caged bird. It doesn't matter how grand the cage is. Either it may be made up of silver, gold, or diamond - it just didn't matter to her.

In the end, she felt like a bird with chopped wings inside a cage where even if she pretended to be happy, she could never find real happiness.

Leo could relate to what she was thinking.

In his past life, he too was sheltered for about twelve years and wasn't allowed outside. He recalled the moments when it would snow and all the children would run around, playing with the snow - either making a snowman or playing a snowball fight.

He realized that Yun had a similar gaze.

He said, "I can promise you one thing as long as you return to your home."