
Soul Stone of Euphoria

Magnolia Shepherd, a fifteen year old girl attending Willow Peak Academy the world’s most prodigious school that offers curriculum both for mages and knights. Magnolia excels at spell casting but uses her gifts for menial tasks that could very well lead to her being expelled from Willow Peak. Can this clumsy yet gifted young girl become one of the seven knights that protect Euphoria’s ancient soul stone?

Aoi_Reid · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Chapter One

The mage of Willow Peak, Magnolia Shepherd was late yet again to her class. The dark haired girl clutched on to her books that contained spells ranging from simple elemental spells to more complicated spells like levitation as she scrabbled to make it to first period.

"If I run I think I can still make it before second bell."

As she ran up the marble staircase that lead to a hallway. Amongst the hallway there were large doors one of which belonged to her first period class, Gear Enchanment I. When she entered the classroom, the first thing she noticed was the empty seat next to the dark skinned, Nefarious Gavagan.

Nefarious gazed at Magnolia with his ruby colored eyes and smiled as soon as she entered the classroom. He was glad she was here, it made class so much more enjoyable since he was often avoided by the other students due to his intimating appreance which never seemed to effect Magnolia.

"Heyy...." Magnolia whispered to a girl with tan skin and thin framed glasses. Her name was Athena Micheals. She was that type of girl that never settled for anything less then first place especially when it came to education. Magnolia and Athena became friends the start of this year. The two friends sat beside each other ever since.

"Yah, Mag? Athena replied back as she pulled out her notebook that was specifically for taking notes for the Gear Enchanment class I.

"You, um.. know where..." Magnolia fidgeted with her hands before spitting out the rest of her sentence. "Adonis is?" She asked staring obsessively at the empty seat beside Nefarious whom she sat behind. Adonis Eshan was the heir to the kingdom of Euphoria in which the best academy known throughout the world resides.

"If I knew where Adonis was, don't you know you'd be the first one I'd tell." Athena quickly whispered back trying to prevent her and Magnolia from getting in trouble for talking during class.

"Nefarious.." Magnolia whispered to the white haired fifteen year old. Magnolia thought that perhaps Nefarious knew were Adonis was since Nefarious and the Prince were best friends. Nefarious seemed to be listening to the instructor instead of paying attention to the distraction that lurked behind him.

Magnolia leaned a crossed her desk and whispered his name once again hoping that would get his attention. "Nefarious." Magnolia whispered into his ear before toppling over into Adonis's seat.

"Magnolia!!" Nefarious yelled before turning his head and blushing. Magnolia did an accidental swan dive into the seat in front of her; leading her to expose her pink and white striped underwear to most of her classmates. The class exploded with laughter the only ones not laughing where Nefarious, Athena, Magnolia, and of course the class instructor, Mr. Kalyn Nepulifer. A man in his early thirties who didn't care about his appearance, it was evident by his scruffy brown hair, unshaven face, and baggy attire. It was too bad that he didn't maintain his appearance since he was the half-brother of Hadassah the Giant, one of the seven knights elected to protect the king. Surely he would be popular with the women of Euphoria but he had no interest in affairs of the heart.

"Ouch." Magnolia whined as she climbed out from underneath the desk. She fixed her Willow Peak uniform and apologized for disrupting the class.

"Thank you for apologizing Miss Shepherd. However, if you wanted to sit by Mr. Gavagan so bad, all you had to do was ask." Mr. Nepulifer said unintentionally embarrassing Nefarious who to the shock of the other students had more then two facial expressions. The two being 'I don't what to be here' and 'I hate you'.

"Magnolia, ladies do not expose theirselves like that. And if your planning on doing that again I think your in the wrong profession." The snarky blonde, Citrus Avlingarfhie laughed. Her minion, Syren Tills laughed along with her.

Magnolia knew flashing the whole class was stupid and it wasn't like she meant to do it. She just wanted to know how Adonis was doing. Magnolia just brushed off the insult from the class's mean girl because she wasn't worth any extra time in Magnolia's eyes.

Mr. Nepulifer ordered both girls to pipe down. Citrus wanted to rant on how she's the daughter of Euphoria's neighboring kingdom but by orders of King Gaines Von Eshan, royalty held no power in Willow Peak. So, even if Citrus threatened to get Mr. Nepulifer fired it would only backfire. Citrus just sat at her desk clenching her fist cursing Magnolia's very existence.

Magnolia soon found herself doodling Adonis instead of taking notes while Mr. Nepulifer lectured about the differences of enchanting a pair of boots with an endurance spell rather than a stamina spell. "Endurance spells are for certain attacks. For example: if I were to fight someone the specialized in fire attacks then I would cast a fire endurance spell on my armor so it can sustain the damage. However, I could use a stamina spell instead which deflects a certain level of magical power depending on the strength of the user and the material of the armor."

Athena raised her hand and as soon as she was called on she asked: "Could you use both an endurance and a stamina spell?"

Mr. Nepulifer replied with "That's a good question. It's not recommended due to the fact that they both do similar things. Merlin, Xu, Wen, Dracus, and Aaliyah all use stamina spells while Hadassah and Belen prefer endurance spells."

Athena raised her hand once again. "Is that because Hadassah is part of the giant race and when he's using magical energy to become human size, he can't use a stamina spell to it's full potential but he can use a size endurance spell to keep himself from turning into a giant to prevent damage to towns?"

"Correct, Ms. Micheals." Mr. Nepulifer replied. He aspected nothingless from his best student and the daughter of Avalon the blacksmith, who's armory has personally created armor for the seven knights.

A student in the back of the class raised her hand. "Ummmm..... Mr. Nepulifer, I don't understand why Belen uses an endurance spell."

"He uses a wing endurance spell which only flying creatures can be enchanted with." Mr. Nepulifer looked at the time and noticed that it was almost time for Ragis to ring the large church bell above the school which signals the students to move to the next class. "Remember class next week we're going to training camp for a week and yes, you can bring your familiars." The class burst in excitement. Not everyone could get a familiar or had one but bringing a familiar to school was sort of like bring an animal to school if it could talk and had magical abilities.

Throughout the rest of the day Magnolia's lovesick heart couldn't help but to jump to conclusions about her honey-blonde Prince Charming. His absents for the past week had caused her to grow more and more worried.. 'Maybe he was suspended? Or worse what if a neighboring kingdom kidnapped him?' She tried to dismiss her naive thoughts. She was looking forward to spending the following week with Adonis amongst the wildernesss.

   After school one of the teachers asked her to take Adonis's makeup work to him since she created a spell that could connect two places with a doorway all she needed was to know what her end point looked liked and she could create the doorway. Magnolia practiced what she was going to say as she created the doorway to the Eshan country estate which was closer to the academy then the castle.

    "Don't make a fool of yourself just hand someone the papers and tell them it's Adonis's makeup work. It's so simple even you can to it." Magnolia kept chanting quietly to herself.

She knocked silently hoping nobody would answer the door.

"Magnolia, remember you've been here before." Torrent chimed. Torrent looked like a cross between a coyote and a grey wolf. She was also Magnolia's familar who often protected Adonis for Magnolia when she was in school.

"But the last time I was here I was invisible and.... Ado.... nis was in the the bath!"

Torrent glared at Magnolia. "I told you that you shouldn't use a invisibility spell to get your personal spell book back. You could've of just asked him for it back."

"If I did that, I wouldn't have that image burned into my brain." Magnolia replied not regretting anything that happen that day even if she didn't get her spell book back. When she knocked on the doors again, she was flooded with so much embarrassment that she forgot what she was gonna say.

'She's hopeless' was the wolf's last thoughts before hiding behind a bush. Normally familiar's don't hide but Adonis would probably make a connection that the red wolf that broke his window a month ago was Magnolia's familiar. Torrent remembered how embarrassing that day was breaking a window then rolling over to get tummy rubs from Adonis so Magnolia could sneak out.

Magnolia opened one of the doors and entered seeing a teen that looked similar to Adonis walking down the right set of stairs in a seemingly empty house.

   He was about the same height as Adonis . He had pale skin paired with honey-blonde that was combed back and pale grey eyes contrary to Adonis's bed head and golden eyes. He wore a light gray long-sleeved shirt underneath a gray vest, dark gray dress trousers, and black boots. On his right middle finger, he wore a golden ring a symbol of the Eshan royal family. Paring this with the sword strapped around his waist he looked as if he was a prince from a fairytale. But who exactly was he?