
Soul Land: Living for along time

This is novel is also a mtl novel. *************** Chengying: "Why chasing me? I gave you the urgent syrup!" Little Scorpion: "Heavenly dream! Don't run! I must eat you!" Chengying: "A fool won't run! What is this special? Time!" This is the story of a stranger who has lived for a long time and is a funny teacher Douluo. Chengying: Who should start first? Is it Dugu Bo or Xueye the Great? Wow! When I was a child, the snake woman was so cute! What? Tang San's mother is about to be killed, fast ice emperor! Bring my Armstrong whirlpool to accelerate the jet Armstrong cannon! I will teach Wuhundian to be a man! What is the biggest advantage of being a soul beast? Of course I've seen you a long time ago!

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80 Chs


Cheng Ying retorted the Bingdi's suggestion sternly: "As soul beasts, how can we violate our conscience and harm our compatriots! Even if I starve to death, I jump off the boat! I will never encroach on my compatriots because of my appetite!"

      Hearing this, the ice emperor felt wronged, and said in his heart that it was not a 100,000-year soul beast, what was the relationship between the sea soul beast and the soul beast on land.

      Seeing Bingdi pouting his mouth, a pair of index fingers clicked on his chest, like a child who made a mistake, Cheng Ying's expression became stiff, and after a long while he organized a language and said:

      "Ahem, but Natural selection, survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest among species is the supreme principle of heaven and earth. As a soul beast, we must obey this principle. We hunt sea soul beasts not for appetite, but to maintain the ecology Balance, do our duty as a predator in the biosphere!"

      "So we can taste the taste of the sea soul beast! I know Xiaoying is the best!" The

      Bingdi, who just had a grieved expression on his face, can get a bit of it. Jumped into Cheng Ying's arms, pointed out the window, and screamed: "Target! Squid! Go!"


      Upstairs on the ship, Cheng Ying set up a blackboard with several food chains drawn on it, facing the bottom The four little guys explained: "Plants photosynthesize, absorb carbon dioxide and water, and synthesize organic matter. They are producers, while herbivores and carnivores are consumers.

      Producers and consumers form the food chain, their bodies After being decomposed by bacteria and fungi, the decomposers turn them into nourishment for the producers. Numerous food chains form a food web and eventually link into a biosphere, which can be said to affect the whole body.

      Therefore, overkilling wolves on the grassland will not be beneficial to the sheep, but Over-breeding of sheep leads to grassland degradation. Therefore, we can know that every creature has its role and obligation in the biosphere. Once it disappears, it will lead to catastrophic consequences.

      Therefore, our proper hunting of sea spirits is not to destroy the ecology. Balance, but to fulfill our obligations in the biosphere." Cheng Ying gave a serious explanation.

      Among the following four, Chao Tianxiang took notes seriously. By the way, she also chose to apprentice. Cheng Ying reluctantly sent the Phantom away. Now the best gun in her hand is the Aurora...

      Humph! What's so good about the Phantom, not only the slow rate of fire, but also nine charges! I don't like being a teacher at all! Damn it! My heart hurts!

      Tang Chen and Dugubo both twitched their mouths, and said to their hearts: Teacher, you just want to eat a sea soul beast, do you find so many reasons for yourself? Saying so much is not because of gluttonous body!

      Only Meng Shu looked dumbfounded: "Isn't it just eating soul beasts? Is there any problem? Why is the teacher looking for reasons like how big a thing is?"

      Tang Chen heard the words, touched his chin, and said that Meng Shu was really the most surprised Yes, I haven't discovered that the teacher is not a human, but he said: "This question, you will understand it later."

      Compared with Chengying, who is still thinking about giving lectures to his disciples, Shao Shang, who has been cleaned up, has a dead face. A mother-like expression followed Chengying behind, Chengying didn't kill him, but asked him to follow him as a servant, responsible for serving tea and water.

      Originally, Shao Shang was relieved, and his life was saved. Following this very powerful adult, he must be more promising than being a pirate leader, but as soon as he brought the tea to Chengying, he heard him talk to him. The deputy took the chart and said that he was going to the territory of the deep sea big octopus.

      With a bang, he hit the teacup...


      Here Cheng Yinggang After dismissing some of the disciples, Shao Shang ran over to persuade him, "My lord! You have to think twice! That is a deep-sea big octopus. A tentacles are more than 30 meters long. Even yours The battleship is huge, and it's not wise to fight it in the sea!"

      Shao Shang had seen the big octopus in the deep sea with his own eyes. If he hadn't abandoned a dozen of his younger brother's ships and threw them to the big octopus for destruction, he would never come back. This is why he has never left the sea.

      Now Chengying went straight to the territory of the deep-sea big octopus. If it weren't for the fear of being killed by Chengying, he would definitely point to Chengying's nose and tell him that to provoke the deep-sea big octopus with a single boat would be a dead end!

      However, Chengying didn't think so. Even if he lost, he didn't panic. Anyway, there was an ice emperor who would succumb to the bottom of the game. The machine would succumb to the sea, and the octopus of a hundred thousand years would also be frozen. String heavy artillery will teach it to make fish.

      It's a bit inaccurate to say that it is a mollusk. Octopus is a mollusk, but it is a close relative with conch... In fact, this thing first had a shell, and later with the evolution, a layer of foreskin grew on the outside to enclose the shell. The shell is gone, and it becomes what we thought was a bone when we ate squid...

      "It's just an octopus. It scares you. Isn't your martial soul and him close relatives?" Chengying came to the warehouse and prepared to find a piece. A large enough iron plate will definitely be available in a while.

      "I really didn't joking with you. Let's retreat before entering his territory now! Otherwise, it will be too late! He will drag all the ships entering the territory into the sea, even if your big ship is much larger than him. , But it can control the waves, no matter how big the boat is!" Shao Shang was crying anxiously.

      Neither the chief officer nor Cheng Ying could listen to him at all, and it was too late when he saw the big octopus!

      Cheng Ying glanced at the nautical clock on the ship, then looked at the sun and the compass, then shook his head and said, "Even if you say that, it is too late. We have entered its territory."

      This nautical clock can travel five minutes a day, but it is adjusted a little every day, so it can be used barely to calculate the longitude. This is what it means to watch the sun just now.

      In daily life, we can use clocks to determine the north and south. The hour hand is aligned with the sun. The bisector of the hour hand and twelve o'clock is the south, but not at sea. Because the time zone has changed, the north and south measured by this method are not accurate. But it can use this inaccurate angle of deviation between north and south and the compass to determine the longitude.

      This is also the reason why sailing requires precise clocks. Chengying's two-meter-high clock is definitely not accurate. He used it to determine a rough position.

      Shao Shang, a pirate leader, could not understand Chengying's operation of this wave of immortals. Their sailing was entirely based on experience, and the experience filled in with human lives, for Chengying's method of determining the location, naturally he was skeptical, thinking it was just a prevarication by the shadow. His words.

      I was anxious, so I wanted to persuade him again, but before he could speak, there was a surging wave on the sea, and the sound was like a low roar. Not long after, a soldier came: "Captain! Five kilometers away, a giant octopus was found. , Is it allowed to fire?"

      Cheng Ying was overjoyed when he heard the words, and blurted out: "Second Battalion Commander! Your fucking Italian cannon!       Pull it up for Lao Tzu!"