
Soul Land: Living for along time

This is novel is also a mtl novel. *************** Chengying: "Why chasing me? I gave you the urgent syrup!" Little Scorpion: "Heavenly dream! Don't run! I must eat you!" Chengying: "A fool won't run! What is this special? Time!" This is the story of a stranger who has lived for a long time and is a funny teacher Douluo. Chengying: Who should start first? Is it Dugu Bo or Xueye the Great? Wow! When I was a child, the snake woman was so cute! What? Tang San's mother is about to be killed, fast ice emperor! Bring my Armstrong whirlpool to accelerate the jet Armstrong cannon! I will teach Wuhundian to be a man! What is the biggest advantage of being a soul beast? Of course I've seen you a long time ago!

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80 Chs


It's really not an exaggeration to say that Douluo's material science is black technology. The influence of soul power on matter almost collapses Chengying's worldview. It is not obvious in this aspect of man-made things. Only a few top blacksmiths can beat it. Alloy steel higher strength weapon.

      But it is quite exaggerated to put it on the soul beast. Chengying has auctioned off some of the hair of the one hundred thousand year old soul beast, and the hair is as thick as the hair, and it can easily bear 4666 kg, which is 2333 kg!

      Cheng Ying took ordinary scissors and cut them continuously. Instead, they made a gap in the scissors. You can imagine how strong this thing is.

      After discovering this, Chengying's first thought was Ice Emperor... and then found that this was a hairless one, and then looked at himself, there was no, theoretically he should be able to spin silk, but even if he changed back to the form of a worm, still Failed to master this skill...

      After discovering that the hair of the Hundred Thousand Years Soul Beast was so powerful, Cheng Ying had a very promising idea, that is, to catch all the long-haired Hundred Thousand Years Soul Beasts and shave them. The hair is shaved when it grows. It is estimated that it only takes a few hundred years to accumulate these hairs, and these hairs can be connected together to form a strong rope with a length of 36,000 kilometers.

      Then he can launch a geostationary orbiting satellite and build a space elevator on the equator with a rope whose strength goes against the sky! At that time, the cost of the sky will be reduced, and he will build a fleet international in the sky of

      Douluo ... This idea almost makes him [biquge www.sbiquge.vip] excited, it's a space elevator! He might be able to tinker with the black technology that was not available in the previous life!

      It's a pity that this is just thinking about it, it is really going to imprison a group of 100,000-year soul beasts for a hundred years, Cheng Ying thought about it, let's wait for Tang Chen's 99th level! At that time, it might be possible to rely on the chaotic cloak hammer method to deter the entire Star Dou Great Forest from offering hair every year...

      Chengying really felt that this request was not excessive, and the 100,000-year soul beast was not afraid of cold, so he shaved his hair after he shaved.

      For the time being, leaving the group of building ghosts aside, Chengying was also preparing to give Dugu Bo a spirit ring while the house was smashed, so it was always bad to get stuck at level 40.


      "Hunt the soul beast? No! I found out yesterday that soul power can act as a catalyst in the explosive reaction. If this research is successful, it can greatly increase the explosive power of explosives." Dugu Bo took off his goggles. Down, stuck on his forehead seriously.

      "This is the seventh time you have turned down. Every time you ask you to attach a spirit ring, you say that you have a project. I tell you that there is no head for scientific research. You will always be stuck at level 40. , Is it possible that you still have to catch the soul beast for you personally for the teacher?" Chengying rubbed his forehead.

      "Tomorrow! Tomorrow I can finish the experiment at hand." Dugu Bo pointed to a pile of explosives on the table.

      "Tomorrow and tomorrow, as a teacher, you know more about procrastination than you do. Just today, Xiaobing, come and catch Xiaobo with me to the Star Dou Forest. Don't forget to call Xiaochen too!" Ying couldn't help but lifted Dugu Bo's nape and pulled it out. He was sure that this guy would have an experiment tomorrow.

      "Ah! I finally don't have to stay at home! Hurry up! Tang Chen put your hammer away and went to Star Dou!" Bingdi became excited when she heard Cheng Ying's greetings. How could she be a soul beast, living in the city? After all, it's still a bit awkward, of course it's exciting to be able to go to the soul beast forest.

      "Oh! Here comes!" Tang Chen put away the hammer and removed an iron rod that had just been forged from the forging table. As long as the drilling was completed with a hydraulic drill, this would be a qualified iron pipe.

      Forging is considered to be Tang Chen's secondary profession, in this respect