
Soul Land: Living for along time

This is novel is also a mtl novel. *************** Chengying: "Why chasing me? I gave you the urgent syrup!" Little Scorpion: "Heavenly dream! Don't run! I must eat you!" Chengying: "A fool won't run! What is this special? Time!" This is the story of a stranger who has lived for a long time and is a funny teacher Douluo. Chengying: Who should start first? Is it Dugu Bo or Xueye the Great? Wow! When I was a child, the snake woman was so cute! What? Tang San's mother is about to be killed, fast ice emperor! Bring my Armstrong whirlpool to accelerate the jet Armstrong cannon! I will teach Wuhundian to be a man! What is the biggest advantage of being a soul beast? Of course I've seen you a long time ago!

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Cheng Ying never expected that the chaotic cloak hammer method came from this way, saying that in the original work, Tang Chen had never studied physics, how did he comprehend the chaotic cloak hammer method.

      Chengying speculated that Tang Chen should have had this idea a long time ago, and what he taught him only detonated his inspiration and made him enter a state of epiphany.

      Cheng Ying actually wanted to see how powerful Tang Chen's chaotic cloak hammering method was this time, it was only because Tang Chen had just finished his epiphany and his body was still a little weak.


      week later...The

      recovered Tang Chen carried the Clear Sky Hammer and stood in the backyard of Chengying's house, facing the Ice Emperor.

      "Mother, be careful!" Tang Chen waved the Clear Sky Hammer, drew a perfect arc, and smashed it towards the Ice Emperor.

      For this kind of attack, the Bingdi just raised his hand, with the body like a little Lolita, the bursting power is not proportional to the size.

      The first hammer hit the ice emperor's little hand, but couldn't shake it at all, and even the ground under the ice emperor's feet was intact.

      Tang Chen also knew that his master's strength was so strong that there was no pressure to crush Title Douluo with one hand, so he didn't have the intention to keep his hand. The rebounding hammer was accelerated by him in the opposite direction.

      The second hit was in the palm of the Ice Emperor, still unable to shake the slightest, but the Ice Emperor clearly felt that the power of this hammer was much greater than the previous one.

      Then came the third hammer, the fourth hammer... the

      more he continued, the more shocked Tang Chen was at the strength of the ice emperor. The attack of that hammer was heavier than one, and the ice emperor could not move half a step at all, and the ground was just The strong wind brought by the hammer blew out a little dust, without the slightest meaning of sinking.

      "Interesting, it's really getting stronger and stronger!" When Bingdi finally received the thirty-sixth hammer, she was finally a little interested, because she could no longer guarantee that when she caught the hammer, her palm would not shake. For a four-ringed spirit master, it was almost unthinkable.

      And Cheng Ying, who was watching from the side, also gradually saw some doorways. In the original book, the chaotic cloak hammer method did not have a corresponding body method. It was not until Tang San was fighting Qian Renxue that he combined with the ghost fan. The dance of chaotic cloak.

      But at this time, Tang Chen's chaotic cloak hammering method obviously had a matching body method. Cheng Ying noticed that every time, Tang Chen's Clear Sky Hammer actually did not draw a standard circle, but an eccentricity. Circle, when approaching the ice emperor, the radius of the circle will suddenly shrink, because this can make the hammer speed faster.

      From the thirty-sixth hammer, Tang Chen's steps became more obvious, because every time he attacked, his hammer would draw a larger circle. By the thirty-sixth hammer, this circle was no longer solely The arm can be drawn, and the movement of the foot must be coordinated.

      Chengying mentally calculated it and knew that this was to increase the radius of the circular motion and reduce the centripetal force provided by the arm to achieve the goal of making the hammer faster.

      He speculated that Tang Chen in the original work probably knew it but didn't know why. He just wanted to borrow the power of a hammer without considering why he could borrow it, so he didn't expect to develop a matching body technique.

      And now Tang Chen, not only knows what is happening, but also knows why. In addition, in the original work, it is impossible for him to have such a long and suitable time to realize the epiphany, which eventually led to the chaotic cloak hammer method he has now realized. It is more perfect than in the original book.

      At the forty-eighth hammer, a few cracks appeared on the ground under the feet of the Ice Emperor, and her palm was obviously beaten backwards to recover a little before she completely removed her strength.

      And Tang Chen holding the Clear Sky Hammer, holding the hammer at a speed that is difficult to see with the naked eye, ran out an arc in the yard.