
Soul Land: Grasping The Sky

To put it short, a guy Reincarnated in Douluo Dalu in the Era of Tang San, with a few perks. The updates will be random as I am also busy and this is just a hobby. The story is also slow pace. It's a harem probably 3, 4 or 5 that's it. I am not chinese if somebody ask and this is not a translation I am just using A.I to improve the grammar. Also don't put too much hope on this fic. I mostly finished Soul Land 1, I barely read Soul Land 2 it feels like it was just trying to gain sympathy points so I stop, Soul land 3 barely read a couple of chapters of manwa it's too depressing when I spoiled it's ending, Soul Land 4 feels too complicated, Then there is Soul land 5 where it felt like the story just started again, when I first saw it I thought it was a fanfiction. That's probably all. I don't own anything besides my oc's and some other things.

Ayries_Jesea · Cómic
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56 Chs

Chapter 17

Cai Wen mused, his brow furrowing in deep thought, "Now that I think about it the only reason Tang San's group managed a victory, or even stood a chance against the Spirit Hall, is due to his successful gathering of most of the continent's forces. He amassed enough Title Douluos to match the numbers within the Spirit Hall.

Without the aid of the Asura God, who sought favors from the two gods inherited by Oscar and Ning Rongrong to revive Tang San, the Spirit Hall would already have claimed victory." A chill of fear ran down Cai Wen's spine as he pondered this, his gaze drifting towards the sky, half-expecting to find a divine observer scrutinizing him.

He shook his head, pushing aside his unfounded anxieties. They were beyond his influence anyway. Resolute, he decided to focus on what he could control and give his best efforts.

As Cai Wen journeyed through the academy, he observed clusters of students absorbed in various pursuits. Some were honing their spirit abilities in training grounds, while others were deeply engrossed in their studies. The atmosphere was charged with discipline, dedication, and determination.

"Junior Brother, let's head to the Dean's office to find out your assigned class," Hu Liena suggested.

They proceeded to the Dean's office, located in the heart of the academy. It was an impressive space, tastefully designed and grandly decorated.

Upon entering, Cai Wen was astonished to find a familiar face. Guo Qiang was seated behind a large mahogany desk, deeply engrossed in a thick book. Though it had only been a week since their last encounter, it felt like an eternity.

Guo Qiang looked up, greeting them with the warmth of a grandfather. "It's been a while, Xiao Wen," he said warmly, "and hello also, Miss Nana."

Hu Liena greeted him enthusiastically, "Good morning, Dean Guo."

"Good morning, Dean Guo," Cai Wen echoed, a hint of helplessness in his tone, "although it's only been a week." He too felt like a significant amount of time had passed due to the intense events of the past week.

"Hahaha, well, don't just stand there, come over here. Do you fancy some snacks?" Guo Qiang offered, gesturing for them to sit opposite him.

They engaged in lively conversation, with Hu Liena leading most of the discussion, while Cai Wen contributed occasionally. Eventually, they broached the subject of their visit.

"Oh, regarding your classes, Xiao Wen, let me check," Guo Qiang said, rummaging through the pile of documents on his desk. "Ah, here it is. Your classroom is A-1, the elite class. Not surprising, given your talent. Your classes start early in the morning and run until midday."

"Has Miss Nana informed you about the grade levels and graduation requirements here at Spirit Hall Academy?" Guo Qiang inquired.

Cai Wen shook his head, his expression blank. Hu Liena chimed in, her voice sheepish. "I'm afraid I slipped up. I only managed to explain the facilities around here."

"Alright, let me enlighten you then," Guo Qiang replied with a nod. "We have several levels of classes here, each corresponding to a certain age group and level of skill. Novice Level caters mostly to ages 6-10, Apprentice Level to ages 11-15, Disciple Level to ages 16-18, Master Level to ages 19-21, and finally, True Master Level to ages 22-25." Guo Qiang paused, taking a deep breath before he continued.

"But don't get confused," he added, a twinkle in his eye, "the ages I've mentioned aren't strict requirements for each grade. If you possess enough knowledge, exhibit a high spirit rank, and pass a certain test, you can skip classes. Take Miss Hu Liena here for example, who is already at the Disciple level." He pointed at Hu Liena, who was looking rather smug, a teasing glint in her eyes as she awaited Cai Wen's impressed reaction.

"Your amazing, big sister Hu Liena," Cai Wen complimented not shying away from praising her.

"Aw, it's nothing, really," Hu Liena responded, a warm smile playing on her lips. "With your intelligence and inherent talent, I have no doubt you'll skip levels too."

"Thank you," Cai Wen said, his heart fluttering at her vote of confidence.

"Oho, is the most beautiful girl in our school finally softening?" Guo Qiang teased, unable to resist the playful jab.

"Dean Guo!" Hu Liena exclaimed, feigning annoyance before she turned her attention away from him, causing both Cai Wen and Guo Qiang to burst into laughter.

"Anyway," Guo Qiang continued, regaining his composure, "the requirements for graduation are either reaching the rank of Spirit King or passing a lengthy, difficult test. If neither is achieved by the time you turn 25, you'll be asked to leave the Academy."

"A test? I thought the academy focuses on the spirit rank?" Cai Wen asked, confusion knitting his brow. He had heard differently at the orphanage.

"That used to be the norm, until the new Pope assumed her position four years ago," Guo explained. His voice took on a note of respect and admiration as he continued, "She argued that having only pure brute strength as a graduation prerequisite was foolish. So, she implemented changes. Now, apart from the usual batch of powerful spirit masters, we also have a significant number of scholars and theorists in the Spirit Hall."

Cai Wen was momentarily stunned. For some inexplicable reason, something felt amiss. His eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly regained his composure, a flicker of confusion still lingering in his gaze.

'The changes must be a result of Bibi Dong's fixation on Yu Xiaogang. I really need to find a way to break that obsession - it could become a serious problem later on. More importantly, four years ago? If she assumed her position then, it means I should be two years older than Tang San. That gives me a significant head start.' Cai Wen ruminated on these thoughts, his mind racing ahead. He shook his head gently, deciding it would be better to plan further once he was alone in his room.

After a few more discussions, Guo Qiang provided them with specific directions to Cai Wen's classroom.

They bid him farewell, to which he responded by waving them off. "Do visit this old man from time to time. I'll prepare snacks for you," he said, his voice filled with warmth and laughter.

"We will," Cai Wen assured him, genuinely appreciating the good-natured old man, though he wondered if their status played a part in his affable demeanor.

Hu Liena, who was more familiar with the layout of the Spirit Hall Academy, guided him towards his classroom. After a brisk walk and navigating through a few turns, they finally arrived at the door.

"Now that we're here, I'll be taking my leave. If you encounter any problems, just drop my name and nobody will give you any trouble," Hu Liena said cheerfully before starting to walk away.

"Goodbye, Sister Nana. Thanks for your help," Cai Wen called out, opting to use her nickname as he found uttering her full name to be quite tedious.

Hu Liena was momentarily taken aback by his use of her nickname. A moment later, she responded with a warm smile and a casual wave before she left, leaving Cai Wen alone.

He stared at the large door in front of him, before finally opening it.