
Soul Land 2: Body Sect

A soul was brought to the Douluo Continent by the planet's consciousness to free itself from Tang San. Du Qianjue: "You, Tang San, want to make the Douluo Continent your backyard? Dream on!" If you want to read the chapters in advance and support me, here is my Patreon. patreon.com/cortez10

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116 Chs

Chapter 99: Wang Xian'er (Part 1)

Chapter 99: Wang Xian'er (Part 1)

Xuan Zi left dejectedly. Although he didn't want to approach Mu En, he had no choice in the matter. If Du Busi said he would go to Shrek, he definitely would. As for whether Mu En would give up the Dragon Pill? Well, that didn't need much thought. As long as Mu En didn't want Shrek to wage war against the Body Sect, with countless casualties, he would surely hand it over. The Dragon Pill wasn't really to save Xuan Zi's life—honestly, Xuan Zi wasn't worth the price of a Dragon Pill. The pill was meant to quell anger. Regardless of whether Xuan Zi was worth a Dragon Pill, he had still made a move against Du Qianjue, and this matter needed to be settled no matter what.

Xuan Zi was acutely aware of this, so he had no choice but to reluctantly head back to Shrek to find Mu En.

Above in the sky, Du Busi leisurely flew along with Du Qianjue. He took Xuan Zi's severed right hand, vibrated his soul power, and the flesh on the arm instantly turned to ash, leaving behind a translucent, pale yellow soul bone.

"Wow, lucky us, it's even a hundred-thousand-year one," Du Busi remarked, raising an eyebrow.

"This just shows what great luck the great-uncle has!" Du Qianjue laughed in response, pulling out a robe from his storage soul device to drape over himself. His clothes had been tattered in the recent battle, and now that they were returning to Star Luo City, he certainly couldn't return in such a state.

Du Busi looked down at Du Qianjue's pale face and rubbed his head somewhat speechlessly, "You really didn't have to do that. Why go through all that trouble yourself when your great-uncle could have simply knocked him senseless with a couple of punches?"

"But really, had you not taken action, I wouldn't have realized just how capable you are. It seems you are indeed ready to take over the grand responsibilities of the Body Sect's sect master."

"Everyone has to grow up. I also wanted to see my own limits, and it seems I did not disappoint," shrugged Du Qianjue.

"But let's forget about taking over as the sect master for now. I'm still at a stage where my strength is rapidly increasing. Managing sect affairs would only slow down my training. We'll just have to trouble Uncle Jin Peng a bit longer."

Jin Peng: Are you guys even human?!

"Hmm, that's true. Let Jin Peng toil for a few more years then," Du Busi nodded in agreement.

Jin Peng's tears could fill a river.

"Are you still going to participate in the competition after this?" Du Busi asked after a careful sensing of Du Qianjue's body. Fighting with Xuan Zi like that was bound to have consequences. Xuan Zi might be underwhelming for a Level 98 Super Douluo, but he was still twenty-one levels above Du Qianjue, a mere Level 77 Soul Saint.

Du Qianjue closed his eyes to assess himself, then opened them and nodded at Du Busi, "No big issue. Though my meridians and internal organs took a bit of a shock, with the life-restoring gold, these are minor injuries. I'll recover in a couple of days."

"The aftermath isn't much; the body's impact is a bit severe, I'll be weak for a while. But facing those of my age in the Soul Master tournament, I won't even need a second move. It won't affect me much."

"As long as you have a plan," Du Busi suddenly accelerated, turning both into a streak of dark green light, instantly arriving at the rooftop of the Star Emperor Hotel.

"You head back on your own; call me if you need anything."

Du Busi vanished from the spot. He trusted Du Qianjue, who wasn't one to recklessly push his limits. If it truly came to the impossible, Du Qianjue would have his own plans.

Du Busi didn't intend to interfere much. He saw his role as a protector for Du Qianjue; he would safeguard him but not meddle in his decisions or choices.

Du Qianjue stood on the rooftop, stretched out his body, and his bones made a series of cracking sounds, immediately relaxing him. Today's battle was far more interesting than thrashing rookies in the Soul Fighting Arena, truly satisfying his craving for combat.

Now, however, he planned to return to his room to cultivate. Not only to meditate and restore his soul power but also to actively guide the life force of the life-restoring gold to heal his body and simultaneously absorb some power from the Ice Emperor to strengthen himself.

A spirited battle brought benefits, digesting the gains from the fight and stepping into a new level of power. In the future, Du Qianjue would use his powers more proficiently in battle, unleashing even greater strength.

As Du Qianjue meditated, Du Busi arrived at a quiet courtyard. Inside, an elegant old lady methodically brewed tea. Despite her wrinkled face, her every move spoke of past grace.

"Old friend, why not come directly over?" the old lady asked, placing two cups down and gently laughing. Oddly, though her appearance was aged, her voice was as crisp and pleasant as a young woman's.

Du Busi appeared quietly, sitting naturally across from her, lifted the cup, and took a delicate sip.

"It's been a while," he said, setting down the cup with a light sigh.

"Yes, it has been a while," the old lady responded, eyeing the youthfully restored Du Busi with a hint of amusement. Her body emitted a green glow, and slowly, wings unfurled behind her.

With each pair of wings that appeared, she looked younger, until twelve pairs were displayed, and she appeared as young as Du Busi.

If Du Qianjue were to judge her appearance, he would place her on the same level as Bichi—equally affable, full of life, and exquisitely gentle.

If one were to overlook their distinct features, she and Bichi could be mistaken for sisters.

A worshipper of the Star Luo Empire, a Level 95 healing-type Super Douluo, her spirit was the Healing Angel, the Medical Fairy Douluo, Wang Xian'er.

"I didn't expect you to have reached this stage," Wang Xian'er remarked somewhat wistfully.

Du Busi, Du Bidu, Mu En, Long Xiaoyao, Ye Xi Shui, Wang Xian'er—they were all contemporaries, the elite of their age, naturally well-acquainted.

There were no superfluous emotional dramas; Du Busi truly had no women in his heart, and he and Wang Xian'er were just old friends.

"It was just good luck, a fluke breakthrough," Du Busi shook his head.

He knew well that his breakthrough was all due to the opportunity provided by the Ice-Fire Yin-Yang Eyes. Without Du Qianjue telling him the location of the Ice-Fire Yin-Yang Eyes, without the Biling Poison Formation and the Qi Luo Dan and Snow Swan's Kiss herbs, he could never have made it.

"I wish I had that kind of luck," Wang Xian'er obviously didn't believe Du Busi's modesty, smiling as she did.

"Let's not talk about that. I came here because I need your help with something," Du Busi set down his teacup, looking directly at Wang Xian'er.

"Oh? You need my help with something..." Wang Xian'er blinked, "But you know I only heal."

"Yes, I need your help with healing my great-grandson."